I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1395 Fusion of the Universe's Prediction

Chapter 1395 Fusion of the Universe's Prediction

However, the people of Asgard are a little afraid of the existence of the dimension battlefield because of their particularity, but the apprentices of Huang Wen's incarnation have no fear at all, and they even want to go to the dimension battlefield impatiently.

"I don't know what my peers are like..." Huang Liang, John, and Max, the three cosmic-level powerhouses, muttered at the same time, their eyes shining with anticipation.

"The three of you still want to know what your peers look like?" Huang Wen couldn't help but shake his head with a smile when he heard what his three apprentices said, and said softly, "Max and John are fine, Ah Liang. Didn't you realize that you don't even exist in the parallel universe?"

"Huh?" Huang Liang couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then looked at Huang Wen's avatar with a hesitant light in his eyes and said, "Master, you mean that I am a unique existence in the multiverse? I don't have him or me? "

"You can say that." Huang Wen's avatar nodded and explained, "Your abilities are basically learned from here, that is to say, if I didn't appear, you wouldn't have appeared..."

"And you should also know that in the multiverse, I am a variable, and I will not exist in other universes."

"Of course, such a special uniqueness is not without benefits. At least when Ah Liang breaks through to the multiverse level at the peak of the universe, he will not be affected by any others and can break through better..."

"What about us? Are we the same?" John and Max looked at each other, looking at Huang Wen's avatar with a flash of expectation in their eyes and asked, "There is no such thing as ours in the universes we went to before." He and I exist..."

"That's because the two of you are characters born from the fusion of another multiverse and this multiverse..." Huang Wen shook his head, breaking John and Max's good wishes.

"If you want to see yourself in another universe, you can find a way to go to another parallel universe in the multiverse. By then, you should be able to know more stories about your own origin."

"Is that so?" John and Max sighed in disappointment when they heard the words. They originally thought that because of Huang Wen's incarnation, they could better break through to the multiverse level. It's empty joy.

However, whether it is Huang Liang or John and Max, they still have a long way to go before reaching the multiverse level, and the multiverse level is not so easy to achieve.

Otherwise, with so many powerful members of the Celestial Group, there wouldn’t be a multiverse-level powerhouse left. You must know that the members of the Celestial Group have already communicated with each other in the multiverse and completed the multiverse level. A crucial step, but even so, the strongest member of the Celestial Group has not really taken the step to reach the multiverse.

"From what you said just now, it seems that we don't have the upper hand on the dimensional battlefield, or are we even at a disadvantage?" Tony Stark saw that John and the others didn't ask what Huang Wen's incarnation meant. He turned to Huang Wen's avatar and asked.

"Theoretically speaking, the overall strength of the omnipotent universes on both sides should be equal, just like the parallel universes we travel through. In theory, our universe is not much stronger than other parallel universes..." Huang asked incarnate Nodding his head, he spoke.

"But it's obvious that these are only in theory. Actually, we are much stronger than those parallel universes. Even if some of you make a move, it is enough to conquer parallel universes one after another!"

"You mean, in the omnipotent universe opposite, there are variables like you?" Tony Stark's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Huang Wen's avatar and asked.

"I'm not sure about this. Maybe there will be, or it may be the natural evolution of the universe. Just like this universe, even if I don't appear, it will be stronger than other parallel universes..." Huang Wen turned into a slow Shaking his head slowly, he said softly.

"You can feel this from Captain Marvel, Carol, and if our universe is like this, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be a universe with more characters and stronger overall strength!"

"Then what will happen if the two omnipotent universes really merge completely?" Tony Stark was silent for a while, and asked what the Avengers and everyone in Asgard were most concerned about.

"Will our universe disappear, or will it merge with a parallel universe in the opposite omnipotent universe, or will it be the same as it is now, without any influence?"

"To be honest, I don't know about this kind of thing, and not only I don't know, everyone in these two omnipotent universes don't know..." Huang Wen's avatar was silent for a while, and spread his hands helplessly, Said with a wry smile.

"If it is really possible to determine what the fusion of the two omnipotent universes will look like, then the two omnipotent universes should be completely at war. Those who want to merge will do their best to promote the fusion of the omnipotent universe, and those who do not want to merge will do their best to prevent it..."

"But now, everyone is not sure whether the fusion of the Almighty Universe will benefit you or not."

"That is to say, every situation is possible?" Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, and then cursed in a low voice, "Shet! I didn't know whether Morgan should come into this world or not." on..."

"The finger-snap crisis in other universes is no longer a threat to us, but the finger-snap crisis in our universe is still a hidden danger. After all, Thanos has not been resolved..."

"And now, there is the matter of the dimensional battlefield. It is really troublesome for the two omnipotent universes to merge together!"

"The snap-finger crisis will immediately wipe out half of life, and the fusion of the omnipotent universe may completely wipe out our universe, or change everything in our universe, which is equivalent to restarting the universe. Didn’t I become a sinner when I encountered all this without any enjoyment?”

"It's been a long time since the dimensional battlefield, you don't need to be so worrying..." Huang Wen shook his head with a smile and said softly, "Also, even if the universe disappears or restarts, I can guarantee that our universe will not Those who are affected, Najie, you should still remember? It is a space independent of this omnipotent universe, and it is enough to be included in our universe..."

"If our universe really wants to restart, I can put the universe into the ring so as not to be affected by the restart."

(End of this chapter)

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