I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1382 Star Devourer Consciousness

Chapter 1382 Star Devourer Consciousness

"Oh! Thank you, kind Kidney Deficiency Mage..." Just as Strange opened the fire ring portal, Deadpool Wade jumped up instantly, looking at Si with a smile on his face. Trange said, "I came here specially, Galactus has appeared, how can Master Deadpool not do his part?"

"You!" Hearing Deadpool Wade mentioning his past of kidney deficiency, Strange seemed a little upset. With the help of his old master, Huang Wen, Strange had already left the original title of kidney deficiency. , whether in the battle against the enemy or in other battles, Strange has long been persistent.

If Strange was still the original Kidney Deficiency Mage, he would have been unable to bear it for so long after opening the Silver Domain.

"Hey, come on, Mage of Kidney Deficiency, if you are really distressed, you can get some self-healing factor from Xiaolanglang. As a user with five-star praise, I can tell you responsibly that it is really easy to use!" Looking at Ster Lan Qi seemed a little angry, and after Deadpool Wade pretended to look around, he yelled quietly.

"Bastard!" Strange couldn't help being angry when he heard the words. He waved his hand, and the ring of fire portal flew directly to Deadpool Wade, intending to send the bastard back to Earth. Afterwards, Strange will do the math with Deadpool Wade!

"I'm hiding! You've been fooled! Master Kidney Deficiency!" Deadpool Wade looked at the ring of fire portal rushing towards him, without the slightest panic, a white light surged from his body, taking advantage of the space gap opened by the ring of fire portal, It turned into a little white light and flew into the silver field.

This is Deadpool Wade's plan. With a cosmic powerhouse like Strange, even if Deadpool Wade is blessed with various methods of the multiverse itself, it is impossible for him to teleport into the Silver Realm. things.

So after appearing in the universe, Deadpool Wade began to act. Of course, it was the first time he ran into the universe and faced an almost vacuum environment. Very uncomfortable, because Deadpool Wade is still used to breathing in a human way.

But for Deadpool Wade, this is not a difficult thing to adapt to. After all, he has the blessing of many immortal bodies in the multiverse, and it only takes a moment to adapt to the universe.

But if he adapts to the universe too quickly, how can he deceive Strange, and how can he find an opportunity to enter the Silver Realm to teach Galactus a lesson?

As a result, Deadpool Wade forced himself into a near-death state. After all, acting is always less real than what actually happened. If it is unreal, how can it hide it from Strange?

In the end, Deadpool Wade succeeded, not only successfully fooled Strange, but also successfully angered Strange, and then entered the silver field.

"The horned helmet that likes to eat stones is ugly. Your uncle Deadpool is here, why don't you kneel down to greet you?" As soon as he entered the silver realm, Deadpool Wade's arrogant voice echoed around, attracting him directly. The same is true of the ideas of the surrounding Avengers, including Galactus, because obviously, the guy that Deadpool Wade mentioned seems to be referring to him!
It's not that Galactus will take his seat, but that there are not many people with helmets present, and he seems to be the only one with horns.

"Wade? Why is he here?" When the Avengers saw Wade, they looked a little confused. They didn't know why Deadpool Wade appeared here and how he appeared here.

"Hey, little wolf wolf, do you miss me?" Deadpool Wade didn't notice that he broke the original combat atmosphere in the silver field, and even had time to greet Logan, "Oh, I shouldn't call you Little wolf, I should call you little golden wolf, when will you be able to win a gold medal?"

"Wade, what nonsense are you talking about? Also, how did you get here?" Logan frowned and looked at Deadpool Wade and asked in a deep voice, "It's too dangerous here, your Being immortal, nothing counts here, hurry up and leave, no! Hurry up and stay away!"

"It's you?!" While Logan was speaking, Galactus had been staring at Deadpool Wade, his body trembling slightly, and the aura on his body was constantly turbulent. The body of the devourer surged, as if the consciousness of the Galactus himself descended at this moment.

"What kind of strange development is this?" The incarnation of Huang Wen, who watched this scene, was speechless for a while. The wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Stone would revive the part of the power of Galactus in the universe. Coming over, it was already beyond the comprehension scope of Huang Wen's avatar, and now the appearance of Deadpool Wade would actually bring the consciousness of Galactus himself, making Huang Wen's avatar not know what to say.

Huang Wen's incarnation originally thought that reaching his current state would have an understanding of many things in this omnipotent universe, but now it seems that there are still too many things in this universe that exceed Huang Wen's incarnation's expectations.

The incarnation of Huang Wen also finally understood why there are so many strong people defeated by the weak, not because their strength is unstable, but because sometimes there are such rules.

"So, many screenwriters' settings are embedded in the rules of the universe. Will it be triggered when the corresponding plot happens? No wonder I have changed so many things so many times, and there are still some things about the original plot. Happened..." Huang Wen's avatar's eyes flickered slightly, and after this incident, Huang Wen's incarnation had a new understanding.

"However, not everything has to happen. As long as it is strong enough to change certain rules, the corresponding things will not happen!"

"For example, the deity directly sealed off this universe, whether it is the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Stone, or the meeting between Deadpool Wade and Galactus, it will not attract the eyes and rules of those strong people. ..."

"You disgusting red bug! How dare you appear in front of me, haven't you died enough?!" Just as Huang Wen's avatar muttered in a low voice, in the silver domain, the main consciousness of Galactus After arriving, he roared directly at Deadpool Wade, even less demeanor of a creation god than the original Galactus of this universe.

"Red worm..." The corners of the mouths of General Ross in red and Tony Stark in red armor twitched slightly, and they felt as if they had been accidentally injured.

Moreover, even if Peter Parker is not here, otherwise he would be the most suitable object of criticism from Galactus...

(End of this chapter)

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