I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1373 Imposing Oppression

Chapter 1373 Imposing Oppression
"Really? Does that mean that Galactus will not let go of the food ordered by Galactus?" Huang Liang seemed to have thought of something, raised his eyebrows, and asked Silver Surfer.

"Since I became the subordinate of Galactus, he has only let go of one planet, which is my home planet, and the price is that I will be his subordinate for eternity and help him find planets suitable for food..." Yin Ying Xia sighed lightly and said in a low voice.

"Also, don't think that Galactus is very weak. He has just woken up and has been hungry for countless years. If he is really full, no one in the universe will be his opponent. !"

"That's why we have to find him. We found that he is particularly interested in planets with living civilizations, so we are monitoring the entire universe so that he does not continue to devour planets with living civilizations, but it is not a A way!" Tony Stark spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Actually, if you are really hungry, Galactus might devour those ordinary planets without life and civilization..." Silver Shadow Man was silent for a while, looked at the Avengers with some hesitation and said, "This This kind of thing didn't happen after I became his subordinate, but he is indeed able to devour those ordinary planets."

"Soverin star's network report, Sovereign star has escaped..." At this moment, Sha Niu walked in, looked at the Avengers and said.

"Wait, what does it mean that Sovereign star has escaped? Can planets also escape? Is this another Egg star?" Logan didn't understand what Sha Niu meant for a while, and he looked at it with a puzzled face. asked the silly girl.

"No, according to the Internet data of the Sovereign Star, it was Ayesha, the high priest of the Sovereign people, who released divine power and led the Sovereign people to escape from a catastrophe. The monitoring left behind saw the traces of Galactus, and at the same time found that a large number of planets in the universe disappeared, and none of these planets gave birth to civilization..." Silly girl shook her head, and the green light was released, showing the planets Image of the Devourer.

"Huh? This is the Galactus we encountered before? Why does it look completely different?" Logan was the first to keenly notice the change in the temperament of Galactus, and he said with a solemn expression.

"Huh?" At the same time, the Galactus who was devouring the planet stopped, and he glanced in the direction of the void, as if he saw the Avengers through the silly girl's image.

The next moment, a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Galactus' mouth, and the image condensed by the silly girl suddenly shattered.

"This guy seems to have become more powerful..." John was shocked when he watched Galactus show off his might, and murmured subconsciously.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that Galactus could erupt with such a powerful aura. It really looks like a god of creation. It's really unacceptable!" Max nodded in agreement, said softly.

"As I said before, what you faced before was the starvation state of Galactus. At that time, he needed to devour planets to recover his strength. Now, he should be full..." Yin Ying Xia sighed lightly, and said in a low voice, "However, from the information you said before, it can be inferred that Galactus just devoured some planets without life, and it shouldn't have much impact..."

"What do you mean it didn't have much impact? Even if Galactus didn't devour planets with life civilizations, he rashly devoured those uninhabited planets, it would still cause fluctuations in many star fields in the universe, and the entire universe would suffer from this. Change, you now say that it will not affect it?" Reed Richards who was on the side heard what Silver Surfer said, and asked Silver Surfer very unhappy.

"I also know the things you said. I was an astronomer in the past, and I understand all these things, but this is the best ending so far..." Silver Surfer shrugged and explained softly.

"At least, until now, there hasn't been a planet with life destroyed because of Galactus, isn't it?"

"What he said makes sense. At least for now, no life has died because of the appearance of this great creation god..." Tony Stark nodded in agreement, then looked at Silver Surfer and asked softly, "You have spent so much time with Galactus, based on your experience, how long will Galactus be before he fully recovers?"

"I don't know about this, because the time Galactus has awakened is actually not that long. He basically eats and sleeps, and eats and sleeps..." Silver Surfer's expression flashed a trace of helplessness, and he whispered explained.

"Eat and sleep, sleep and eat? Is that a creation god or a pig?" Xingjue, who came to inquire, couldn't help complaining.

As a heavenly father-level powerhouse, Xingjue is the only person who has the strength but did not participate in the encirclement and suppression of Galactus, because Xingjue has always been with his adoptive father Yondu.

Even though Xingjue now has strength far beyond his original imagination, Xingjue did not say that he would take Yondu to escape from the earth.

Anyway, Yondu and others were only locked up, and they were not treated as harshly as real prison prisoners. Except that they could not leave the Avengers Building, they were no different from normal life, which was equivalent to retirement.

And Yondu can also get used to this kind of life. Besides, besides Star-Lord, Yondu also has Rocket Raccoon, Treant Gru and others as companions. Except for Rocket Raccoon, other people are still very accepting of underground prison life. High.

"Pig?" Hearing Xingjue's complaint, Silver Surfer seemed a little confused, so he heard Xingjue's taunt, but he didn't understand what a pig was.

The Silver Surfer is a pure alien life, unlike Xingjue, an earthling who went to live in the universe. There are no creatures like pigs in their planet. Even if there are similar creatures, it is difficult call this name.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to insult the gods at all..." Xingjue looked at Silver Surfer's puzzled eyes, waved his hand in embarrassment, then changed the subject and said, "Then you said, he has already eaten so many planets , to what extent has his strength recovered? Will he kill him directly?"

"It would be a good thing for him to kill him directly. I'm afraid that if he doesn't kill him, he will focus on the Skrulls and the Nova Empire again!" Tony Stark suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly looked at the silly girl Reminded, "The space transmission device is turned on at any time, lock these two planets first!"

(End of this chapter)

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