I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1368 The Besieged Devouring Star

Chapter 1368 The Besieged Devouring Star
"Well, what you said makes sense. This is already the second time, and you really should pay attention." Nova Supreme retracted her gaze. She agreed with Roman's statement. Since she feels uncomfortable, she should check it out as soon as possible. , It is best not to be sick, and if you are sick, you can treat it as soon as possible.

With the scientific and technological level of the Nova Empire, there are almost no diseases that can stop them. After all, the individual life on Xandar is stronger.

Soon, the test results came out, and there was nothing wrong with Nova Supreme's body, which made both Nova Supreme and Roman heave a sigh of relief, and the silly girl who was far away on Earth also received this message.

However, even with the wisdom of a silly girl, she didn't pay special attention to this news from Xandar. After all, no one can imagine that the two uncomfortable feelings of Nova Supreme are related to Xandar. crisis is related.

With a sound of "hum!", it was at this time that Galactus began to attack. His figure appeared outside Xandar, and the defense network of Xandar immediately noticed it. Countless emergency equipment first It was dispatched for a while.

But these devices are more fragile than blank paper in front of Galactus, and they are all destroyed in just an instant.

"What is this?!" Nova Supreme stared at the surveillance screen, her eyes widened instantly. Although she didn't know what Galactus was, this huge body filled her with endless fear.

The top management of the Nova Empire on the side is no better than the Nova Supreme, even the calmest Roman.

Compared with Ronan's previous disaster, the visual impact of this time is even more terrifying, making all the high-level officials of the Nova Empire feel stunned.

From this point of view, the Nova Empire is not as good as the planet of the Scruis, at least one of the planets of the Scruis, Nick Fury, forcibly cheered up.

"Roar!" And just when the high-level members of the Nova Empire fell into fear, the Galactus in the universe opened his mouth wide, and the terrifying power acted on Xandar. At this moment, Xandar seemed to be from the universe. It is out of the ordinary, and the most weird thing is that the surrounding galaxies have not been affected in any way, as if the planet Xandar itself does not exist.

As far as the eye can see, Xandar star flew towards the mouth of Galactus as if it was sucked by Galactus.

With a sound of "hum!", at this critical moment, one after another figure appeared beside Galactus, and powerful forces burst out, bombarding around the body of Galactus, including Galactus Most familiar to readers, a green fist.

"Boom!" Galactus flew upside down in a very embarrassing figure. It was none other than the Avengers who were holding back their strength and had been looking for Galactus.

Moreover, in order to prevent no chance of making a move this time, the Avengers went all out as soon as they came out, preparing to beat up Galactus first!
As for the Avengers arriving so quickly, it has nothing to do with Nova Supreme's previous inspection. It is precisely because of that caution that part of the programs of the silly girl noticed Xandar, and they were able to discover Xandar's defense in the first place. The activation of the system, and the discovery of the emergence of Galactus.

"Strange! Create a mirror space first, put this guy in it, and then find a way to restore Xandar to its original position, and leave the rest to us!" Huang Liang watched Galactus being repelled After that, in order to prevent Galactus from escaping, he directed at Strange immediately.

In fact, the original command of the Avengers should be Steve Rogers, but unfortunately, Steve Rogers, who is now in the state of the Holy Light, is obviously not suitable for such behavior.

I even feel that if Steve Rogers commands, I am afraid that he will directly turn on the mouth escape mode and want to persuade Galactus to surrender.

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you, you have to give him a chance to destroy the mirror space, otherwise it won't be easy for him to escape!" Strange didn't raise any objection when he heard that, but reminded him, and then opened the The mirror space contains all the surrounding Avengers and Galactus.

And after that, Strange didn't stop. He needed to return the Xandar star to its original position. Otherwise, after the surrounding space forces disappeared, the dislocation of the Xandar star would cause the gravitational field of the entire galaxy to deviate. No one can predict what the consequences will be.

Fortunately, Strange is the most suitable person to do this among the Avengers, because he owns the time gem, and the green time magic erupts from Strange, covering the Xandar star. The position of Dar Star is slowly retreating, returning to the place it originally belonged to.

At the same time, in the mirrored space, according to Strange's previous reminder, the Avengers did not hesitate at all once they entered the mirrored space, and did not even give Galactus a chance to speak, and did not talk about martial arts. A sneak attack was launched without any respect for Galactus, an old man who has lived for countless years.

"Boom!" A series of forces exploded on the body of Galactus, even with the strength of Galactus, it was not easy, especially since he was in a state of hunger and could not exert his full strength.

In a trance, Galactus seemed to see himself lying on the ground, and the group of nasty little bugs in front of him were showing off their power, and even Galactus vaguely felt that such a scene seemed to have appeared before.

This filled Galactus' heart with anger. He was unwilling to be bullied by these little bugs like this, but the problem was that Galactus really didn't have the strength to resist the combined explosion of so many cosmic-level powerhouses.

In particular, there was a little green flea Hulk whose explosive power was not much weaker than him, kept jumping up and hitting his knees, stomach, neck, cheeks, forehead and other places, causing the planetary messenger from headache to toe.

"No! I can't go on like this, I want to escape from here as soon as possible!" A thought flashed in Galactus's mind. Although Galactus had made up his mind before, he would never escape a second time, but when the crisis came However, Galactus, who didn't want to be defeated, had no choice but to let go of the dignity of the creator god again. At worst, he would pick up his dignity when he became stronger in the future!

As long as all the Avengers are eliminated, who would know that Galactus was once beaten by a group of Avengers?
Black history or something, the big deal is to wait until you have the strength to restart the universe, and completely expose this article!

(End of this chapter)

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