I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1353 Suppressing Silver Surfer

Chapter 1353 Suppressing Silver Surfer

As for Logan, Huang Liang and the others were indeed not disappointed. Although Logan's realm is only at the peak of the Heavenly Father level, it may not even be comparable to the two god kings Thor and Zeus encountered in Max's training space. The realm is high, but Logan's combat effectiveness is indeed not weak.

Logan faced the Silver Surfer, who had absorbed the Ice and Fire Treasure Box and was already close to the peak of the universe, and did not fall into any disadvantage.

The Silver Surfer's speed is indeed very fast, even among the cosmic powerhouses, he is already one of the fastest ones, and Max, who has the speed of Zeus, may not be much faster than the Silver Surfer on a skateboard.

But Logan relied on his strong perception ability, even if his speed was slower than Silver Surfer, he was able to counterattack Silver Surfer at critical moments.

Moreover, with the improvement of Logan's strength, the Adamantium alloy that constitutes his transformation has also undergone many changes. The energy that can help Logan give positive buffs has been perfectly accepted by the Adamantium alloy, and the external negative energy , the resistance of Adamantium alloy is also very strong.

At this moment, Silver Surfer fully felt Logan's difficulty. If he didn't have too much self-awareness, he would even doubt whether the guy in front of him who was very similar to himself might also be a subordinate of Galactus. Although I didn't find the opponent's skateboard.

The Silver Surfer attacked Logan again and again, but was blocked by Logan. Even Logan's counterattack was enough to pose a threat to the Silver Surfer. The strength is enough for Logan to have the ability to hurt the Silver Surfer.

Even such injuries on the physical level are more obvious than on the legal level. There are claw marks one after another on the body of the Silver Surfer. The material of the body after being blessed by the silver skateboard is still inferior to the strengthened Adamantium alloy. .

However, from the moment the Silver Surfer was injured, Logan was even more certain that the Silver Surfer was definitely not a normal life, because there was no blood at all where the Silver Surfer was injured, and no flesh and blood could be seen in the wound, let alone Talk about bones.

The Silver Surfer seems to be a pure humanoid robot made of silver metal material, even a bit like a sentinel robot.

With a sound of "hum!", during the long battle between Logan and the Silver Surfer, the Silver Surfer did not gain any advantage, and was even injured. The silver skateboard under the Silver Surfer's feet once again released Mystic power.

With the emergence of the mysterious power of the silver skateboard, Silver Surfer's figure turned sharply, and in a fancy skateboarding posture, he pressed the silver skateboard on Logan's Adamantium alloy steel claws, seemingly trying to Inhale Logan and his pair of claws into the silver skateboard, just like the ice and fire treasure box before.

"Opportunity!" Huang Liang, who had been watching the Silver Surfer from the side, suddenly lit up his eyes, a golden light flashed, and the law of cause and effect in the Buddha's law began to flow. He found the Silver Surfer and the silver skateboard. and found a way to separate the Silver Surfer from the Silver Skateboard.

The Silver Surfer and the Silver Skateboard are not inseparable. In fact, it sounds nice to say that the Silver Surfer is the host of the Silver Skateboard. In real terms, the Silver Surfer can only be regarded as the puppet of the Silver Skateboard.

In other words, the relationship between the Silver Surfer and the Silver Skateboard is not as good as the relationship between the Space Stone and Tony Stark.

Tony Stark can borrow the power of the Space Stone and the universe behind it, but the Silver Surfer can only wait for the silver skateboard to help him most of the time.

Especially when encountering a strong enemy, it wasn't that the Silver Surfer thought of a way to deal with the enemy, but that the silver skateboard suddenly changed its moves and suppressed John.

However, in the battle with Logan, due to ignorance of Logan, even the silver skateboard did not quickly find a way to deal with Logan, which led to the current stalemate, and made the sidelines wait and see. Opportunity Huang Liang sees the possibility of dealing with Silver Surfer!
"Shoot, burst out your power of law, and rush into that skateboard, Uncle Wolf, grab that guy and try to tear him off the skateboard!" After discovering the flaw, Huang Liang yelled loudly, and everyone around The Avengers took action one after another.

The first one to burst out of power was naturally John who had been waiting for a long time and wanted to snatch back his Ice and Fire Treasure Box, but Max, Wanda, Jean Grey, and even Strange and Huang Liang also broke out. Out of their own energy.

For what happened at this time, Strange didn't fully foresee it, and the law of time is not omnipotent. He just saw the scene of John fighting with the Silver Surfer and using his hole cards but was defeated. Strange didn't know about the matter.

There is no way, too many strong men are involved in the mystery of time, one or two beings of the same realm, Strange can barely deal with it, but in this time deduction, I am afraid that Huang Wen and Huang Wen will appear. Galactus, it is really too difficult for Strange to figure out the whole future.




And as the strength of Huang Liang and others exploded, the cherry-colored skateboard stepped on by the Silver Surfer began to become unstable. The Silver Surfer subconsciously wanted to dodge these attacks, but at this time Logan had already leaped away. Pulling up, the claws pierced Silver Surfer's body fiercely, and then violently lifted him up.

Just now, Logan didn't forget that Silver Surfer tried to trample him under his feet with a silver skateboard. You must know that Logan is not a treasure box of ice and fire, but he is a living person. Silver Surfer's behavior like this is undoubtedly offending Logan.

And Logan was not a docile person at all. Although he hadn't really lost his temper for many years as a grumpy old wolf, it didn't mean that Logan's temper changed for the better when dealing with enemies.

In fact, if Logan can have Hulk's ability to grow stronger as he gets angry, then Logan's strength increase will not be weaker than Hulk, and now, the angry beast is showing his strength.

"Roar!" There was a roar from Logan's mouth, and the body of the Silver Surfer was lifted together with the silver skateboard under his feet, but under the suppression of Huang Liang and others' lawful power, the water-like ripples on the silver skateboard It became more and more obvious that there seemed to be a gap between the Silver Surfer's feet and the silver skateboard.

"Increase your strength!" At this time, Huang Liang's reminder sounded again, and then everyone's strength collectively strengthened, and the powerful law power covered the surface of the silver skateboard, completely isolating the silver shadow man from the silver skateboard. The contact surface between them separates the two from the material level.

(End of this chapter)

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