Chapter 1350
Under Pepper's strong suggestion, Tony Stark finally sat there honestly, but he felt as if there were ten thousand cats scratching in his heart, feeling uncomfortable all over his body and feeling uncomfortable everywhere.

But it's a pity that even Tony Stark in this state didn't have the courage to resist Pepper. Pepper told him to sit here honestly, and he could only do it honestly.

And the time was pushed forward a little bit, to the time when the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Stone just started, that is, when the incarnation of Huang Wen just raised his head and looked beyond the earth.

At that time, the Silver Surfer had just arrived near the earth. When he came to the solar system, he sensed the extraordinaryness of the earth. This extraordinary does not mean that he possesses extraordinary power, but that he can be sure that the earth is a planet with planet of life.

This is also the prerequisite for Silver Surfer to find food for Galactus. Most of the planets in the universe are lifeless, let alone intelligent life, and these planets even become Galactus. The food did not qualify.

Only a planet with intelligent life like the earth can become a food candidate for the planet devourer, just like Xandar and the planet where Captain Marvel and Carol are about to stay.

However, when the Silver Surfer gradually approached the earth, he discovered something special about the earth, but he did not discover the existence of Huang Wen's avatar, even Strange, Wanda, Qin Gelei, and Huang Liang. None of them were found, let alone Tony Stark and the Hulk who hadn't played yet.

The reason why Silver Shadowman did not discover Huang Wen's incarnation was because Silver Shadowman was not strong enough. As for the reason why Silver Shadowman did not discover Huang Liang and others, it was because Huang Liang and others more or less possessed different levels of spiritual power. The power is relatively restrained, and it is basically invisible if you don't investigate carefully, but if you investigate carefully, you may be discovered.

Therefore, at the beginning, the Silver Surfer only discovered the two brothers, John and Max, and was attracted by the vast cosmic energy on them.

In the induction of the Silver Surfer, the energies of John and Max are not much weaker than their own. Coupled with such a planet full of vitality, the Silver Surfer instantly overwhelmed Captain Carol, who was originally number one. The ranking has been changed to Earth, and I don't know whether Captain Marvel should be happy or speechless after learning the news.

And after discovering the excellence of the earth, Silver Surfer released his own perception, which also touched the perception of John and others, so they all realized where Silver Surfer was, and then disappeared in place instantly.

To be honest, when Silver Surfer found so many cosmic-level powerhouses, he was a little confused in his heart. Even though he didn't have too many human emotions, he still felt confused at this time, even for a while. Unable to make the right decision, and then surrounded by John and others.

"Is this guy a human? I mean, is this guy an alien?" John said after looking at the Silver Surfer, "To be honest, it looks a bit like Logan's transformed state , It’s also somewhat similar to Colossus, you say, is this guy a mutant? Or is it the means of the Celestial Group to retaliate against us?”

"The Celestial Group shouldn't be so mentally handicapped, right? It's nothing more than a cosmic level, how can it have the right to retaliate against us?" Max shook his head and said softly, "However, I'm a bit embarrassed to say that this guy is a mutant lost in the universe. I believe, after all, this guy looks a little different from the aliens we know..."

"He's not an alien, he's not even from this universe..." Strange on the side looked at the Silver Surfer and said after a long time, "I have observed the timeline of our universe, and there is Two powerful ability users have descended on the earth, yes, that time Ronye, ​​his situation is somewhat similar to that of the British captain Brian, they are just the incarnation of the current universe."

"Incarnation? What are you talking about? I am the master's servant, not someone's incarnation!" Silver Surfer, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke after hearing what Strange said. He looked around Everyone said, "I really didn't expect that so many strong people could be bred in one planet, but this is interesting, and it is qualified to be the food of the master. This planet has been marked by me, and the master is already in it." On the way down..."

"Boom!" Silver Shadowman hadn't finished speaking, a powerful thunder force bombarded Silver Shadowman's body, causing Silver Shadowman's body to fly upside down. There was a scorched black mark on his chest, which was Slowly recovering.

"Take the earth as food? You have a big appetite!" Max's eyes flashed with displeasure, and he looked at Silver Surfer and said in a deep voice, "Come on, let me see, what qualifications do you have to take the earth?" As food, what qualifications do you have to comment on these planets that gave birth to life in the universe!"

"You can't escape. This planet has only one destiny, and that is to be swallowed by its master!" Silver Surfer heard Max's words, and there was not much fluctuation in his heart. He stepped on the silver skateboard and walked directly towards Max and the others. He rushed towards him in the same direction, without any fear that there were so many strong men of the same level as him.

"Max, let me do it!" Just as Max was about to continue shooting, John suddenly rushed forward to cut off the beard, and the law of ice and fire showed its true power in front of the Avengers for the first time.

As for why John is so eager, isn't it because there are too many monks and too little food? Huang Wen's incarnation has said that this time there are only two enemies, one is the universe-level powerhouse in front of him, and the other is the universe-level peak powerhouse , It should be the cooperation of the Avengers.

Therefore, the only one who can fight alone is the Silver Surfer. Therefore, don’t look at the high-sounding words of Max’s words before. In fact, he has found a suitable reason for himself to take action, so that he can occupy this time with the Silver Surfer. Shadowman fights his chances.

And who is he, John?The realm of being shameless is far beyond Max, he didn't even bother to find any reason, and directly shot the Hu, the law of ice and fire not only shot at the Silver Surfer, but even forced everyone watching the battle to retreat.

The law of ice and fire is spreading in this space, as if the pervasive cold currents are invading every inch of space, but these cold currents have the ability to burn everything.

Even the Silver Surfer, who was standing on the silver skateboard, was still severely affected when faced with such a law of ice and fire. His body began to stiffen, and at the same time, the scorching flames were burning his consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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