I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1312 Fragmentation and Vitality

Chapter 1312 Fragmentation and Vitality

Therefore, not only Susan Stone was regretting at this time, but Dum was also a little scared. He finally fought his life, solved three of the Fantastic Four, and escaped from the siege of humans again and again. , and finally conquered the entire earth, but now he almost died here. He died halfway before starting a business. This kind of ending is absolutely unacceptable to Dum.

And as Dum's voice fell, the thunder in the sky flourished, and countless thunders struck in the direction of Doom, but this time, they were not hurting Doom himself, but supplementing Doom. Energy in the body.

Under Doom's control, the thunder that originally belonged to nature has been continuously transformed into Doom's power, and is slowly recovering from the injuries Doom suffered before.

"No, if this continues, I will definitely lose. It seems that I can only fight for the last time!" Susan Stone saw this scene, and a trace of remorse flashed in her eyes. She did not regret being an enemy of Dum. I just regret that I didn't make up my mind earlier.

Susan Stone has always felt that there is a gap in strength between herself and Doom, and she needs to wait until she, Susan Stone, is stronger before she can seek revenge on Doom.

Moreover, this is the decision Susan Stone made after knowing that Dum can also continue to become stronger.

Looking at it now, such a choice was undoubtedly a mistake. Susan Stone delayed the time, which eventually caused Dum's strength to reach a realm completely beyond her imagination.

And if Susan Stone could make up his mind earlier, during the two years in the small town, Susan Stone would really have a chance to kill Dum without mental arithmetic.

Even if Doom couldn't be killed, the worst ending would be to be killed by Doom, which was no different from now.

Moreover, at that time, Doom killed Susan Stone, and his strength was far inferior to what it is now. Maybe human beings can find a chance to kill Doom when Doom is exposed...

And now, Susan Stone missed the chances again and again, just like when the Fantastic Four dealt with Doom at the beginning, Susan Stone missed fighting Doom head-on, sacrificing gloriously, and fighting Doom. De Richards have the same chance of their reunion in heaven.

"Susan! I will not give you another chance. In order to show my respect to you, I will do my best!" Dum's voice was like thunder, and as his words fell, the thunder power in his body instantly Then it skyrocketed, and the sharp blade shock wave that was suppressing Dum originally became shaky at this moment.

With a sound of "Crack!", sure enough, the blade shock wave didn't last too long. Under Dum's constant thunder bombardment, the blade shock wave finally turned into spots of light, shattered and disappeared.

With the shattering of the blade shock wave, Doom's counterattack officially started. Facing Susan Stone's difficult ability at this time, Doom did not dare to be careless, for fear that he would overturn again.

Even Dum, who originally regarded Susan Stone as his queen, changed his mind. He only needs to take Susan Stone's body back, and at worst, clone another Susan Stone's body. That's it.

Humans can't research superpower genes, but Doom doesn't think so. As long as Doom can put enough pressure on humans, Doom believes that he will be able to reproduce Susan Stone's ability sooner or later, and is a Totally surrendered to her own Susan Stone.

Although this will make it take longer for Dum to form his own god system, Dum still decided to be steady, which is better than overturning...

"Boom!" With Doom's killing intent clearly evident, a powerful thunder blasted out from Doom's hand, and then scattered in the sky, turning into countless thunderbolts, blasting in all directions. In the direction of Susan Stone, it turned out that all possible angles for Susan Stone to dodge were blocked.

However, when Thunder appeared next to Susan Stone, Dum suddenly found that Thunder seemed to be a little out of control, and even, not only the Thunder that blasted out was out of control, but also helped Dum at this time. Mu's elemental Thunder is also less under control.

It was as if Johnny Stone appeared in a place without oxygen and suddenly exited the elemental state. At this time, Dum also escaped from the elemental state in a trance, and his expression looked a little dazed.

"Quick! Mom, shoot!" A childish voice echoed around, and Susan Stone came back to her senses immediately. She knew that Adam did not leave, but chose to stay with her. Against Doom.

Susan Stone, who was already ready to die, aroused her fighting spirit at this time. She wanted to take Doom to die together. Otherwise, if Doom did not die when she died, Doom would definitely kill Adam. , Susan Stone does not want to see such a thing happen.

"Go to hell!" A sharp blade shock wave was once again condensed by Susan Stone, piercing Doom's chest with lightning speed, and the blood spilled in mid-air, and Doom's body instantly changed. It became stiff, and then fell headlong from mid-air.

With a sound of "Plop!", Dum fell to the ground in embarrassment. He couldn't believe it for a while. He didn't understand why he had already started to take it seriously, but he still got tricked. Even Dum began to suspect that all this Not my own illusion.

However, the coldness of death enveloped Doom, telling him that this was not a hallucination, this is exactly the death that Doom has experienced once!

"Why? It wasn't you who made the shot just now, who was it? Who was that voice?" Dum gradually came back to his senses, looked at Susan Stone who was suspended in mid-air, and raised his own doubts.

In fact, Dum wasn't asking Susan Stone. He already had an answer in his heart, but Dum didn't want to believe the answer.

Yes, Doom knew that the voice belonged to Adam, the useless Adam in Doom's eyes, and Doom didn't want to believe that a useless person possessed superpowers and even used superpowers to kill him...

"You are too arrogant, Dum. You think that you are the king of a god and can open up a god system, but your ability is simply unable to do this. Today, I will give Reed and Johnny their Revenge!" Susan Stone sneered, and did not say Adam's name, but once again gathered her strength, she did not intend to talk nonsense, she must hurry up and kill Doom to avoid any accidents.

"Zizizi!" However, at this moment, Doom's broken heart suddenly appeared one after another, and there was a burst of vitality in the current, which was constantly beating, and slowly condensed into a thunderbolt. His heart sent the power of thunder towards Doom's body.

(End of this chapter)

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