I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1309 Susan Stone's Determination

Chapter 1309 Susan Stone's Determination
At the beginning, when Susan Stone discovered that searchers were coming nearby, Susan Stone wanted to directly hypnotize these searchers and ask them to help hide the location of the safe house.

But soon, Susan Stone discovered that these searchers were equipped with monitoring equipment, and what these searchers said would be recorded. If they went back, these people would definitely reveal their secrets.

Therefore, Susan Stone can only lock up these searchers, find a way to solve the monitoring equipment on them, and then release them.

However, Susan Stone did not expect that the second batch of searchers came so quickly, and the second batch of searchers had already started searching the mountain before she had solved the monitoring equipment on the first batch of searchers.

In desperation, Susan Stone could only catch the second batch of searchers again, but she knew that Doom should be able to rush over soon, because now the entire human race is under Doom's rule, these It is almost impossible to hide things from Dum.

However, Susan Stone is not completely without confidence in dealing with Dum. When Susan Stone influences more and more people with her own ability, she finds that her ability has also improved rapidly.

Susan Stone didn't know if she could catch up with Dum at this speed of progress, but compared to her previous self, Susan Stone was already many times stronger.

Moreover, Susan Stone felt that with the help of Adam, the cooperation of superpowers can often achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. The previous cooperation between the Fantastic Four can also achieve this, but it is a pity The Fantastic Four were broken apart by Doom.

"Mom, Doom is already nearby, we are not his opponents, we must leave quickly!" Just as Susan Stone was already fantasizing about fighting Doom, Adam on the side hurriedly ran to Susan Stone. Stone's side reminded in a low voice.

"Huh? Why? Isn't our strength enough to deal with Dum?" Susan Stone frowned slightly, and asked in a moment of incomprehension.

"Dom's strength is far beyond our imagination. According to my perception, the energy contained in Doom's body is far beyond the limit we can resist. More importantly, the energy contained in his body has been completed. Some kind of change, that is to say, Doom at this time has entered a new height!" Seeing that his mother didn't understand how powerful Doom was, Adam could only patiently explain.

"So, we are still no match for Doom? We still have him escaping?" Susan Stone's eyes flickered slightly, and said in a low voice, "But after we leave, we can still improve by controlling others." Is it our ability? If our ability does not continue to improve, is there really a chance to deal with Dum?"

"Mom, there is an old saying in China, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood!" Adam's little face flashed a seriousness that did not match his age, and he looked at Susan Stone and began to persuade.

"If we lose this time, we will never have a chance to turn around. Doom will either kill us or imprison us and become part of his pantheon. I think the high probability should be the latter. "

"Come on, mom, you don't want to go back to the days when you were oppressed and wanted revenge but couldn't do anything?"

"I feel that if we run away this time, we will never have a chance to really take revenge..." Susan Stone was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said softly.

"Besides, if we don't show up, Doom will definitely not stop searching for our traces. After all, we can't completely escape from this world. There will always be traces left behind, especially when Doom clears all the safe houses. after."

"Mom, what do you mean?" Adam already understood what Susan Stone meant at this time, but he still asked with luck.

"Adam, although you are still young, your mind has even surpassed most human beings. After I show up, leave quickly and accumulate strength. Your potential far exceeds mine, and only you have surpassed Du Mu's possibility!" Susan Stone took a deep breath, looked at Adam and said solemnly.

"I will hurt Doom as much as possible. As long as Doom shows his flaws, the mentality of these fanatical humans who surrender to him will also change. At that time, they can also cause him some trouble."

"At least, he needs to spend more time before he can make humans submit to him again. This time may not be too long, but it will give you a chance to hide your identity!"

"The next thing is up to you. Mom will bless you in heaven, my child..."

"Mom..." Adam's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth, wanting to say something.

"Don't talk about you and your mother dealing with Dum. With your wisdom, you should know that this is impossible, so don't rush to death..." Susan Stone said in a low voice, taking Adam into his arms.

"Mom has entrusted you with the heavy responsibility, and you will have to rely on yourself in the future. Mom should have gone to Reed and Johnny a long time ago. Because of you, mom persisted for a while..."

"Originally, my mother saw some hope and thought she could deal with Doom, but now it seems that it is still too far away. Mom can't hold on anymore. In the future, you will have to rely on yourself. Go, go now , don't be discovered by Doom!"

"Mom..." After being pushed away by Susan Stone, a trace of reluctance flashed in Adam's eyes, and tears fell on the ground. Even though Adam's abilities were amazing and he possessed wisdom that was unmatched by humans since he was a child, but After all, he was still a child. Faced with this situation, Adam's performance would not be any better than that of a child.

"Let's go! Son, I'm sorry to make you bear all this, but Mom really can't hold on..." Susan Stone wrapped Adam's body in an invisible position, pushed Adam out, and took a deep breath With a deep breath, he slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and his expression gradually became firmer.

"Dum! I have escaped and succumbed too many times. This time, I don't want to escape or succumb. Today, even if I die, I will splash your blood!"

As Susan Stone's voice fell, everyone in the safe house received psychological hints, and they took up weapons one after another and walked out of the safe house.

Susan Stone knew that these people couldn't possibly cause any harm to Doom, but if Susan Stone wanted to disgust Doom, it would even be good to make Doom consume a little power. After all, Doom's Power is not endless.

(End of this chapter)

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