I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1304 Meet the Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 1304 Meet the Nuclear Bomb
At this time, Doom seemed to be muttering to himself, but he was actually asking Victor von Doom. After all, Doom did not believe that human beings would remain silent after this arrangement was broken by him.

However, Doom himself did not sense the threat of any nuclear bomb, so for safety's sake, Doom still wanted to ask Victor Von Doom.

"I didn't perceive anything either, don't worry, when you have fully mastered the power after this breakthrough, human nuclear bombs are not a big threat to you..." Victor Von Dum said lightly He comforted Doom with a smile.

"Although the human side may be delaying time, it is not a bad thing for you to delay time. Human beings' technological progress has limits, but you are in the current period of time. period of rapid growth!"

"That's right!" Dum nodded with a smile, with a hint of expectation in his eyes. He knew that he would soon surpass his previous self, and move one step closer to the god-king in his mind.

Moreover, what Dum is looking forward to is not only this matter, this conversation with Victor von Doum is also a test for Dum. How much difference.

Originally, Doom thought that the gap would be huge, but now it seems that there is no absolute gap between him and Victor Von Doom. The crisis that Doom has not sensed, Victor Von Doom The same did not feel.

Dum felt that this was a proof that his strength had caught up to Victor Von Dum!
For this reason, Dum had a faint plan in his heart...

In this way, humans are delaying time with laser drones, and Dum is also pretending to be fighting to delay time. The two sides have reached a tacit understanding, and this tacit understanding did not last long before it was shattered.

"Huh?" Dum, who was personally controlling the Thunder's laser drone, suddenly focused his eyes. He felt the crisis again, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the sky.

And at this time, laser drones suddenly rioted, not dodging the offensive from Thunder at all, but shooting powerful laser shock waves in the direction of Doom, which looked like To die with Doom.

However, the problem is that there is no life among these laser drones. They died together with Doom, but they lost a little money, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Of course, in the face of the sudden offensive, Doom didn't mean to panic. Even Doom knew that this was not the last resort of human beings. The last resort of human beings should be the crisis he had just sensed, that is to say , humans have new means!

With a sound of "hum!", thinking of this, Dum's thoughts moved, and a thunder force field protected Dum. It was somewhat similar to the electric ball before, but the control of power was completely different.

Dum's thunder force field at this time is no different from Susan Stone's defensive force field, and even better than Susan Stone's defensive force field in terms of defensiveness and offensiveness!



A series of laser beams blasted the Thunder Force Field, causing slight fluctuations in the Thunder Force Field, and even some faint currents leaked from the Thunder Force Field, but under Dum's control, the Thunder Force Field soon recovered. normal.

"Opportunity! Doom trapped himself! Quick! Insulated cage! Nuclear bombs! Drop them all!" Seeing this scene, the Human Combat Command's eyes lit up suddenly, and then it was ecstatic in its heart, and immediately issued an order.

Originally, human beings didn't have much confidence in keeping Doom, but now Doom used the thunder force field to keep himself in place, and human beings saw a chance to deal with Doom!

Moreover, it happened that Dum had killed all the soldiers sent there, so there was no need to worry about accidental injuries when the nuclear bomb was dropped at this time. Even after the nuclear bomb, the remains of these soldiers might not be found.

"Boom!" Following the order from the high-level human beings, the insulating cage was thrown down, covering the entire thunder force field.

"Huh?" Dum noticed the movement outside, raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and then a strong and dangerous atmosphere came, reminding him of the nuclear explosion that he experienced in the laboratory before.

Dum knew that the means of human beings were not the insulating cage outside, it was just something to limit oneself, the real threat was the ensuing nuclear strike!

"Is it made of the same material as those shield tanks? Hehe, if it was before, I'm afraid it's really not easy to destroy this material, but now, this material also wants to deal with me? Dream!" Dum quickly recovered. Come, and then snorted coldly, he realized that his ability had been completely improved. At this moment, Dum had officially entered the gate of the Law of Thunder.

This changed Dum's mind, who hadn't intended to be tough with the nuclear bomb. He wanted to test whether he could fight against the strongest weapon of mankind!
If Dum can fight against the strongest weapon of mankind this time, then the entire human society will be defeated in front of Dum!
There is even no need for Doom to act personally. As long as Doom shows this kind of strength, the human beings will have internal turmoil. If they want to unite the front against Doom, they must have weapons that threaten Doom. .

There is no weapon that can deal with Dum, and how many people can agree to send someone to die?
"Boom!" A powerful electric current erupted from the Thunder Force Field, rushing towards the insulating cage that trapped the Thunder Force Field.

In just an instant, the pillars of the insulating cage began to bend and deform, gradually softening, just like Reed Richards' body.

Dum didn't know why humans made an insulating cage instead of making it completely airtight at the first time, but soon, Dum understood that humans didn't want the insulating material to help them block some nuclear bomb damage.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the insulating material can block it, but human beings definitely don't want to have such uncertain factors.

"Here we come!" When Doom solved the insulating cage, a bright light appeared in the sky, and Doom's body instantly brightened, turning into a Thunder Man.

Elementalization is the most important means for Doom to fight against nuclear weapons. In the state of elementalization, he is not afraid of the impact of radiation. As for the explosion of nuclear bombs, Doom is also confident to give it a go!
"Then let me see if your human's ultimate weapon can kill gods!" Dum took a deep breath, the thunder flashed on his body, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thunder roared.

(End of this chapter)

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