Chapter 1301

After the progress of human laser weapons, they can be equipped on more equipment. The new laser drone is one of the weapons that humans use to deal with Dum.

After all, Doom's movement speed is really too fast. If you don't use the same fast-moving equipment, but choose to use the same ambush point as before, you may still be run away by Doom.

The main reason why similar weapons were not used before was that the cost was too high, and the weapons at that time could not pose a threat to Doom.

But it is different now. Not only are human beings sure to deal with Doom, but more importantly, human beings no longer need to save money, because if Doom cannot be solved in the end, all money will be meaningless.

"Is this a new method of human beings? It seems to be quite a lot? Is it possible to find my location? I haven't even caught the thunder yet..." Dum appeared in another direction at this time, a full distance away from the explosion site. Kilometers, but here, the sense of crisis has not disappeared, which made Dum instantly alert.

It seems that in the past six months, the level of human science and technology has improved a lot. It is not as simple as just developing a new laser weapon. More importantly, all kinds of adaptive equipment to deal with Dum have been built.

Especially after finding the energy detection device where Doom is located, it is no longer necessary for Doom to pick up Thunder to find Doom's location.

After all, even when Doom is not attracting the thunder, the energy in his body is very powerful. It is not difficult for humans to upgrade the energy detection device based on this.

"There is a crisis in the air, and there is a crisis on the ground. It seems that not only I am making progress, but human beings are also making progress!" Dum felt the crisis from all directions. After his ability was improved, Dum's perception of the crisis became clearer. Now, the source and direction of the crisis can even be discerned.

At this time, Dum probably understood why Victor von Dum had already started to remind him when the nuclear bomb had not arrived when he was in the laboratory.

Although Doom is still not able to sense threats from such a distance to the level of Victor von Doom, at least Doom can calmly deal with the crisis created by human beings at this stage.



Just as Doom was standing there muttering to himself, the humans found Doom's position again and launched an attack.

In Dum's eyes, there were three waves of different attacks shooting in his direction at the same time, one of which came from laser drones from all directions in the sky, and the remaining two were soldiers' portable lasers. Weapons and laser tanks.

It can be said that when humans developed a brand new laser weapon and found Doom's position, the human side has already begun to deal with Doom at all costs, and even they don't want to fight again, just this time to get rid of Doom. Complete the God Killing Project!

"According to the drone images, it can be determined that Zeus's identity is Victor Von Dum, not a staff member of the laboratory, that is to say, he is suspected to have the ability to resurrect!" They were all serious, especially after they finally obtained Dum's video data, which made them feel uneasy.

Doom had already died once before, and it was after his death that he was brought to the laboratory, but unexpectedly, Doom survived again, which made humans have to be more vigilant.

Although humans have suspected that Zeus is Doom before, there is still a big difference between real hammer and suspicion.

"Dum has the ability to resurrect, but last time, his body was still intact, and even the laboratory only extracted some cells and genetic factors for research..." However, someone soon noticed that Dum was empty. left arm, his eyes flickered slightly and said.

"And last time, we cut off Dum's left arm, and he has not been able to recover his left arm until now, which shows that his ability must be very limited, otherwise he doesn't need to let himself lose an arm! "

"You mean to completely destroy his body and lose its vitality, just like the part of the arm we found?" Someone's eyes lit up and he asked expectantly.

"Yes, since his ability is limited, it means that he is not really immortal. Since our weapons can harm him, it means that we can really kill him!" The person who spoke in front said with a firm expression. Nodding his head, he said in a deep voice.

"Even, in my opinion, don't even keep that part of the arm. Anyway, we haven't researched anything. If it's Doom's hidden method, it's not a good thing for us!"

"That's right! It's safest to destroy that part of the arm. A person with super powers has made such a big moth. If something happens again, can we really solve it?" Someone heard the words and quickly echoed. .

"I know that there are some of us who want to become such superpowers, but let's not talk about whether we can achieve this, but what will we look like after we really do it?"

"Now, we can still cooperate with each other based on wealth and social status. If superpowers really exist and become so-called gods, can we still have the opportunity to cooperate?"

"We end a god system that is about to be born, and then create another god system after another? Finally start the battle of the gods?"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire war room fell into silence. Ever since Doom appeared, the high-level human beings have been united like never before, but even in such a united situation, some people still have other ideas.

When a person with superpowers appears in front of human beings, no matter how harmful the person with superpowers is, some people will not be attracted by superpowers. After all, the more harmful a person with superpowers is, isn’t that what proves the power of superpowers?

In the eyes of high-level human beings, superpowers are more important than money and status, because having superpowers can make the existing social structure undergo earth-shaking changes!

An ordinary person who gets superpowers will be chased and killed by high-level human beings, but a high-level human being with superpowers is enough to deal with many troubles.

Even if the status of high-level human beings is not low, how many people will not be tempted when they can go further and even have absolute power?
These thoughts originally appeared in the dark, but now, in the war room of the God Killing Plan to encircle Dum, someone directly exposed this matter and laid it out in front of everyone. , let everyone face up to this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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