I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1295 Tangled Revitalization

Chapter 1295 Tangled Revitalization
In this way, humans once again lost the trace of Doom, and once again began to search for Doom's location intensively. Doom knew this, but he was not in a hurry.

As for Susan Stone and Adam, they didn't know these things, and they also paid a little attention to the news of the thunderstorm, but it was obviously impossible for human beings to directly announce the news of Doom.

After all, when Doom appeared in the city and claimed to be a god, some ordinary people subconsciously wanted to surrender to Doom. Pulled together a bunch of Doom fanatics.

There are always a group of guys with poor brains in the world who can easily be fooled by others, and can easily be captured by the powerful and become slaves.

In this way, Doom died and escaped. With the help of Victor Von Doom, he escaped from the ambush and was silently recuperating.

However, Dum's situation is a bit special after all. He is not a power user like Susan Stone, nor is he a power user like Johnny Stone. He can improve his ability and cannot be as silent as other super power users.

After all, people with flame abilities don't need to accept more powerful flames to improve themselves, and there is no so-called sky fire in the world. Even if Johnny Stone is still alive and wants to improve his strength, he will not merge into the magma.

But Dum is different, he who has comprehended the power from the thunder, it is impossible for him to give up the opportunity to continue to improve himself from the thunder.

Especially now that Doom was injured, the power of Thunder in his body was almost exhausted, and if he wanted to recover from his injury faster and at the same time have enough strength, Doom still had to accept Thunder again.

"Trouble!" Dum, who was in a cave, sighed softly, and murmured with a stern expression, "I don't know how long it will take to recover from my current injury. My injury will recover as soon as possible..."

"But if you want to restore your strength, the movement will not be too small. Humans should have mastered a certain method of positioning me, and this method is inseparable from my receiving Thunder!"

"So, if I want to recover, I will still be discovered by humans, and even be targeted again!"

"Is there any way to allow me to accept the power of Thunder without being discovered?"

Dum was in a stalemate at this time. If he wanted to recover quickly, he needed to accept Lei Ting, but if he accepted Lei Ting, he might be discovered by humans and besiege him again.

If Doom's strength had almost recovered and he was prepared when he was encircled and suppressed, that would be acceptable, but Doom was afraid that humans would rush over before his strength recovered.

Especially since the encirclement and suppression of human beings failed this time, they may not know what method they will use to deal with themselves next time, even if they use nuclear weapons again, it is not impossible.

At that time, if Victor von Dum doesn't take action, Dum doesn't think he can really survive, even if he encounters a nuclear bomb attack when his strength is fully restored.

At this time, Dum was in a state of entanglement, which was incredible for Dum. Before encountering this setback, Dum seldom had entangled emotions, even in the face of Susan Stone. When faced with a difficult problem, he didn't spend too much time making a decision.

But now, Dum doesn't know how to choose, which also shows that this setback has indeed had a deep impact on Dum.

"I hope you can get out of the setback as soon as possible. When you regain your heart and cheer up again, it will be the time when you officially start to understand the power of the law, and it will also be the time for me to get closer to the sub-celestial father!" Vik Dovon Dum looked at Dum who fell into silence, his eyes flickered slightly, and he thought with anticipation in his eyes.

And Dum, who fell into silence, didn't know how long he had been contemplating. He suddenly looked at his left arm. The place where his left arm was originally was now empty. There was only a scorched black wound wrapped in flesh and blood, which also witnessed Dum. What kind of price was paid for being ambushed this time!
If it hadn't been for Dum's timely response, it would have been Dum's heart that was shot through!

"Absolutely can't let it go like this!" Dum looked at the wound on his left arm, thought of his bold words before, with an angry light flashing in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Previously, Dum had always regarded himself as the god of the new era, and even wanted to open up a god system, but now, the majestic god was hurt by mortals, and even made the god's body lacking, no longer perfect!

This is something Dum cannot tolerate, and it is also unacceptable!
"I want revenge! I want to kill all humans who are unwilling to surrender!" Doom's eyes flashed coldly, as if he had made a decision, and his voice became firm.

It's just that there is a strong killing intent in this firm voice, and it can be clearly felt that Dum at this time is more victorious than before. If Dum is allowed to appear in society again, I'm afraid he will die, it's not as simple as one or two humans.

"Boom!" Just when Doom had just made up his mind, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, countless thunderbolts gathered in the sky, and then smashed towards the cave where Doom was located.

The rocks on the top of the cave were smashed to pieces in an instant, and even turned into powder, while the thunder continued to strike Dum's body.

"Zizizi!" Dum frowned, and began to mobilize his energy, turning the power of thunder into his own energy, and began to recover his strength and his injuries, but doing so was actually not counted. too easy.

And just when Dum accepted the power of Thunderbolt, before recovering his own strength, or even having time to transfer it, the high-level human beings had already reacted.

After analyzing and comparing the thunderstorm weather in the past year, the high-level human beings have been able to clearly distinguish the difference between the natural thunderstorm weather and the thunderstorm weather caused by Dum.

It is probably the natural thunderstorm weather, which will be accompanied by heavy rain, while the thunderstorm weather triggered by Dum will have less rain.

Moreover, the most important thing is that not all places and all seasons will have thunderstorms. If thunderstorms occur in a place and season that should not occur, it must have something to do with Dum!

"Found it! Speed! Send someone to look for it immediately! The energy sensing device should be installed quickly! If it doesn't work, just launch a nuclear bomb! We can't let Zeus run away again! If we let the tiger go back to the mountain again, our human victory rate is really not high. Already!" Soon, an anxious order was issued from the top of the human race, causing the human race to move again.

(End of this chapter)

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