I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1284 The Flaws Revealed

Chapter 1284 The Flaws Revealed

"Crazy!" When he saw this scene, Victor Von Doom couldn't help feeling a little emotional. When he was transformed, he was not as crazy as Doom, but he knew that when his master Max transformed, he was not as crazy as Doom. Not easy.

After all, Dum is now transforming the electric current into thunder in nature, while Max at that time directly transformed the electric current into the thunder of Asgard, which is the gap between mortals and gods.

However, Doom's madness at this time was also expected by Victor von Doom, or he had almost figured out the nature of Doom, and even Victor von Doom began to understand that he needed to do something. what.

This time, Victor Von Doum's special training is completely different from the previous special training of the Avengers. When Logan and the others practiced, they were fighting on their own, but Victor Von Doum's experience was to witness With the rise of another self, Victor Von Doum is even needed to help the other self rise.

However, when the other Doom became stronger and stronger, Victor von Doom was able to find that these powers that Doom had comprehended were integrated into his body.

Yes, Victor von Doom points to Doom, and Doom gives back to Victor Von Doom.

Doom didn't have any sense of this matter, and even Doom was still thinking about how to surpass Victor Von Doom, but he didn't know that as he became stronger, Victor Von Doom was also getting stronger. .

Don't think that Victor Von Doom is a law-level powerhouse, and Doom's knowledge has just transformed the superpower of Thunder. There is a big gap between the two sides. Doom's comprehension has no effect on Victor Von Doom at all.

In fact, Dum is considered to have a similar experience with Victor Von Doum, but he has embarked on a completely different path, that is to say, the current Victor Von Doum has two perceptions about his own abilities , if he can perfectly accommodate the two perceptions together, his strength will also improve by leaps and bounds!

Therefore, after discovering this, Victor von Doum didn't have any worries, and even looked forward to Doom's rapid growth, otherwise, this time Victor von Doom would not bluntly tell Dum so many things.

The original Victor von Doom was still a little wary of Doom, because Doom's performance could really cause him a certain crisis, even if Doom's current strength is not enough, but now, Victor von Doom is completely There is no need to worry about this, he can just wait peacefully.

Even, Victor von Dum can make Doom become stronger and at the same time comprehend his own sub-celestial father's road, and strive to make himself enter the sub-celestial father's road when Dum goes further. .

Victor Von Doum didn't know whether the energy consumed by becoming stronger like this was considered too much. After all, Victor Von Doom still remembered that when the special training started, Huang Wen's avatar agreed that as long as the energy consumed If it is equal to the growth level, it can continue to provide energy to reach the next level, but if it exceeds the standard and fails to reach it, it will lose the power to continue to become stronger.

To be honest, before the special training, Victor Von Doum didn’t have that great desire to become stronger. Victor Von Doum and the Fantastic Four in his own world are indeed at odds, but they have not reached the level of hostility , at most, they don't communicate much.

If Victor Von Doom is really needed to fight alongside the Fantastic Four, Victor Von Doom will still do it, and Victor Von Doom has his own mother, the mother who was rescued from hell .

This makes Victor Von Doom not as ruthless as Doom in this world, because he has bonds, he has concerns, and he doesn't need to be so strong.

So what's the use of being strong?Can it be stronger than the previous Avengers?Which one of those heavenly father-level universe-level avengers didn't hang you casually?
Moreover, above the Avengers, there is Huang Wen. Just as Huang Wen is worried, if he can solve everything by himself, there is no need for a so-called superhero, let alone a so-called Avenger. .

But now Victor Von Doom is different. After seeing the experience of another Doom, some changes have taken place. Although he has not completely become another Doom, he is also different from before. .

This may also be a kind of special training. How can you become stronger if you don't change it?

Victor Von Doom looked at Doom, who was still not giving up even though his body was shattered by the thunderbolt, his eyes flickered slightly. Some of Doom's thoughts, even though Victor Von Doom did not monitor to, but he also knew.

However, Victor von Doom has no idea of ​​occupying Doom's body. In his opinion, all he needs is for Doom to become stronger and help him improve his own path. After all, this is not his own world. Sooner or later you have to leave.

But these things are not easy to talk to Dum, and the most important thing is that you may not believe Dum if you tell Dum. The current Victor von Doom understands Dum's character too well, even if Victor von Dum Doom would tell everything, and Doom would be wary of him, too.

"Hey! I hope you won't develop to that point!" Victor Von Dum sighed silently in his heart, and he didn't mean to say it. Instead, he restrained his mind and sensed his law power to go up.

At this time, neither Victor von Doom, nor Doom, nor Susan Stone thought of a problem, that is, Susan Stone continued to make her superpower stronger, but in fact there was no vision , but Doom is different.

People can understand thunderstorms once or twice, even thunderstorms that last for several days, but people will doubt whether the weather is abnormal after a month of thunderstorms.

Abnormal weather must be investigated. The previous year was fine. After all, Dum hadn't completely transformed into Thunderbolt. The thunderstorm weather was not too much, but since Doom completely transformed into Thunderbolt, Doom can trigger Thunderbolt.

Even if you can't use Thunderbolt to defend against the enemy, you can still turn Thunderbolt into Dum's power bank, maintaining combat effectiveness all the time.

And this also led to, from the day of the transformation, there were more than 300 days of thunderstorms in the vicinity of this small town in a year.

No matter how remote this small town is, something is wrong. Similarly, some meteorological survey teams started to rush towards the small town, trying to find out why the town suddenly had more thunderstorms.

If these thunderstorms were formed naturally, maybe the investigation team would just find a reason, but Dum didn't know that someone came to investigate the town, so exposure was inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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