I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1281 Developing Capabilities

Chapter 1281 Developing Capabilities

Doom's idea is still very good, but the path he took can be regarded as the only way for those with lightning abilities. Whether it is Max or Victor Von Doom, they all took this path.

Originally, the abilities of Max and Victor Von Doom are all mortal electric currents, which are man-made products. From a scientific point of view, this kind of electric current is actually no worse than the thunder in nature, but unfortunately, Is this the power of the mysterious side?

Among the thunder in the natural world, it is easier to comprehend the profound meaning contained in the thunder and lightning, and the gods such as Zeus and Thor are actually the mythical bodies of the natural thunder, so this is why Max and Victor Feng Doom was only able to comprehend the reason for the Law after studying with Zeus.

Just like there is a big difference between flame-type ability users, some flame-ability users can create flames out of thin air, some can burn without fear of water flow, and some can even burn regardless of air. This is the difference between ordinary flames and real metaphysics. fire difference.

Of course, among those with lightning abilities, Max also obtained the thunder power from Thor's Hammer and Storm Hammer before, which also helped him transform his abilities in advance, which is why he can compare with Victor Feng. The reason Doom went further.

After all, in Huang Wen's universe, the abilities of Max and Victor Von Doom are basically the same, and Max did not mutate his own ability like John Burning, so theoretically he would not lead Victor von Doom is.

In fact, there is no problem with Max playing Victor Von Doom, because he is really ahead of Victor Von Doom by a lot.

When Victor Von Dum came to the Avengers, he had no chance to see Thor's Hammer of Thor. Although Steve Rogers also had the Hammer of the Storm, the power contained in the Hammer of the Storm was not enough Let Victor Von Dum go one step further, otherwise Steve Rogers would not have realized the existence of the law until now.

You know, when Steve Rogers was practicing the Nine Transformations of the Legend, he was one of the few people who had cultivated the Nine Transformations of the Legend to the peak. It means, even if you get the guidance of Zeus and develop the divine power in the Hammer of Storms.

And when it comes to people with lightning abilities, I have to mention Orolo, the storm girl. She has awakened the mutant ability from the beginning, and she is the storm and thunder in nature. Aspects of talent are higher!

Of course, the same is true for the weather witch who is basically carved out of the same mold as Orolo, the storm girl.

At this time, after Dum and Susan Stone settled in the small town, Susan Stone apparently began to take care of her baby, but was actually developing her own abilities.

For the arrival of Susan Stone and Dum, the people in the town did not have much reaction. After all, Susan Stone and Dum had very good reasons, they came to raise a baby.

The pollution in big cities is too serious, and the air quality is not good, which will affect the fetus. This excuse is still very useful.

As for the money problem, it was still solved by Susan Stone. After all, the two of them came out of the laboratory, penniless, and a set of clothes is already very good, and Dum's ability, if you want to get money , the movement is too great.

But Susan Stone is different. Susan Stone's invisibility ability is really easy to use. Stealing or something is simply child's play.

However, the appearance of a beautiful woman like Susan Stone in such a remote town has attracted the attention of some locals, even if Susan Stone is pregnant.

But even if Dum doesn't use his superpowers, he has no problem dealing with ordinary people. Under the scouring of electric current, his body strength has already surpassed that of ordinary people. Even if it is just physical quality, he can also reach Extraordinary levels too.

Therefore, in the end, Susan Stone and Dum still lived in peace, and it also made more lightning and thunder in the small town that had no thunderstorm weather.

Of course, at the beginning, Doom couldn’t trigger the change of the weather. After all, he is not Orolo the Storm, nor Thor, the God of Thunder. What he controls is only the electric current in the mortal world, and has nothing to do with the thunder in the sky. .

However, in this small town with underdeveloped electrical equipment, Doom has no other goals in wanting to become stronger. In addition, Doom is a decisive person, so he is willing to go all out.

Doom had been waiting for several days for the first time to catch lightning. This small town is so small that there is no weather forecast here. Doom can only wait day by day. .

When the lightning and thunder started, Doom was very excited watching the thunder in the sky in the rainy night, and in the room, Susan Stone's eyes flickered slightly, she knew what Doom was doing, But she knew she couldn't stop it.

Even if Susan Stone understands that Doom is trying to become stronger, if Doom really succeeds, she will never have a chance of revenge, but at this time Susan Stone has no ability to stop Doom.

There are not many paths that Susan Stone can choose. Either become stronger, kill Doom, and take the child alone to deal with threats from humans, or she can only succumb to Doom.

"Be stronger!" Looking at the thunderstorm outside, Susan Stone took a deep breath, and quickly made a decision that she also wanted to become stronger. Sanstone also has super powers, as long as she can develop them properly, she can also defeat Dum!
You know, Susan Stone's super power attributes are much more than Dum, such as energy barrier, energy emission, invisibility and so on.

These abilities are most likely a variant and development of mind power, but in Susan Stone's view, this is proof that her potential is not weaker than Dum, and she also killed Dum herself to avenge the three of Reed Richards, and at the same time Fight against human dependence!

"It's good that you have the determination to improve. I'm still worried. You really can't think about it. Come and stop me. I can rely on you once or twice. If you tolerate everything, I won't be me anymore..." Under the thunder , Dum glanced at Susan Stone's direction, then shook his head and said with a faint smile.

"Boom!" In the sky, another thunder flashed, just in an instant. With Doom's ability at this time, it is simply impossible to capture the thunder at this speed. Doom's reaction The speed couldn't keep up with the speed of lightning and thunder.

"Looks like I have to give it a go!" Doom's eyes flashed brightly, and he said arrogantly, "I don't believe I will die a second time!"

(End of this chapter)

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