I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1278 Race against time

Chapter 1278 Race against time
What Victor Von Dum said at this time is the thinking of human beings, or in other words, no matter which world it is, when faced with this situation, it should make a similar choice. The establishment of the New Hope State At that time, hadn't human beings already prepared the means of attack?

Therefore, Victor Von Doum was not surprised by the nuclear bomb attack. Even Victor Von Doom was thinking about how many nuclear bombs would come. Fear of insufficient firepower is human nature.

"How did you find the nuclear bomb? Why didn't I find anything?" Doom asked Victor Von Doom hesitantly after a moment of silence. He didn't doubt what Victor Von Doom said. , but I don’t understand how Victor Von Doum can find out that Victor Von Doom is in his body, something that he has not discovered.

Especially now that the nuclear bomb has not yet come, judging from the meaning in Victor Von Dum's words, he still has a certain amount of time to escape.

"When you further master your ability, you will know how I discovered it..." Victor Von Doom didn't directly tell Doom what he meant, but some inscrutable riddlers said, "Now you What you should do is to escape from here, as for Susan Stone, you can choose whether to take it or not!"

"Understood!" Dum took a deep breath and looked at the laboratory where Susan Stone was. The situation at this time would not give Dum any chance to think, so Dum rushed directly to Susan. Stone's direction, as for the future, it can only be considered later!
With a sound of "Boom!", the door of the laboratory where Susan Stone was located was blasted open instantly, but Susan Stone was not hurt, and no explosives even flew in the direction of Susan Stone. Obviously , This is Dum's subconscious protection of Susan Stone and his own children.

After Susan Stone heard the explosion, she was jumped instinctively, but she didn't panic, because she soon realized that it was Dum who came, and the familiar electric ability had already made Susan Stone I will never forget it.

"You're here..." At this time, after Susan Stone came back to his senses, there was a touch of coldness in his voice, without any surprise, nor any hatred, making Dum There was a sudden jump in my heart.

"It's time to go. I haven't finished killing people yet, but the nuclear bomb is coming soon. You probably don't want to die here, do you?" However, Dum quickly came back to his senses, and he walked towards the man who was bound on the bed. Susan Stone, an electric current directly smashed the bed, then hugged Susan Stone in his arms, and said.

"Let me go!" Susan Stone suddenly struggled violently after being hugged by Doom, with strong anger in her voice.

Yes, Susan Stone was angry at this time. After all, Doom was still her enemy. For the sake of the child in her stomach, Susan Stone did not directly attack Doom, but Doom hugged her now, But touched the bottom line of Susan Stone.

For Susan Stone before, it was actually not a big deal to hug like this, but for Susan Stone now, this is absolutely unacceptable.

"Don't move around!" Dum heard Susan Stone's roar and felt Susan Stone's struggle. He was a little annoyed for a while, and shouted in a low voice, "Leave here first, if you mess up again , don’t blame me for being rude!”

"Do it if you have the ability..." Susan Stone did not expect that Dum hugged her, and she would have such a big reaction, but at this time Susan Stone also lost her temper, and she continued to attack Dum growled.

"Zizizi!" However, Dum is not a sympathetic person, especially now that the nuclear bomb is coming, Dum has no time to continue arguing with Susan Stone, if they don't escape here, they will all die!

So Doom directly stunned Susan Stone with a small amount of electric current, carried Susan Stone on his shoulder forcibly, and rushed out of the laboratory.

For Dum at this time, carrying the weight of a person will not affect him at all, and he does not rely on his own body to fight. As long as the current is sufficient, it will not affect his combat effectiveness.

Soon, Dum ran wildly in the laboratory, looking for a way out, but after all, Dum didn't have the slightest understanding of this laboratory. When he just killed, he was just running around. Now he wants to find the exit, and Not so easy.

"Left first, then right..." Just when Dum couldn't find the exit, Victor Von Dum ordered, "You only need to bomb the five doors to escape, this is I found it, the fastest way!"

"Okay!" Doom didn't hesitate at all, and acted directly according to Victor Von Doom's guidance.

"Boom!" With Doom's explosions again and again, the five doors were bombarded by Doom. It was a dark night outside, but Doom had electric current flowing in his eyes, and the night would not affect his vision.

"Go! The nuclear bomb is approaching, you still have 1 minute to escape from the explosion range!" Just when Dum was relieved to escape from the laboratory, Victor Von Dum's voice sounded again. , with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

"Okay!" Dum's heart trembled. At this time, he finally felt that the crisis was coming, and hurriedly ran towards a place far away from the laboratory. The speed exceeded the limit that human beings can imagine, but it did not reach Dum's own heart. As expected, as fast as lightning.

"Damn it! I have the electric current, why can't I turn it into electric current, or gain lightning speed?" Dum ran away as usual, and cursed with dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Speed ​​superpowers, where is it so easy to obtain?" Victor von Doom finally felt a little relieved when he saw Doom's image at this time. The decisive Doom who killed the Fantastic Four before really made him He was a little apprehensive, and the resurrected Dum's performance was not as good as before.

As for Dum's idea of ​​turning electric current into a speed-like superpower, Victor von Doom could only sneer. To be honest, the current Viktor von Doom has not been able to reach his speed as fast as lightning. , Even Thor, the God of Thunder before, did not reach this speed. Among all the ability users of the lightning system, only Zeus has perfectly mastered this point, and far surpassed this point.

Of course, Victor von Dum does not know whether Thor can reach this level at this time, and it is not clear whether Victor Von Dum's master Max can reach this level in special training.

In Victor Von Doum's opinion, Doom is a bit too self-important at this time, and he is thinking about running before he can walk...

(End of this chapter)

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