I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1271 The accumulated electric current

Chapter 1271 The accumulated electric current

Facing the cars thrown by the stone man Bengrim one after another, Doom didn't have any intention of panicking, or even the slightest intention of avoiding it, but filled his body with electric current, forming a An electric ball protected himself.

The appearance of this electric ball looks somewhat similar to Susan Stone's energy force field, and its function is actually similar. It is to protect Dum in the electric ball. This is already a new use of Dum's own ability.

Even Victor von Dum couldn't help but be amazed when he saw this scene, because the speed of progress of this Doom was really too fast. The speed at which he can control his ability is far beyond what he used to be.

That is to say, if Victor Von Doom and this Doom were allowed to awaken their abilities at the same time, this Doom's improvement speed would be much faster than Victor Von Doom!
"With the help of my master and Zeus, I slowly developed various uses of my own abilities, and even comprehended the law of thunder. But depending on the situation, I don't need to be so troublesome in this world. He relies on his own ability , developed his ability into various tricks, and if he is given enough time, it is not difficult for him to comprehend the law..." Victor Von Doum couldn't help muttering as he looked at this more talented self up.

Even at this time, Victor Von Doom didn't quite understand what this Doom was trying to do by releasing the electric ball to protect himself. Obviously, he could dodge the car thrown by the stone man Bengrim.

Even, if Dum wants to be more brutal, he can directly bomb these cars with electric current.

But now, after Dum protected himself with the electric ball, one car after another fell on the electric ball, without receiving any backlash from the current, instead, Dum was buried under the car.

"Huh?" It's not just Victor von Doom who doesn't understand Doom's behavior at this time, the stone man Bengrim who is running towards Doom also doesn't quite understand why Doom looks so weak, especially when Doom just In the case of killing Reed Richards and Johnny Stone, the Stone Man Bengrim didn't believe that Doom would be so weak.

However, the stone man Bengrim soon thought of a possibility, especially in view of the fact that Dum absorbed the entire city's electricity before.

The electricity in Dum's body may have been exhausted. After all, Dum had released a large amount of electric current before. For this reason, Reed Richards and Johnny Stone were killed. They are all mutated under the same cosmic storm. , even if there is a gap in ability, Dum's energy should not be endless!

Therefore, Dum should have no energy at this time, and he is using the last electricity to protect himself. After all, there is no electricity in the current city that can be absorbed by Dum.

Thinking of this, the stone man Bengrim quickly walked towards Doom, picked up the car buried on Doom, and slammed it hard on the electric ball protecting Doom.




A loud noise reverberated around, and the electric ball that protected Doom was also flickering, as if it could not withstand the brute force from the stone man Bengrim.

The stone man Bengrim also noticed this, his eyes lit up suddenly, he simply threw the broken car out, and directly smashed the electric ball with his huge fist.

The stone man Bengrim wants to smash through the electric ball, he wants to kill Doom hiding inside, and avenge Reed Richards and Johnny!
Thinking of the deaths of the two, the stone man Bengrim felt a burst of sadness and anger, especially the death of Johnny Stone. This time it was because he came late. He originally thought that Johnny Stone could last longer. After all, when he left, Johnny Stone's performance was still very strong.

Therefore, after the stone man Bengrim arranged the two corpses of Susan Stone and Reed Richards, he also comforted Susan Stone, saying that he would avenge Reed Richards and send the raped Niston brought it back.

Although Susan Stone didn't speak at the time, Bengrim, the stone man, could feel that Susan Stone had recovered a little.

But now, the stone man Bengrim doesn't know how to explain to Susan Stone. If he tells Susan Stone that her brother Johnny Stone is also dead, I don't know how Susan Stone will react in the end.

After all, for Susan Stone, the two closest men in life are both dead. Susan Stone must not be able to bear such a shock.

The stone man Bengrim's thoughts were a little distracted at this time, because Dum inside the electric ball did not respond at all, and the electric ball began to stir continuously, as if it had a tendency to explode.

But what the stone man Bengrim didn't know was that in the electric ball, Dum was continuously releasing the current, but it didn't let the current burst out, but it was constantly compressing the volume of the current, which didn't let it The current exceeds the scope of the electric ball.

"Is this here?" Victor Von Doum looked at Doom's behavior at this time, his eyes flickered slightly, and the surprise in his expression became more and more intense. This other self really surprised him too much, especially At this time, Doom is still plotting against Bengrim the Golem, or rather, Doom still wants to kill Bengrim the Golem!

In the short fight before, Dum knew that he was not the opponent of the stone man Bengrim, so he directly absorbed the electric current of the whole city without the slightest hesitation, without any scruples about whether the electric current would bite him back.

After that, Doom hit the stone man Bengrim with all his strength, but found that he could only cause slight injuries to the stone man Bengrim, so Doom changed his strategy, first killed Reed Richards, and then used Susan Stone's character, leaving Bengrim the Thing briefly to kill Johnny Stone.

But now, when both Reed Richards and Johnny Stone are dead, Doom knows that it is impossible to kill the stone man Bengrim with simple means, so he starts to compress the electric current he created. Turn the electric ball outside into a terrifying bomb, pour all the current into it, and kill the stone man Bengrim!

"What a lunatic! Is this what I look like unscrupulous? But, can he really withstand such an electric current? After all, the electric current from the explosion doesn't care whether he is one of his own, even if he because of his own ability, He has a certain resistance to electric current, but it does not mean that he can really survive such an explosion..." Victor Von Doum looked at the continuously solidified electric current, and couldn't help but muttered, his expression I don't know how many times I am not calm.

(End of this chapter)

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