I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1269 Reed's Death

Chapter 1269 Reed's Death
"Stop! Victor! Let Reed go..." When Johnny Stone dispersed the flames, Susan Stone also saw the appearance of Reed Richards. Susan Stone was confused at that time, even She didn't even know how to use her abilities anymore, she just subconsciously begged Dum.

"Quick! Generate a force field to protect Reed's body!" Bengrim, the stone man, was the first to come to his senses. He knew that it was useless to beg Dum. Chaz came to the rescue.

Therefore, Ben Grim the Stone Man rushed towards Doom while commanding Susan Stone. Johnny Stone was afraid that the flames would hurt Reed Richards, but Ben Grim the Stone Man would not be afraid of this, he would Save Reed Richards with your own fists!

With a sound of "hum!", as the stone man Bengrim's voice fell, Susan Stone finally came back to his senses. She quickly shot in the direction of Dum, and a force field barrier wanted to break through from inside. The two parts of De Richards' body were spread out, and the body of Reed Richards in the protective column would not continue to be persecuted by Doom.

However, if there is no interference from external forces, or when it acts on itself, Susan Stone's force field is still very reliable, but now, Reed Richards is in Dum's hands, and there is still a powerful current impacting him. Reed Richards' body.

Therefore, as soon as a force field barrier appeared on Reed Richards' two bodies, the current forcibly shattered the force field barrier. In other words, Susan Stone did completely useless work.

Fortunately, although Susan Stone did not save Reed Richards, it still attracted Dum's attention and gave the stone man Bengrim a chance to make a move.

I saw that the stone man Bengrim seemed to have turned into a tank, striding towards Doom's direction, his hard and wide palm directly grabbed Doom's arm, without any scruples about the powerful lines on Doom's arm. current shock.


It can be seen that the stone man Bengrim's palm is emitting light smoke, but he has no intention of letting go. He wants to crush Doom's wrist bone and take Reed Richards' body back!
With a sound of "Crack!", as the stone man Bengrim continued to exert force, Dum, who had been strengthened by the electric current, finally failed to support the pressure from the stone man Bengrim, and there was a crisp sound from his wrist.

"Boom!", the next moment, the stone man Bengrim kicked Doom's chest, directly kicked Doom's body into the air, and smashed heavily into the wall beside him.

"Hahahahaha..." However, just as the stone man Bengrim was about to soften his body and turn into Reed Richards in two, Dum's wild laughter came from the wall, attracting his attention. The attention of Bengrim the Stone Man.

The stone man Bengrim didn't quite understand why Dum was able to smile so happily when he was kicked out in such a mess, but soon, the stone man Bengrim's heart trembled, as if he had realized something, he hurried to see To the two bodies of Reed Richards.

"Hahahahaha! It's useless. I just discovered that his ability has a limit. No matter how malleable his body is, he is not immortal. How could he survive with continuous destruction by electricity?" Just when the stone man Bengrim couldn't believe it, Dum came out of the wall bit by bit and looked at the two sections of Reed Richards on the ground. The body said with a sneer.

"No! Reed!" Susan Stone heard Doom's words and felt the surrounding world was spinning. She couldn't accept this fact for a while, and when she recovered, she quickly rushed to Reed Richards' Body, wanting to prove that what Dum just said is wrong, everything is just Dum deceiving himself!
But when Susan Stone ran to Reed Richards' body, Susan Stone discovered that Reed Richards was really dead. His body was not just softened, but completely lost. Breath, like two pieces of cloth spread on the ground...

For Susan Stone, the visual impact of such a fact was too great, which made Susan Stone completely unacceptable. She sat paralyzed next to the two bodies of Reed Richards, as if she had lost her soul. silence.

"Bastard! I'll kill you!" The hot-tempered Johnny Stone was the first to come to his senses, even though Johnny Stone had often quarreled with Reed Richards before, and even felt that Reed Richards was not good enough for his young and beautiful The elder sister Susan Stone, but it does not mean that there is no relationship between him and Reed Richards.

In particular, Reed Richards was killed in front of him in such a way that was almost a massacre by Doom, which made the anger in Johnny Stone's heart blaze.

And with Johnny Stone's anger, the flames on his body became more turbulent, and the surrounding temperature also continued to rise with Johnny Stone's anger, and he even faintly felt that the air was a little fuzzy.

With a sound of "Boom!", the next moment, the flames from Johnny Stone's body gushed out violently, blowing away all the stone slabs on the ground and scorching them, and then blasted towards Doom's direction.

The powerful heat wave and flames did not change Dum's expression in the slightest. At this time, he had woken up from the joy of killing Reed Richards, because he knew that only the Fantastic Four could be killed. Only by killing can he truly conquer the world, and only when the Fantastic Four are all dead is his real new start!

With Dum's thought, an explosive thunder was released from Dum's body and collided with the flame.


In an instant, the junction of the flame and the thunder exploded, but the flame and the thunder did not stop at all, but collided continuously.

With the impact of the explosion, the surrounding ground continued to shatter, and powerful airflows rushed outwards. Even the stone man Bengrim felt a little pressure at this time.

However, just when the stone man Bengrim was about to rush over to help Johnny Stone deal with Doom, the stone man Bengrim found that Susan Stone, who was sitting beside Reed Richards's body, did not move at all. In other words, facing the impact, her body swayed from side to side, but she didn't open the force field to protect herself.

"Susan! Take Reed's body and leave first!" The stone man Bengrim shouted at Susan Stone to remind him, but Susan Stone still didn't respond.

"Bring my sister out first and then help me, I can still hold on!" At this time, Johnny Stone also found his sister Susan Stone, he took a deep breath, and the flame on his body was bright again stood up, and shouted at Bengrim the stone man.

(End of this chapter)

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