I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1265 Fantastic 4 Attack

Chapter 1265 Fantastic Four Attack
Therefore, the Fantastic Four, who had just awakened their superpowers, were dispatched soon. Even though they hadn't fully mastered their abilities, they felt that since Dum could kill the Quartet with superpowers, then they would not be bad. Where to go.

At this time, the building of Dum Company was already in a mess. The onlookers who had been hugging and watching the excitement saw corpses being thrown on the ground one after another. The smell, the strong sense of sight and smell impacted their brains, causing most of the spectators to run away in a panic.

However, the reporters who were filming had no intention of leaving at all. Instead, their current state became more excited. After all, this was much more than a bank robbery. Today's headlines!

The reporters were like sharks that smelled blood, circling around and would never leave, even if it would endanger their lives.

"God of the new era, don't tell me, he looks like a god, but he is not our God, he is more like Thor..." A reporter looked at Dum through the window. , while excitedly reporting.

"Thor, the God of Thunder, is simply nonsense. I think he is more like the god king Zeus. After all, Thor, the God of Thunder, has Thor's Hammer. He does not have Thor's Hammer. He generates electricity entirely by his own power. This is simply a miracle of the new century!" Another reporter quickly gave a different opinion for the sake of ratings, even with a hint of admiration in his tone, as if he would become a follower of Doom at any time.

The reporters unscrupulously tried to increase the ratings, while the police on the side were a bit miserable. After the sheriff was directly knocked down by the current passed through the loudspeaker, some police officers did not hold back and shot directly, but the result It is one more innocent person who died tragically.

Dum's mentality has completely changed at this time, from a person full of ambition and revenge to a standard villain boss.

Even, he is still an old-school big boss who likes to hurt innocent people to prove his strength.

Of course, the police were not that impulsive, especially when one companion after another fell to the ground, completely turning into charred corpses, the police officers calmed down instantly and hid behind the police car, not daring to show their heads at all, let alone Say harsh words and the like.

And the reporters at the side filmed the performance of the police officers, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, causing the chief of the police station to sink when he saw the TV.

However, the police chief also knew that these police officers could not be blamed for this matter, even if he was at the scene, his performance would not be much better than these police officers.

And more importantly, the chief of the police station also didn't dare to go to the scene, he was afraid that he would also be killed by Dum's electric current on the spot, and died honorably...

Fortunately, the police chief quickly received an order from the higher-ups to ask the police to help evacuate the surrounding people. As for Dum, someone will naturally go back to deal with it.

"This is no longer an existence that normal humans can deal with. Our police force is completely insufficient. I wonder if the special operations team is going to go out? Or, in fact, the government has also cultivated a group of similar superpowers?" the police chief received. After receiving the order, he couldn't help muttering.

But soon, the police chief came back to his senses and gave orders to his subordinates. He knew that no matter what happened next, it had nothing to do with him.

"Evacuate people? Who dares to go out here..." After receiving the order from above, the policemen looked at each other in dismay. Although the policemen who died before all shot at Doom, and even insulted Doom, But no one can guarantee that after killing so many police officers, Dum won't become red-eyed and kill all the police officers who don't like him.

Except for the evacuation of people, it will obviously attract Dum's attention. This is undoubtedly a high-risk thing. The police officers don't want to take this risk. After all, there is only one life...

"Good guy, are there really so many people?" However, when the police officers were still struggling, a helicopter flew over, and there was an exaggerated voice from the helicopter, "Victor, you The appearance is so cool, but it’s not good to have a little ability to expand like this, isn’t it?”

"Huh?" Dum heard the familiar voice, squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the helicopter, and then said with a sneer, "It's you, it seems that you have also obtained superpowers, how about it, are you interested? Together with me, start a brand new era, an era that belongs to God?"

Although Dum was asking at this time, he knew that neither Reed Richards nor the flamboyant Johnny Stone would stand by him, so he was quietly accumulating a powerful current, ready to directly Bomb the helicopter on the spot, even if there is Susan Stone, the woman he once loved most, in the helicopter.

"What era of gods, Victor, don't talk nonsense, your ability is not so stable, a cosmic storm has mutated our genes, but will this mutation last? We don't know what kind of impact the body will have. To be on the safe side, you'd better work with us to study how to eliminate this ability, instead of using him to do bad things..." Just after Doom's voice When it fell, Reed Richards shouted at Dum in an upright manner.

At this time, a group of powerful electric currents condensed into a spherical lightning, which directly smashed in the direction of the helicopter.

"Be careful!" Johnny Stone couldn't help exclaiming, a ball of flames shot out from his palm, trying to block the attack of the ball lightning.

But it is a pity that the flame power released by Johnny Stone is not at the same level as the electric current released by Dum. In just an instant, the ball lightning passed through the flame barrier unscathed and continued to blast towards the helicopter. , Seeing that the helicopter was about to explode on the spot.

There was a sound of "hum!", but at this moment, a light blue barrier appeared outside the helicopter, blocking the spherical lightning, while the helicopter wobbled and flew to the side, looking like It's like falling.



Seeing that the helicopter was about to fall, two rubber-like arms stretched out, grabbed the building beside it, and pulled the helicopter abruptly, making it suspend in mid-air. At the next moment, a stone man He jumped out of the helicopter, dragged the helicopter from below, and slowly put the helicopter on the ground under the surprised eyes of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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