I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1211 Strength Requirements

Chapter 1211 Strength Requirements
"How could this kind of thing be known in advance?" Logan slowly fell to Qin Gelei's side, looked at Qin Gelei and said softly, "I am already very satisfied to be able to improve so much strength, especially now that I The strength is basically what I have mastered, and there will be no strangeness..."

What Logan said, of course, was to comfort Jean Grey. It would be the best if he could obtain all the mutant abilities of Apocalypse. Logan also wanted all the power of sand and space transfer.

Moreover, this does not count the small ability that Tianqi did not show. If it is really counted, Logan will become the person with the most mutant abilities. Of course, if Tianqi takes away Logan's body, it will be the same... …

However, Logan quickly put these things behind him. After all, no matter how important Tianqi's ability is, it is not as important as Qin Gelei.

If Qin Gelei really had a estrangement in her heart because of this incident, and kept feeling guilty, Logan would feel very sorry...

Moreover, Logan knew that he could not continue to delve into this topic, so he should change the topic quickly.

Thinking of this, Logan quickly looked at Qin Gelei and said, "Qin, we came to this world because the boss arranged for us to come to special training. It seems that my special training has already paid off, and I have obtained part of the energy of the apocalypse." , has strengthened my strength a lot, but the content of your special training..."

"Mr. Huang Wen probably has other arrangements..." Qin Gelei suddenly thought of something when she heard Logan's words, and looked at Logan and said.

"Besides, although your strength has become much stronger, you may not be able to meet Mr. Huang Wen's requirements. After all, even the Hulk at the cosmic level in Mr. Huang Wen's mouth has also started special training, that is to say , you may not be finished, if you want to meet Mr. Huang Wen's requirements, I'm afraid you are still far behind!"

"Uh, what you said seems to make sense..." Logan was originally quite happy because of his improvement in strength, but now after hearing Qin Gelei's words, he suddenly felt that his strength seemed to be just that.

After all, if Logan is to fight the Hulk at this time, Logan can still only guarantee that he will not die. He may be able to hurt the Hulk by relying on the edge of the Adamantium alloy, but to defeat the Hulk, basically impossible things.

And Hulk has already started special training, and even let Xingjue go in to supervise Hulk, so his Logan's strength still needs to be improved.

"Apocalypse is dead, and there is no need for us to destroy it here. After all, it is still a place of interest. I will use my thoughts to hide it deeper later..." After Qin Gelei looked around the surrounding pyramids, she brought Logan left directly, burying the pyramid deeper in the desert.

In the Xavier Academy of Geniuses, Jean Grey and Logan have returned here. From the perspective of Jean Grey and Logan, this place is an important place in the mutant universe. As long as you wait here, you can wait for the special training. Arranged next.

This point can be known from the appearance of the apocalypse before.

Moreover, even if there is no special training arrangement, Qin Gree and Logan are only familiar with the Xavier Talent Academy in this world, and there is another Phoenix girl waiting for Qin Gree to train. The promised thing, Still have to do better...

"Are you back?" When he found that Qin Gelei and Logan had returned unscathed, Charles' eyes flashed with surprise. Originally, when he saw Qin Gelei leaving with a bad expression, he thought that something must have happened , but now, nothing seems to happen.

"Well, Charles, what's the matter? You don't want to see us come back? Then let's go?" Logan looked at Charles with a half-smile, and asked jokingly.

"How is it possible? What about the apocalypse? His matter is settled?" Charles hurriedly waved his hand, looking at Logan and Jean Grey and asked hesitantly.

"Of course it's solved. That guy is really hard to kill, but it's not impossible to die, otherwise in our world, he won't be solved..." Logan shrugged with a smile and said with a smile , "From now on, we will live in your academy, I hope you don't dislike us!"

"How could it be? Qin just needs to be taught. If you don't stay here, I don't know what to do..." Charles' eyes flickered slightly, he looked at Logan and said, "Well, Logan, you Are you interested in becoming a teacher with me?"

"You think you're the boss?" Logan glared at Charles angrily and said, "Why do you want to exploit everyone? I won't be a free tool for you!"

"It's not free, I can pay you..." Charles hurriedly explained.

What a joke, he, Charles, has plenty of money. If he didn't have money, it would be impossible to use such a large manor to open the Xavier Academy for Geniuses.

"Cut! I'm not from your world, what do I want money from your world for?" Logan waved his hand disdainfully, and walked towards the Xavier Academy for Geniuses, "Besides, you wouldn't think that, In our world, we will be short of money, right?"

"Qin, I'll get used to the new ability, you can teach Xiaoqin, but remember to pay attention to the changes in the special training!"

"Understood!" Qin Gelei nodded, set her eyes on Phoenix Girl, and said softly, "It was an accident before, now you can continue the previous training..."

"Okay..." Phoenix Girl glanced at Qin Gelei weakly, finally nodded cautiously, and followed Qin Gelei to start his special training.

In this way, in the Xavier Academy of Geniuses, the Phoenix girl began to master her own mutant ability continuously. The potential of a Phoenix girl without the power of the Phoenix is ​​not too high, but it is obviously beyond most of the mutants.

At least, even without the power of the phoenix, Phoenix Girl can surpass Charles when her abilities are fully developed. As for whether she can surpass Magneto, it depends on how far Magneto can use her abilities...

While the Phoenix Girl was training in the Xavier Academy for Geniuses, a spaceship suddenly appeared in the space of the current mutant universe, and then headed towards the direction of the earth.

"Well, the competition in terms of mental strength, coupled with the particularity I created for them, as long as Qin Gelei can continue to fight with them, they can continue to improve..." The members of the Tianshen group looked at this ship at this time. Spaceship, eyes flickering slightly, said softly.

"Also, Qin Gree is right. The strength of Wolverine is indeed beyond most Wolverines, but I'm afraid it can't meet the requirements of that guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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