I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1201 Charles' Shock

Chapter 1201 Charles' Shock
With a sound of "Shua!", as Tianqi's voice fell, his body disappeared from the bottom of the pyramid, and when he reappeared, he was already in the country of this ancient continental desert.

Apocalypse was not prepared to look for Charles in the first place. After all, Apocalypse had already locked Charles' location. Even if Charles escaped and left, Apocalypse could still find Charles's location based on Charles' unique spiritual power.

Moreover, Apocalypse has other goals, such as understanding this completely unfamiliar world after sleeping for countless years, understanding why humans in this world can surpass mutants, and understanding what powerful monsters are in this world. mutants exist...

Most importantly, Apocalypse wants to know if there is a group of mutants that can fight against humans and fight for the rights of mutants under the condition of being suppressed by humans.

If there is such a group of mutants, Apocalypse will naturally reward them well. The content of the reward is to make them become his most important courtiers and accept their influence.

Yes, this is Tianqi's reward. In Tianqi's view, as the ancestor of mutants, as the god of mutants, rewarding those mutants who have the courage to fight to become their subjects is already a great reward.

Moreover, Apocalypse can also help those mutants improve their abilities, further expanding the power of the mutant group.

However, Apocalypse is destined to be disappointed. At this time, the Xavier Academy for Genius Boys has just started, and there are not too many mutants in it, and Charles has no intention of fighting against humans.

And after Magneto parted ways with Charles, he didn't care about the mutants, but entered a state of retirement, adopted an ordinary person, gave birth to his own children, and honestly made money to support his family.

Therefore, in this timeline, there is no decent organization of mutants at all, let alone resisting humans.

As for the two or three big cats, there are mutant organizations that make a living by robbery, but the problem is that those mutants are too weak for Apocalypse to look down on them at all, let alone accept them as His own subjects were even promoted to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

"Is this the mutant of this era? It really disappoints me!" After probing for a while, Tian Qi couldn't help snorting in his heart, and said very unhappy, "Also, human beings are progressing so fast, They have all developed nuclear weapons, and the only thing that can pose a threat to me on this earth is these nuclear weapons..."

"I have to find a way to get rid of these nuclear weapons first, so that human beings will not pose any threat to me!"

"As for nuclear weapons, that child is very suitable, we should go to him first..."

Tian Qi's figure gradually became illusory, and a law of space fluctuated around, as if locking onto the location of Charles's spirit.

Going forward some time, in the Xavier Academy for Genius Boys, after being shocked by the spiritual power of Apocalypse, Charles subconsciously wanted to go to Qin Gree and Logan to tell the situation.

However, Charles stopped soon, because he knew that Logan and Jean Grey might be inconvenient right now, especially since Logan and Jean Grey were not the two he knew, it would be too embarrassing, Charles finally Decided to go to the two of them the next day.

"You mean, yesterday when you were looking for your mutant compatriots, you encountered a very powerful spiritual force?" The next day, the radiant Qin Gelei began to teach Phoenix Girl to master her mutant ability. After hearing what Charles said, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and looked at Charles to confirm it.

"Yes, very powerful spiritual power, stronger than me!" Charles recalled the spiritual power of the apocalypse he encountered last night, and said with lingering fear, "even stronger than the negative power erupted by Qin! "

"Stronger than me?" The Phoenix girl on the side widened her eyes, looked at Charles curiously and said, "So, is he also our compatriot? Are we going to find him?"

"Mental power stronger than Charles or even Xiaoqin? Wait, Charles, do you know where he is?" Logan was grinding his paws boredly, his eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Charles' description Got up, looked at Charles and asked.

Last night, Logan and Jean Gray discussed their purpose of coming to this world for special training, and Charles' description at this time made Logan think of a boy who gave money... Well, giving money may not be accurate, it should be It's right to send the chance boy.

"You mean?" Qin Gelei also thought of the apocalypse in her own world when she heard Logan's words. She looked at Logan with some uncertainty and asked.

"If it's the African continent, it should be the apocalypse. I can't think of any mutant whose spiritual power is so much stronger than Charles..." Logan shrugged and said with a smile, "At least, the mutants in our world Humans, there are not many such existences, if it is really not the apocalypse, we will be in some trouble."

"Apocalypse? The African continent? That's right, it's on the African continent!" Charles listened to the conversation between Jean Grey and Logan, recalled what happened yesterday, and said, "When I inspected my compatriots, I was usually in America. On the mainland, one is that my spiritual power is released too far, and the pressure is too great, and the other is that I am too far away, even if there are fellow mutants, I don't have the energy to find it..."

"However, last night was different. At the beginning, I didn't notice that spiritual power. He burst out suddenly. Even though we were far away, I still felt his strength!"

"Apocalypse, who is he? You said before that your timeline is in our future, have you already seen Apocalypse?"

"Speak up, don't be afraid..." Logan glanced at Qin Gree, then looked at Charles and Phoenix Goddess and said mysteriously.

"Don't be afraid?" Charles and Phoenix Girl were taken aback by Logan's mysterious tone, and looked at Logan suspiciously for a while.

Tianqi's strength is indeed very powerful, but what is the mysterious origin that made Logan remind them not to be afraid?

"Yes, the origin of this apocalypse is indeed a bit bluffing. When we first learned about his origin, we were also taken aback. But then we have seen all the gods, gods, gods, and gods. What does it feel like..." Logan said with some emotion as his eyes flickered slightly.

"Actually, Tianqi is the ancestor of mutants. He claims to be the emperor of mutants, the first mutant in history, and the supreme god of mutants!"

(End of this chapter)

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