I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1094 Differences in Ideas

Chapter 1094 Differences in Ideas

"May I help guide Thanos?" Huang Wen was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say for a while.

It is true that Thanos is considered to be a relatively successful villain in the Marvel universe. After his purpose of slaughtering to please Lady Death was modified, the whole character became fuller, but this does not mean that everyone Everyone loves Thanos.

The first is the so-called limited resources, half of life must be erased.

The experience of one planet on Titan does not represent the fate of all planets, let alone the fate of the entire universe.

Just like the relationship between human beings and the earth, human beings' changes to resources and the environment will only affect human beings, and it is actually nothing to the entire earth.

Moreover, even if every planet really steps into the footsteps of the Titan star, only the civilization of the Titan star will be destroyed. With the disappearance of the Titan star civilization, the Titan star will slowly regain its vitality...

The second is to erase half of the life, whether it is useful or not is another matter.

This time, Thanos feels that the resources in the universe are limited, and the population has increased too fast and half of life has been wiped out.

Then according to Thanos' concept, with the development of the universe, it won't be long before this half of the population will be replenished again. At that time, should we snap our fingers again?

Does the entire universe rely on constantly snapping its fingers to maintain the balance between the universe's resources and population?That would be too ridiculous.

And, since you can collect all six Infinity Stones and do anything you want, why don't you just keep the resources in the universe constantly growing?According to the exponential growth of the population increase, then there is no need to worry about the contradiction between Thanos' so-called resources and population...

In Huang Wen's view, Thanos is extreme and arrogant. What will the universe look like in the end? What does Thanos have to do with it?

Just because Titan developed first and eventually caused huge damage to the planet, Thanos must curb the population of other planets that want to develop in the future, and prevent them from using more resources to develop their own civilization?

Because the current carbon emissions are too high, the subsequent development of civilization should reduce carbon emissions?

Because the population is too large to consume too much meat, so meat is not allowed?

This theory, in essence, is a joke!
Therefore, from the very beginning, Huang Wen and Thanos were not just differences in viewing issues from the same standpoint, there was a huge difference in the concepts between the two.

Such a difference made Huang Wen not even think about any reconciliation with Thanos, especially Thanos found out that after eliminating half of life, he could not achieve his ideal situation, and chose to destroy the entire universe and re-open the universe. Not happy to ask.

Imposing one's will on others, the civilization of the entire universe provoked you?Just because you didn't achieve your own goals, you are going to destroy all civilizations?Just because these civilizations didn't develop according to your wishes?

The word "tyrant" for Thanos is indeed not wrongly translated. Hegemony is nothing more than that.

Moreover, Thanos' thoughts are so stubborn, Huang Wen really can't think of any way to guide Thanos on the right track other than completely transforming his soul.

Unless a higher level of consciousness comes and directly transforms Thanos into a character who stands up to resist because he does not allow others to get involved in his own universe...

"You don't seem to have much confidence?" That consciousness seemed to know Huang Wen's mental activities, and he asked again.

"It's not that I don't have much confidence, it's that I didn't intend to do this at all..." Huang Wen shrugged, and said indifferently, "A villain with unstable factors, why force him to be whitewashed?"

"Your view of the problem is still one-sided..." the voice subconsciously persuaded Huang to ask.

"It is precisely because of this that I always feel that I am still alone. Since the way is different, there is no need to waste time. If that guy appears, I will not hold back..." Huang Wen shook his head , Taking a deep look at the universe behind the six infinite gems, consciousness slowly returned to the body.

"Ask, are you okay?" When Huang Wen came back, Belle stood at the nearest place to Huang Wen, surrounded by a space-time magic, and outside were Logan, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and others.

Even if they were facing them in another universe, even if they knew that Huang Wen was very powerful and no one should be able to hurt Huang Wen, they still subconsciously protected Huang Wen's body.

"Don't worry, I'm fine..." Huang Wen rubbed Belle's hair, then looked at Logan and the others and said with a smile, "I just went to investigate the power behind the Infinity Stones, and I also know about our The news of Thanos of the universe..."

"Did you find him?" Tony Stark's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly looked at Huang Wen and asked.

"No, I just know that he has obtained the ultimate power from the Infinity Gem and can surpass the limit of the single universe, but I don't know where he is..." Huang Wen shook his head and said softly.

"However, since we already know the source of his power, it will be much easier to deal with. Although we can't use the Infinity Gems to exert more powerful power, we can speed up the research on Infinity Gems, so as to deal with that guy better .”

"This guy is finally about to appear. It's really not easy!" Logan said with some emotion when he heard the words.

"I'll put away the Power Gem and Soul Gem, and find a chance to send the remaining gems back to the original parallel universe..." Huang Wen looked at Iron Man and others in this universe, and said.

"Thinking about it, there should be no Thanos in your universe, so Thor, you and Loki stayed to help the fat house Thor recast Asgard, and we went back first...huh?"

As soon as Huang Wen's voice fell, before Iron Man, Thor and others could respond, his brows frowned.

Because Huang Wen felt that there were some fluctuations in the time and space of the entire universe, as if some existence outside of time and space had descended!
"Thanos? Huh? Isn't he the Thanos of our universe?" Soon, Huang Wen seemed to feel something, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At first, Huang Wen thought that the consciousness behind the Infinity Gem was chasing him, but when he felt the breath of the comer, Huang Wen was a little stunned.

Yes, the one who came was Thanos.

When he saw the purple sweet potato essence, Huang Wen subconsciously thought it was the Thanos in his own universe who had obtained the ultimate power of the infinite gem, but soon, Huang Wen noticed the gap between the souls of the two parties, or , There is no aura of infinite gems on this Thanos' body!
(End of this chapter)

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