I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1072 The Intuition of Supreme Intelligence

Chapter 1072 The Intuition of Supreme Intelligence

Fortunately, there are enough Hydras in this universe to attract Tony Stark's hatred, allowing Tony Stark to vent it. Moreover, Steve Rogers saw Hawkeye from another universe at this time Waiting for someone, thought of another Hydra.

That's right, it is the Red Skull guarding the soul gem, an existence that has completely lost its freedom and has become immortal.

It seems that the Red Skull seems very powerful, and even has the ability to fly, but it is a pity that the soul of the Red Skull has been bound by the soul gem on the Vormir star, and has no independent action ability at all...

Judging from the efforts to exterminate Hydra on the earth at this time, Hydra no longer exists. Even if Hydra appears again, it is just someone acting under the name of Hydra.

Therefore, the Red Skull has become the last Hydra in the entire universe, and since the ancestor hive of the Hydra is dead, the Red Skull may also usher in the end of his fate, after all, he has lived more than 70 years , making a lot of money...

While the Avengers are waiting for the result of the battle between Hulk and Ronan, in the vast universe, in the Large Magellanic Cloud, on a planet called Hara, there is a highly developed civilization here It was born and grew up, and even the entire Large Magellanic Cloud is controlled by this planet.

The owner of this planet is the Cree Empire, a civilization ruled by a super life computer like the Supreme Intelligence.

In the Cree Empire, living people only serve as the assistants of the Supreme Intelligence, and the Supreme Intelligence is worshiped by the entire Cree people, not only the supreme administrator of the empire, but also the de facto god of the entire Cree people!

Theoretically speaking, with the development of civilization to this extent, such a situation should not occur.

But it is precisely because of the status of the supreme intelligence super life computer that the Cree people have [-]% trust in it, and even continuously strengthen the supreme intelligence, and finally achieved the current status of the supreme intelligence, because it knows the Cree people too well, It deeply knows how to control the Cree people...

At this time, Supreme Wisdom has been paying attention to the situation on Ronan's side, until Ronan was imprisoned in the mirror space and completely lost contact.

"Ronan already knows of my existence, and Ronan's power is far beyond my imagination..." The eyes of Supreme Wisdom kept flashing new information, and began to quickly analyze it.

"I have seen, after all the recorded strongmen, except for those indescribable beings and that planet, there is no one who is more powerful than Ronan at this time. Is this the power of the Infinity Stone? "

"The one who shot at the beginning, called Mr. Huang Wen, is he from Earth? It was the experimental site for the Cree people before us? It was also the experimental site for those indescribable beings?"

"So, is he one of them? Why did he appear? I can't analyze it at all..."

With the computing power of the Supreme Intelligence, few things can escape the analysis of the Supreme Intelligence. Even the life of every Cree has been fully analyzed by the Supreme Intelligence since the moment he was born.

It is also through numerous calculations that the Supreme Wisdom finally chose Ronan as an experimental product of another Cree path, and it is also the candidate for the Supreme Wisdom to test the upper limit of the existence of the universe and test how the Celestial Group will be born.

Although Ronan's growth path was not smooth and he didn't do too many valuable things, but this time he used the power gem to reach a new height, and he caught the secret behind the infinite gem and the secret of a strong man like Huang Wen. Things are enough to reflect the value of Ronan.

"The Infinity Gem, the Space Gem, and the Power Gem are all on Xandar. The Time Gem is said to be in the lineage of the Supreme Mage and also on Earth. The Reality Gem was short-lived before. It once appeared in the Nine Realms, which is extremely affiliated to Asgard. Now It seems that it should also be on the earth, this Mr. Huang Wen, what is he going to do?" The supreme wisdom connected the clues together.

"The Mind Stone should be in the hands of that Crazy Titan. In the beginning, that Crazy Titan seemed to want to collect all six Infinity Stones. Could it be that Mr. Huang Wen is going to do the same?"

"Then where is the last Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone? Can our Cree Empire get it first? Let me collect all the news about the Soul Stone..."

In the movie universe, only Gamora knew about the news of the Soul Gem, and in the end, it was known by Thanos after telling Nebula that his memory had been read.

So, where did Gamora know about the soul gem?That map about soul gems couldn't have appeared out of nowhere, right?
Existence will inevitably leave traces, and at this time, the supreme wisdom is looking for this trace!

As one of the three great empires in the entire universe, the supreme ruler of the Cree Empire, the supreme wisdom has mastered too much information, and coupled with its own super life computer status, it can be called the artificial intelligence in the entire universe. Wisdom is even the most powerful existence on the technology side!
Even Sha Niu, I'm afraid it can't compare to it. After all, Sha Niu now has too little information. Except for the data of Earth, which can reach interstellar civilization, and the information of Nova Empire, Sha Niu's There are too few databases...

And the supreme intelligence holds most of the secrets in the entire universe. It knows too many things, so it is frightened by the god group.

Among the information collected by the Supreme Intelligence, the Celestial Group has destroyed an unknown number of civilizations, many of which have reached the level of cosmic empires, and some civilizations are even stronger than the combined three major empires of the universe.

But just because the Celestial Group felt that the way of the imperial civilization was going astray, they destroyed the entire imperial civilization, which left a shadow in the heart of the supreme wisdom.

This is why, over the years, the Kree Empire tried its best to adopt a conservative strategy, and sent Ronan to fight abroad to test the bottom line of the Celestial Group.

The Supreme Wisdom wants to know oneself and the enemy and be invincible in a hundred battles!

At this time, what happened on Xandar is undoubtedly an opportunity for the Supreme Intelligence to learn about intelligence and gain strength...

"Found it! Soul Gem! Map! Vormir Star!" Soon, the Supreme Wisdom searched for relevant information about the Soul Gem, and for some reason, when the Supreme Wisdom saw these materials, it belonged to the senses of human emotions Parts suddenly trembled.

There is no basis, even completely out of the knowledge of the Supreme Wisdom, the intuition of the Supreme Wisdom tells it that obtaining the Soul Gem is of great benefit to itself!

(End of this chapter)

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