Chapter 1059
At this time, after Ronan experienced the ups and downs in his mentality, he couldn't hold back completely. In other words, there was no self-destruct device in Ronan's space battleship, so as to avoid accidents. Otherwise, Ronan might want to directly explode the universe Warships, let the enemy know your stamina.

However, no one knew that Ronan's anal fissure was intact, but after he left his space battleship, Huang Wen's incarnation knew that Ronan's space battleship was already owned by the earth.

Tony Stark's attack became the last straw that crushed Ronan's mentality, and also made Tony Stark's plan succeed.

Of course, at this time Tony Stark didn't know that Ronan had successfully driven the small spaceship to leave the space battleship in stealth. In terms of technological level, there is still some gap between the Avengers and this top-level alien technology...

After all, compared with the entire universe, the development time of the earth is still too short, and the progress of these foundations still needs continuous accumulation.

"Tony, they have already left the space battleship and are about to land. Let everyone come out to practice. A Ronan with a power gem is not bad, maybe even stronger than the black panther god Buster." Awesome..." Huang Wen's avatar watched Ronan land in a small spaceship, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Tony Stark and others.

"Landed? How is this possible? Jarvis? Silly girl? Didn't you all monitor it?" Regarding Jarvis and silly girl's surveillance technology, especially the silly girl's surveillance technology, Tony Stark is still very confident Yes, but I didn't expect that Ronan was about to land, and neither Jarvis nor Sha Niu noticed.

"It should be an invisibility technology that we haven't encountered before. After all, there are so many ways of invisibility. Even if we know it, it may not be able to be monitored by us..." Silly girl shook her head, very It is indifferent to say.

"Forget it, our technology does have room for improvement, so who is going to practice with this guy?" Tony Stark sighed helplessly when he heard the words, and asked the group of Avengers road.

It doesn't matter if Tony Stark doesn't ask. After asking, he found that the eyes of all the Avengers were shining, and it seemed that they all wanted to try Ronan's strength.

Seeing the light in the eyes of these avengers, even Tony Stark, who hadn't planned to make a move, was moved. His Space Gem Armor has received a new blessing. Isn't Ronan the gem a good opponent?

"Hmm..." Thinking of this, Tony Stark touched his chin, then looked at the Avengers and said with a smile, "Huang Wen also said before that at this time Ronan was in possession of the power gem. Under the circumstances, it is not inferior to the Black Panther God Buster, so at least you must have a sub-celestial father level or even a higher level to participate in the battle..."

"Then it's better to let Hulk take action. Hulk can kill this guy with one punch..." Bruce Banner heard Tony Stark's words, subconsciously communicated with Hulk's consciousness, and then shook his head helplessly , said softly, "Forget it, Hulk said, he looks down on this kind of existence that uses external force to reach the heavenly father level, and has no interest in making a move at all..."

"That's a good relationship. Since Hulk doesn't want to make a move, and that guy Huang Wen is too lazy to make a move, then let me do it!" Tony Stark raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile, "It just so happens that I come out this time. Bring the space gem, the brand new space gem armor has not been shown to you yet!"

"No, why did you make the move, big nephew, you Uncle Luo, I haven't said that I can't do it yet, since this Ronan looks so troublesome, it's your Uncle Luo, I will reluctantly make the move!" Logan saw Tony Shi With a proud look, Tucker said deliberately mockingly.

"Hehe, what's your surname? You just leave Uncle Luo alone?" Tony Stark glared at Logan angrily and asked back.

"From the moment my son's name is Ronye, ​​my surname is Luo, why? Can't I?" Logan counterattacked not to be outdone, "So, your Uncle Luo is going to take the lead, silly girl, send me down! "

"Buzz!", following Logan's voice, a blue light flashed across the space battleship.

That's right, after having owned the space gem for so long, the Avengers' research on space transmission technology is naturally proficient.

Even if the space gem is lost now, the Avengers still have space transmission technology, but the energy consumed will become a problem.

At this time, the space battleship is also equipped with space teleportation technology, as long as it is within the detection range of the space battleship, it can be teleported there. It seems that it is somewhat similar to Thanos' space battleship teleportation technology.

"Huh? Is it here?" After reaching the ground first, Logan seized the time and began to look at the surrounding environment. His keen perception ability was feeling everything around him. Soon, Logan's eyes lit up suddenly. looked in one direction.

There, it was the location where Ronan and the others had just landed. Without any hesitation, Logan turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Ronan!
"What? We have been discovered?" Ronan watched the scene of Logan rushing over, his pupils shrank slightly, and then quickly issued an order, "Fire! The space battleship and all spaceships fire!"

"Yes! My lord!" Colas didn't hesitate at all. Under the remote control, the space battleship quickly fired in the direction of Logan, and the surrounding small spaceships also opened fire.

"Boom!" Smoke and dust flew above the Xandar star, completely shielding Logan's figure.

However, relying on Logan's own ability and the law of Youyanwushang, whether it is the incarnation of Huang Wen or the Avengers, there is nothing to worry about, even Tony Stark and other Avengers who want to fight They were sent to the ground one after another.

"When?" However, the Nova Empire's side couldn't keep up with the rhythm, because they didn't find out how Ronan reached the ground.

After seeing the small spaceship of Ronan and others appearing, the senior executives of the Nova Empire felt a bit of fear in their hearts.

They knew that if the Avengers hadn't discovered it in time, Ronan who possessed the power gem might be able to directly use the power of the power gem to destroy the entire Xandar planet!
In other words, when Logan discovered and forced Ronan's position, he had already saved Xandar and the Nova Empire...

(End of this chapter)

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