Chapter 1056
"Gulu!" At this time, Xingjue didn't even think about the issue of compensation for his spaceship. When he saw that the explosion did not cause fluctuations, he swallowed at the same time as everyone around him.

The scene in front of me was really shocking, it was like a nuclear bomb exploded, and then a hand suddenly appeared, pinching the wave of the explosion, and everything returned to calm.

It is hard to say whether the explosive power of the bomb in the spaceship or the nuclear bomb is stronger or weaker, but the impact of the two images is the same.

"As expected of Mr. Huang Wen, he is still so powerful, so be careful!" Seeing this scene, the senior executives of the New Star Empire and Roman had a thought flashing through their minds, and their hearts were once again cheered up. The trace of dissatisfaction that didn't want to make a move disappeared in an instant.

"Is this guy still a human? Is this a god? Is my cheap dad so powerful?" Xingjue murmured subconsciously after he came back to his senses.

"Huh? It seems that you have talked a lot with Xingjue. After solving Ronan, I will let you leave with the power gem..." Huang Wen took a deep look at Xingjue, and then Looking at Nebula and War Machine, he said with a smile.

" know us?" War Machine glanced at Huang Wen's avatar with some fear, and tentatively asked.

"I'm also from Earth, and I've traveled through other parallel universes..." Huang Wen's avatar shook his head and said softly, "Let's talk about the specific things after the matter is over. Hawkeye and Black Widow who traveled with you Among the space battleships, you can also go there, you can't participate in such a battle..."

"Wait, you're also from Earth?!" As for Xingyun and War Machine being Earthlings, Xingjue can barely accept it, but to say that Huang Wen's incarnation is also an Earthling, Xingjue really can't accept it, after all Huang Wen's avatar just shot casually, leaving a deep imprint on Xingjue's weak heart.

"What does it mean to be an Earthling? Mr. Huang Wen is naturally an Earthling. Who else is an Earthling?" Roman glanced at Xingjue, somewhat dissatisfied with Xingjue's attitude towards Huang Wen's incarnation. questioned.

"We are all Earthlings..." Xingjue muttered subconsciously, "Why are we all Earthlings, how can the gap be so big?"

"Did you see it?" Not only Xingjue and others were frightened by Huang Wen's avatar to freeze the space, Ronan was also frightened by this move.

It is not very difficult for Ronan who got the power gem to create a more terrifying destructive power than the bomb, but Ronan knows that destruction is always easier than protection.

If you want to defuse that kind of explosion so easily and freely, your strength must be unfathomable, at least Ronan himself is absolutely unable to do it...

Therefore, Ronan once again felt fear, as if he once drove the space battleship near the earth, and finally saw the amazing captain Carol who showed great power.

At this time, Ronan wanted to escape again, and even Ronan faintly felt that Huang Wen's incarnation might be more terrifying than Captain Marvel's Carol...

"Attack! Biochemical soldiers, get rid of those small spaceships first, and be careful not to fall and hit Xandar Star..." While Ronan was in a daze, Tony Stark and others had already seen the strange thing, they The order was issued directly, and this interstellar war started.

Soon, countless biochemical soldiers flew out of the space battleship. These biochemical soldiers all possessed the ability to fly, even if they flew into space, they would not die.

With the addition of various energy weapons, their combat capabilities are no different from small spaceships, except that they cannot be piloted...

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Not only biochemical soldiers were dispatched, Tony Stark's space battleship also started to attack, and the four main naval guns released energy shocks. This is the power from the space gem. It can be said that so far, What I have seen on the earth, the peak destructive power of science and technology, a burst of energy beams is enough to wipe out a city!
As for destroying the planet, this space battleship can’t do it for the time being, not only the space battleship on Earth, but Ronan’s space battleship also can’t do it, otherwise he wouldn’t be driving the space battleship to Xandar Star landed.

After all, the energy to completely annihilate a planet is too powerful. In the universe, no matter whether it is technology or the strong, there are not many who can reach this step. At least they must be the strong at the level of the heavenly father, or This can only be achieved when treasures of this level such as power gems burst out.

Tony Stark and others were able to develop space gems to develop a main naval gun of this level, which is no less than Ronan's space battleship.


Four beams of light bombarded Ronan's space battleship, and three of them were blocked by an energy barrier, but the fourth beam still shook Ronan's space battleship, and made Ronan's space battleship tremble from the moment he was hit by Huang Wen just now. Came back from the awe-inspiring mood of the avatar.

"Retreat! Retreat first!" After regaining consciousness, Ronan saw the damaged space battleship and countless biochemical soldiers around him, and quickly made a decision.

He, Ronan, is not a face-saving person. Besides, he has already escaped before, so it is not a big deal to escape again.

Of course, there is still something to say on the scene, at least to make the subordinates around him have the confidence to continue to follow him.

"One Power Stone is not enough, we need more Infinity Stones, when I have collected all six Infinity Stones, no one in the entire universe will be our opponent!"

"Yes! The Kree people will surely regain their glory under the leadership of the adults!" Colas, who was in charge of cheering, quickly said.

In this way, after receiving a shot, Ronan's space battleship stopped quickly, then turned its power system, and prepared to escape here. The speed was so fast that even Tony Stark and others did not react.

After all, no one thought that the interstellar war has already begun, and there are people who are so cowardly, thinking of running away just after the confrontation, is this really a cosmic battle?Or is it like this in cosmic level battles, just run away when the situation is not good?

"Buzz!", but Tony Stark didn't come back to his senses, Huang Wen's incarnation had already guarded against Ronan's move.

When Ronan's space battleship was just about to turn around, Huang Wen's incarnation directly turned the surrounding space of Xandar Star into his own domain, and all rules in this domain would be decided by Huang Wen's incarnation.

This can also be regarded as a small method newly developed by Huang Wen's incarnation, especially in the absence of a strong person, such a method can be called invincible...

Commonly known as the skill of abusing food!

(End of this chapter)

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