World Douluo in the town of Douluo

Chapter 64 Looking for the Soul Hunting Group

Chapter 64 Looking for the Soul Hunting Group (Second Update!)


After arriving at Eternal Night City, Lin Ye handed the coachman some silver soul coins.

This was the fare he had to pay to come here in a carriage from Notting City.

After paying the fare, Lin Ye got out of the carriage.

After getting out of the carriage, Lin Ye stepped onto a lush meadow, with a towering city wall not far in front of him, and an endless forest behind him.

Lin Ye hadn't entered the city yet.

Although Lin Ye's current location is indeed within the range of Eternal Night City, it can be seen from the city wall in front of him that Lin Ye's current location is still outside the city.

This place seemed to be specially provided by Eternal Night City for carriages coming from other places.

Evernight City is different from Notting City.

Because Notting City is located at the junction of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, merchants from the two countries often come to Notting City to trade, trading agricultural products and commodities from their respective countries and earning the price difference.

And because Eternal Night City is close to Eternal Night Forest, soul masters from various nearby places come here every day to hunt and kill soul beasts.

Before entering the Evernight Forest to hunt soul beasts, the coming soul masters often need to make various preparations in the city, such as looking for the hunting group, preparing various things such as water bags, dry food, and realgar.

Therefore, in Eternal Night City, various shops, hotels, and taverns are very prosperous.

And because the customers are all soul masters and nobles, compared to Notting City, Eternal Night City is obviously more prosperous.

After getting out of the carriage, Lin Ye walked out of the open space where the carriage stayed after observing the surrounding area, and walked towards the city gate not far away.

Lin Ye lined up outside the city gate, and after paying the entrance fee, Lin Ye officially entered Eternal Night City.

Eternal Night City is indeed more prosperous than Notting City.

Compared to Notting City, there are obviously more gorgeous buildings in Eternal Night City.

There are towering bell towers all around. On both sides of the street, various restaurants, hotels and pubs are also common. Many people in clothes and leather shoes come in and out of the hotels and pubs.

On the streets on both sides, all kinds of shops are bigger and more numerous than Notting City.

At least in Notting City, if you want to find some shops, you need to go to the commercial street in the central area to find them.

But in Eternal Night City, as soon as he entered the city, Lin Ye saw various shops around, including shops selling maps, shops selling weapons, and shops selling medicine...

There are so many shops of all kinds that you can find everything you need!

After entering the city, the first thing Lin Ye looked for was a place to live.

Although Lin Ye's purpose was to practice here, Lin Ye was destined to spend most of his time in the Evernight Forest, and there was no need to rent a yard or hotel.

But before entering the Evernight Forest, Lin Ye still needs to make various preparations.

Like finding a suitable soul hunting group to join, getting a steady stream of funds, and then buying the materials needed to enter the Forest of Eternal Night, such as water bags, dry food, realgar and flint and so on.

These are indispensable.

Lin Ye entered the Evernight Forest to practice, not to become a savage.

So dry food to eat, water to drink, realgar to repel insects, flint and steel to start a fire, everything must be prepared.

After searching for a while in Eternal Night City.

Finally, at noon, Lin Ye found a place called Tulip Hotel and opened a room here.

Because all the things Lin Ye was carrying were put into the jade pendant, Lin Ye didn't need to put them in the hotel room, but left the hotel after looking at the room.

I sat in the carriage for almost half a month.

Except when passing through some cities, Lin Ye spent most of the time eating dry food, and he was already tired of it.

Now that he finally arrived at his destination, Lin Ye decided to have a good meal.

Walking on the bustling street, Lin Ye found a restaurant and had a good meal.

In the afternoon, Lin Ye decided to go and see if he could find a soul hunting group to join.


After eating, Lin Ye learned about the situation of Eternal Night City through talking with the waiter in the restaurant.

Eternal Night City is different from the simple town near the Hunting Forest that Lin Ye has been to.

Because of the vastness of the Eternal Night Forest, soul masters from many cities within a radius of ten thousand miles would come to the Eternal Night Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts.

With the generous help of countless soul masters, Eternal Night City, which was originally just a small town, has grown from a small town to its present scale.

In order to thank Eternal Night Forest, the city that was not called Eternal Night City was renamed to the current Eternal Night City.

Because of the size of Eternal Night City, coupled with the attraction of Eternal Night Forest, in order to regulate the development of soul hunting groups in Eternal Night City.

Under the auspices of the Wuhundian, a place called the Hall of Hunting Souls was built in Eternal Night City.

All soul masters who want to ask the soul hunting group to help hunt soul beasts can issue tasks in the soul hunting hall.

And all soul hunting groups who want to recruit people can also post recruitment notices in the soul hunting hall.

For soul masters who want to join a certain soul hunting group, they can also go to the soul hunting hall to see the recruitment notices of each soul hunting group, and choose the soul hunting group that suits them to join.

After learning some news about Eternal Night City from the waiter, Lin Ye gave the waiter some tips, then left the restaurant and went to the Soul Hunting Hall in Eternal Night City.

The Hall of Hunting Souls is located in the central area of ​​Eternal Night City.

Because it was built under the supervision of the Wuhun Palace, the architectural style of the Hunting Soul Hall is somewhat similar to the Wuhun Palace, which looks very delicate and luxurious.

As a place specially built for soul masters, it is normal to build it so gorgeously.

Looking at the tall and gorgeous building in front of him, Lin Ye walked into the Hunting Soul Hall.

Although the decoration of the Hunting Soul Hall is very luxurious, the layout is very simple. In the spacious hall, there are no other decorations except for green plants and paintings.

Only on the walls on both sides, there is a wide crystal glass inlaid, and various notices are posted on it.

And at the end of the hunting hall, there is a counter, a beautiful woman in the uniform of Wuhundian is sitting behind the counter with a smile on her face.

From the information obtained by the waiter in the restaurant before, Lin Ye knew that the woman in front of him was a staff member of the Hall of Hunting Souls.

Soul masters who come to the Soul Hunting Hall and want to find a soul hunting group to help hunt soul beasts will register here, explaining the cultivation level and type of the soul beast they want to hunt, as well as their address in Eternal Night City.

After the staff finds a suitable and available soul hunting group, they will contact the two parties to meet and help the two parties establish a mission relationship.

If the task is completed, the Soul Hunting Hall will charge some handling fees.

But because Lin Ye didn't come here to post missions, nor did he come to accept missions.

So Lin Ye didn't need to go to the counter, but walked directly to the notice boards on both sides of the main hall, and began to read.

What Lin Ye had to do was to find a suitable soul hunting group to join from the recruitment notices of various soul hunting groups.

(End of this chapter)

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