World Douluo in the town of Douluo

Chapter 50 Then I'll Be the First One!

Chapter 50 Then I'll Be the First! (third change)

Hearing the sound, Su Yuntao couldn't help looking over subconsciously, and saw two children walking towards him.

"You two, do you know me?"

Seeing Lin Ye and Tang San, Su Yuntao asked with some doubts.

"Master Su Yuntao, you forgot, we are children from Holy Soul Village, and this year you are here to awaken our spirit."

Tang San said respectfully.

"So it's the two of you, your name is Lin Ye, and... Tang San, right?"

Hearing Tang San's reminder, Su Yuntao patted his head, and immediately remembered.

Although he would awaken martial souls for many villages every year, such a series of strange situations like Lin Ye and Tang San still left a deep impression on people!

"Huh? Su Yuntao, haven't you awakened a soul master this year? What's going on with these two boys?"

On the side, hearing the conversation between Tang San and Su Yuntao, Mark couldn't help showing a very surprised expression.

"Who said that I haven't awakened a soul master this year, I awakened these two children, and their soul power is full of soul power innately!"

After arguing with Mark for a long time, Su Yuntao also came up, and he couldn't help retorting immediately.

"Hehe, are you kidding me? Innate full soul power? If you awakened two innate full soul powers, you probably would have gone to the main hall of spirits by now."

Mark showed a mocking expression and said disdainfully.

"Since these two boys are born full of soul power, what is their martial soul?"

"Their martial souls..."

Hearing Mark's words, Su Yuntao froze immediately.

What should he say, the blue silver grass and crabapple flowers that are full of soul power?
Obviously no one would believe this!
"Hehe, I can't tell you! Su Yuntao, you have to be a little good at deceiving people, okay? I may still believe in the innate third-level and fifth-level soul power, but what kind of innate full soul power can be produced in a garbage village? You're lying to a ghost!"

"You are full of lies, I have to tell Si Si well, let him know your true face!"

Seeing that Su Yuntao was speechless, the aristocratic youth Ma Ke immediately took advantage of the victory and chased after him, mockingly.


Su Yuntao was furious, he could just talk about anything, don't bring it up to his dear Sisi!

"My martial soul is Begonia flower, Tang San's is Blue Silver Grass, our martial soul is waste martial soul, but we are indeed born full of soul power."

On the side, Lin Ye suddenly spoke.

"Two useless martial souls? Are they both born with full soul power? You two boys, do you think I'm as ignorant as you?"

Mark was very disdainful.

"A waste martial soul can't be congenitally full of soul power, who stipulated this? A waste martial soul is called a waste martial soul because it has no soul power? And a waste martial soul is full of soul power congenitally, even if it appears in the waste martial soul Here, the martial soul cannot be called a waste martial soul. Chicken martial souls can mutate into phoenixes, and snake martial souls can mutate into dragons. Why can't the same thing happen to blue silver grass martial souls and begonia flower martial souls? !"

Lin Ye frowned.

"Also, I forgot to tell you, I have already become a soul master, and I came to the Wuhun Branch Hall this trip to register."

"You look down on the useless martial soul so much, why don't we come to fight the soul, I want to see how powerful your martial soul is!"

Looking at Mark, Lin Ye's eyes were a little cold. What he hated most were these self-righteous nobles.


Listening to Lin Ye's words, Mark was a little speechless.

Because the logic in Lin Ye's words is indeed irrefutable, the origin of the waste martial soul is indeed called the waste martial soul because it has no soul power, and there is no innate waste martial soul.

Chicken martial souls mutate into phoenixes, and snake martial souls mutate into dragons.

But, not knowing how to refute this argument didn't stop Mark from getting annoyed.

"Boy, are you sharp-mouthed? That's right, the martial soul mutation you mentioned does exist, but you are just a Begonia flower martial soul, what else can you mutate? And this kid is just a blue silver grass martial soul , and what can it mutate? The cock-snake martial soul can mutate into a phoenix and a dragon. If you want to turn the sky upside down!"

"There has never been such a mutation before. That was before. Now that I have me, I will be the first one!"

Lin Ye said calmly.

Although the tone of the speech was not heavy, Su Yuntao and Mark couldn't help being shocked by the strong self-confidence.

"As before, sir, would you like to have a soul fight with me? Let's use the soul fight to talk!"

Lin Ye suddenly looked at Mark, his eyes full of provocation.


Mark laughed out of breath.

"You're really overwhelmed! Then I'll let you..."

Just as Mark was about to agree, Su Yuntao scolded and interrupted him.

"That's enough, Mark! Only children can be emotional, are you still a child? Do you want me to fight you?"

Su Yuntao frowned tightly, his tone was cold.


Hearing Su Yuntao's words, Mark snorted coldly, but he didn't dare to say any more.

Although he is a nobleman, he is only a soul master, and he is really no match for Su Yuntao, who is at the level of a great soul master.

"Lin Ye, Tang San, right? Let's go, I'll take you to register."

After yelling at Mark through Lin Ye, Su Yuntao looked at Lin Ye and Tang San, his cold face turned into a smile, and said.

"Thank you Master Su Yuntao!"

Lin Ye and Tang San thanked them politely.

Looking at the backs of Lin Ye, Tang San and Su Yuntao leaving, Mark's face was a little gloomy.

He was annoyed that a commoner like Lin Ye dared to confront him face to face, but considering Su Yuntao, there was nothing he could do.

"Hmph! Damn kid, don't let me catch you again, or you'll be better off!"

With a cold snort in his heart, Mark turned and left angrily.


"Lin Ye, Tang San, thank you just now."

Leaving the hall of the Wuhun Branch Hall, Su Yuntao said to Lin Ye and Tang San in the corridor with some emotion.

Fortunately, Lin Ye helped him out of the siege just now, otherwise, if Mark caught him and stabbed him to Sisi's place, his good performance in Sisi's place would definitely be greatly reduced.

"It's nothing, master, you helped us awaken our martial soul. Just as you said back then, master, you are our guide. When we see master has difficulties, we will definitely help."

Lin Yedan smiled.

"Hey! But you helped me, Mark may have hated you in his heart, remember to be careful when you go back to the academy and when you leave the academy, especially you, Lin Ye."

Su Yuntao sighed and exhorted very seriously.

"We know, Master Su Yuntao!"

"You don't need to call me Master, just call me Big Brother Su."

Su Yuntao shook his head and smiled.

"By the way, have you two really been promoted to soul master?"

Suddenly thinking of what Lin Ye said just now, Su Yuntao couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"Well, just yesterday, Tang San and I absorbed the first spirit ring in the Hunting Soul Forest, and were promoted to become spirit masters. When we came back today, we had time, so we just happened to drop by to register."

Lin Ye nodded and explained.

"Hey! You two, what a pity. Originally born with a talent full of soul power, you may become Title Douluo in the future, but it's a pity that both of you are useless martial souls!"

Su Yuntao sighed a little.

"Brother Su, do you still remember what I just said? A waste martial soul is called a waste martial soul because it has no soul power, but we are born with full soul power, which is not a waste martial soul in the strict sense. .”

"Although there have been no examples of Begonia flowers and Blue Silver Grass spirits mutating before, since chicken spirits can mutate into phoenixes and snake spirits can mutate into dragons, I believe that the same can be said for Begonia flowers and Blue Silver Grass spirits. Since there is no example before, let me make the first example!"

Lin Ye smiled faintly, but his tone was very confident.

"Good! Be confident!"

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Su Yuntao couldn't help but smile heartily, applauding Lin Ye's attitude.

But whether I believe it or not, I don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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