World Douluo in the town of Douluo

Chapter 19 Heading to Notting City, the guard blocks the way

Chapter 19 Going to Notting City, the gate guard blocks the way (please ask for a ticket!)

From the day Wuhun awakened, three months have passed in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, it was the opening day of Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy, which was also the day when Lin Ye was about to enroll in the Soul Master Academy.

Originally, on the day Wuhun awakened, Tang Hao was determined not to let Tang San go to the Soul Master Academy.

But a week before Notting College was about to start, Tang Hao finally regretted it, came to Old Jack, and agreed to let Tang San go to Soul Master Academy.

In Saint Soul Village, if you want to ask who gives old Jack the most headache, it must be Tang Hao!

And Tang Hao actually took the initiative to give in, which made old Jack happy for a long time.

On this day, the breeze was blowing, the sun was shining brightly, and it was a good day for traveling.

In the morning, after dinner, Lin Ye packed up his things at home, while his grandfather, Old Jack, brought the Martial Soul Certificate that he needed to bring, and then he was ready to go.

After going to Tang San's house and calling Tang San, the three of them left Holy Soul Village together and headed towards Notting City.

Passing through the large farmland outside the Holy Soul Village and along the banks of the gurgling river, the three of them walked all the way.

Although Lin Ye had been to Notting City with his grandfather Jack before, but this time it was completely different from before.

I used to go on a trip with Grandpa Old Jack, and I will be back in the afternoon.

But this time, after arriving at the Soul Master Academy, Lin Ye might stay in the Soul Master Academy for half a year.

He has never left his grandfather, Old Jack. Although Lin Ye has been independent and mature since he was a child, he can't help but become silent at this time.

On the side, watching the familiar scenery all around go away step by step, Tang San was also a little restless.

It is a long journey from Holy Soul Village to Notting City, and it takes several hours to walk, so it is not an option to stay anxious like this.

So, Tang San decided to ask Old Jack for some news about Notting College.

"Grandpa Jack, can you tell me where the Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy is?"

Walking slowly along the river, Tang San asked curiously.

"Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy, this is a special place to train soul masters, and will teach you about soul masters, but I don't know exactly what it is, after all, I have never been to it."

While explaining, Old Jack stroked his long beard and smiled.

"However, I heard that in addition to teaching you about soul masters, the Junior Soul Master Academy will also teach you some other commonly used knowledge, such as writing, geography, arithmetic and so on."

"Although you have learned these in the private school in the village, you have only learned the general idea. When you arrive at the Junior Soul Master Academy, the teachers there will give you more and more perfect knowledge. You must study hard!"

"Well, Grandpa Jack, do you need to spend money in the Soul Master Academy? If so, is it much?"

Tang San thought for a while, then continued to ask.

"Silly boy! Soul Master Academy is not my home, so it must cost money!"

Old Jack was a little dumbfounded.

"But don't worry, you and Xiao Ye are both using work-study student quotas. The work-study student quotas are all free of registration fees, tuition fees and accommodation fees in Soul Master Academy. You only need to bear the money for your own meals."

"As for the money for meals, because the Institute of Work-Study Students will arrange some chores for you to do, you can get a certain amount of reward as long as you clean up in the academy. Although it is only a few copper soul coins, it is enough for your daily food expenses."

Old Jack smiled and comforted him again.

"So it is."

Tang San nodded thoughtfully.


Chatted all the way.

Starting in the morning, after several hours of traveling, the three of them finally arrived in Notting City just after noon.

In the distance, the towering and endless city wall gradually came into view. On the black city wall, small dots stood on the city wall. They were soldiers in charge of guarding the city wall.

When we came to the entrance of the city gate, there was a long queue here.

Although Notting City is only a border city of the Heaven Dou Empire, but because it is located at the junction of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, merchants from the two countries often come here for business, so Notting City is quite prosperous.

Under the leadership of Old Jack, the three of them lined up, and after paying the entry fee to the gatekeepers, they finally entered Notting City.

Notting City is worthy of the rumored big city.

Although it was not the first time Lin Ye had just entered the city, he was still attracted by the clean and tidy houses around him, the towering clock tower in the distance, as well as various shops selling goods and street stalls.

Such a bustling and bustling city is really not comparable to Holy Soul Village!
Lin Ye couldn't help feeling yearning.

"Excuse me, where is Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy?"

After entering Notting City, after walking for a while, Old Jack asked a middle-aged man who was setting up a stall beside the street.

Although old Jack is very familiar with Notting College, but because the Holy Soul Village has not had a child with soul master qualifications for many years, old Jack has long forgotten where Notting College is!
"From here, go straight along this street, turn left at the end, and continue walking...the end is Notting College!"

Vendors point the way.

"Oh, thank you!"

Old Jack, leaning on a cane, thanked him politely.

"Children, let's go!"

Following the road pointed out by the vendor, the three of them walked forward.

After walking for more than ten minutes, it was finally time to arrive at Notting College.

Looking at the towering arch in front of him, Old Jack couldn't help sighing a little: "Xiao Ye, Xiao San, I'm going to Notting College soon, and when Grandpa takes you to sign up, Grandpa is going back. In Notting College, you must pay attention. Pay attention to your studies and listen to the teacher, the semester of the college is about half a year, and when the semester is over, the Chinese New Year will be almost here, and grandpa will come to pick you up then."

"I see, grandpa."

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye said.

Although he knew that he would definitely leave Grandpa Old Jack in the future, but he was brought up by Grandpa Old Jack since he was a child, and Lin Ye already had a deep affection for Grandpa Old Jack.

Hearing that they were about to separate, Lin Ye couldn't help feeling a little sad and irritable.

However, with Lin Ye's character, he still wouldn't show these emotions on the surface. In the future, he would leave Notting City, and the trip to the Soul Master Academy should be regarded as a trial.

In the future, when I become famous, I will come back to repay my grandfather!

Lin Ye thought to himself.

Go all the way to Notting College.

Probably at noon, many students returned to Notting College from Notting City.

All I saw were teenagers and girls in standard costumes, either running or hurrying.

One by one, they ran quickly from the rear, passed through the iron gate under the arch, and entered the academy.

But just as Old Jack was leading Lin Ye and Tang San to pass through the iron gate, a young man suddenly flashed over from the side and stood in front of the iron gate.

"Stop, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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