Starting from Naruto to be the mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 548 The dungeon of Judiciary Island, the two brothers discussing escape...

Chapter 548 The dungeon of Judiciary Island, the two brothers discussing escape...

In the port of Judiciary Island.

The door of justice has been opened, Hatake Kakashi rushed here with several CP agents, waiting for the arrival of Vice Admiral Karp.

After a long time.

A dog-headed warship slowly drove in along the current and docked at the pier. A strong old man jumped off the ship without waiting for the warship to dock.

It was Karp who hurried over from Marin Fand.

The figure of Monkey D. Garp jumped to Hatake Kakashi's side, and walked quickly to the judicial island: "Where is Ace, take the old man to see him!"

Garp has never had a good impression of the CP department under Pharmacist Dou, because the bad things these agents have done are no less than some brutal pirates...

These agents have always been doing dirty work for the world government!What's more, the CP department is also the main force in arresting Ace!
It is said that when these CP agents captured Sabo in Rogge Town, they almost captured Luffy and Dorag and his son... If this kind of thing really happened, Garp is really gray-haired People send brunettes!
Even if Garp is a big hearted...

It is impossible to have a good impression of CP again!
Hatake Kakashi tugged at his mask, and followed slowly: "Well, Lieutenant General Garp doesn't need to be so worried, Portgas D. Ace is doing well here, because he is here I saw my brother here..."


Lieutenant General Garp's face became even uglier.

Garp still doesn't want to bother with these CP agents if it's not necessary.

Kakashi Hatake didn't care, and continued slowly: "If we hadn't caught their brothers in, they don't know when they would be reunited, but Portgas D. Ace and A new problem has arisen among the Saabs..."


Garp frowned, and couldn't help turning his head to glance at Hatake Kakashi, and said coldly, "What's the problem? Is something wrong with Ace?"

"how to say…"

Hatake Kakashi thought for a while, then continued softly: "Portgas D. Ace and Sabo have been talking about the past of their three brothers in the dungeon...

It seems that the grandson of Lieutenant General Garp, Monkey D. Luffy, is missing. These days, we are discussing whether to capture the straw hat Luffy and let the three brothers reunite..."


Cap's face suddenly turned cold again.

Is this white-haired agent speaking human language?In front of his grandpa, is it necessary to arrest all his grandsons and the grandsons he raised together and send them to the execution platform?
He really deserves to be that guy's subordinate, Medicine Master Dou!
Inside the dungeon of Judicial Isle.

During this period of time, Portgas D. Ace had a pretty good life. The agents of the CP department did not embarrass him, and even prepared adjacent cells for him and Sabo.

When Portgas D. Ace and Sabo met in the dungeon of Judiciary Island at the beginning, the two brothers were a little surprised and a little sad for each other's experience.

As a result, I stayed for a few days...

It seems that Judiciary Island is not some kind of hell on earth.

"Hello, Sabo."

Portgas D. Ace held a straw in his mouth, glanced at the cell next door, and suddenly leaned over: "What do you think Luffy is doing?"

"do not know."

Sabo leaned against the wall with one hand on the back of his head, looked up at the ceiling above, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Probably still arguing to become the One Piece! Now we have no way to compete with him. !"


Portgas D. Ace smiled, and suddenly said: "But I have long since given up on becoming One Piece, and now that I think about it, I still feel a little sorry for Sasuke!"

"Sasuke Uchiha?"

Sabo nodded slowly, and sighed softly: "I have heard of his name, Ace, your companion is a very strong person! I have heard of it back then, the Spades Pirates are the most It is possible to climb to the top and become the new Four Emperor Pirates..."

"Ha, it's already over!"

Ace knocked on the railing and asked, "What about you, Sabo, is there anyone you miss? How about the Revolutionary Army?"

"feels good."

There was a smile on the corner of Sabo's mouth, and there was a touch of nostalgia on his face: "I miss everyone very much, those like-minded partners... However, Kerla will no longer have to look for me everywhere, she will I won't be angry anymore..."

Saab misses a lot of people.

Especially his teammate Kerra.

Now trapped in a prison on Judicial Island, Sabo couldn't help thinking, how would Kerla feel if he knew he was arrested?

Although Sabo said that Kerla would never be angry with him again, he knew very well in his heart that Kerla would be very anxious now...


Will you cry?
If there is nothing to do now, think carefully about Kerla, that little girl once lost the instinct to cry because of fear, but sometimes she would cry for him...

Just when Sabo was missing Kerla, Portgas D. Ace suddenly leaned over, looked at Sabo in a low voice and said, "Hey, Sabo, let's try to escape from prison!"

When Ace talked about the prison escape, his eyes were full of hope: "Just like when we were young, we worked together to escape from this prison cell. As long as I can untie my sea tower stone chain, the two of us will be able to escape from here together, at least You have to escape..."

two brothers...

Still very dreamy.


Sabo hooked the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Ace, the two of us will definitely be able to escape!"

At this moment, Sabo's innocent childhood smile flashed across his face. He glanced at his shackles and said with a smile: "Ace, in fact, they don't know that I am not a devil fruit user. Lou Shi lost his strength..."


A look of joy flashed across Ace's face.

Sabo raised a finger to signal Ace to be quiet, he looked at the cell, and continued in a low voice: "But I still want to find out where the other cadres of the Revolutionary Army are, the chief pharmacist of the CP agent arrested us Little companions..."

This is exactly Saab's plan.

From the moment Sabo was captured, he had thought about taking advantage of this opportunity to try to rescue other revolutionary army cadres who were captured by CP agents.

Who would have thought that before Sabo could find out where the cadres of the Revolutionary Army were locked in the dungeon of Judiciary Island, he met his good brother...



Just when Ace and Sabo thought their plot had succeeded, there was a sudden sound of metal rubbing in the dungeon, which made people's teeth sore.

The heavy iron door of the dungeon slowly opened.

A sound of footsteps echoed in the gloomy dungeon.

A group of people walked towards the cells of Portgas D. Ace and Sabo. It was Karp who came to visit, accompanied by Kakashi Hatake and others.

Hatake Kakashi led the way, Lieutenant General Garp walked behind him, and the two slowly stopped outside the cells of Ace and Sabo.


"Lieutenant General Garp..."

When Ace and Sabo saw Garp, their expressions were slightly stiff, and the two looked at the old man outside the prison in a little bewilderment.

after all…

Cap's affection for them was indeed deep.

However, Ace and Sabo quickly calmed down their emotions, because they were fully sure of escaping from prison just now, and when they escape from here, I believe Garp's face will be very exciting at that time!

Monkey D. Cap didn't know all this.

The old man clenched his fists, glanced at Ace, then at Sabo, his face gradually showed a trace of depression, and he said almost weakly: "Give me the key to the cell, the old man wants to go in and see them…"


Hatake Kakashi nodded.

Hatake Kakashi rummaged through his body for the key to the cell, and said slowly: "By the way, Lieutenant General Karp, there is something I need to say, Portgas D. Ace The 100% pure Hailou stone shackles are tied to his body, which will definitely make him, a person with the ability to burn fruits, lose his strength, and there is no way to leave here..."

Hatake Kakashi took out the key and handed it to Garp, his voice became slightly solemn: "But Sabo, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, may not be, because he is not a devil fruit capable person, so the Hailou stone we bound on him is invalid, he may escape from prison..."


Sabo's expression changed instantly.

Ace's expression was also slightly unsightly.

Even Lieutenant General Garp's expression was a little surprised.

Sabo slowly calmed down his emotions, looked up at Kakashi Hatake and said, "You all knew that I am not a devil fruit capable user? Don't you worry that I will run away?"

"do not worry."

Hatake Kakashi shook his head, and said lazily, "No one can escape from the dungeon of Judicial Island, and no one can escape our monitoring..."

This sentence does not only refer to the CP department.

It refers to the Akatsuki organization behind the CP department.

Hatake Kakashi looked at Sabo, and continued slowly: "Well, by the way, Yakushidou told me one thing before leaving. There are too many things recently, and it seems that I forgot to tell you."

Hatake Kakashi spread out his palm, and said boredly: "If you escape secretly, even if you do not succeed in escaping, you still have to pay for the escape...

All revolutionary army cadres, including ordinary members, who were secretly arrested by us in the past will be sentenced to death immediately; and in the future, when we capture members of the revolutionary army, we will not leave them alive. "


Sabo's expression suddenly changed. This group of CP agents really deserved to be the subordinates of that guy, Medicine Master Dou, and their behavior is really disgusting!

Fortunately, Hatake Kakashi said this...

Otherwise, Sabo really doesn't know how much torture he would suffer if he killed countless revolutionary army cadres and ordinary members because of his rash escape...

After Hatake Kakashi finished speaking, he looked at Ace again: "Portgas D. Ace, your situation is the same. , but captured many of your subordinates..."


A gleam of anger flashed across Ace's face.

Lieutenant General Garp was also there to help when Pharmacist surrounded and suppressed the 2nd Division of the Whitebeard Pirates. The entire 2nd Division was captured by the Navy, leaving only Ace, Sasuke and Marshall D. Teach …

Even the 2nd squad has been rebuilt.

Ace still couldn't ignore the life and death of those companions.

After Kakashi Hatake finished threatening Sabo and Ace, he looked at Lieutenant General Garp: "Well, I'll go first, you guys have a good chat...but I hope Lieutenant General Garp won't talk for too long, because you Before coming to Judicial Island, I received a message."

Garp frowned, looked at Kakashi Hatake with a displeased face, and couldn't help but said, "What news did you CP bastards receive..."

"Well, a piece of news that interests us all."

Hatake Kakashi slowly looked around at everyone present, and continued slowly: "Two hours ago, the Straw Hat Pirates snatched a sea train in the capital of seven waters, taking the sea train Driving in the direction of Judicial Island..."

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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