Douluo god level villain

Chapter 90 To save or not to save?

Chapter 90 To save or not to save? (The third update! Please subscribe!)

"Then shall we go or not?"

Emperor Xue Ye hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

"Then do you want to send someone, or don't you want to send someone?"

The big priest asked.

"In my opinion, both the Black Halberd and the Ice have been discovered, and they have no value. Going to save his son now, even if he is saved, the sacrifice will definitely not be small, so in our It seems unnecessary to go at all."

"The most urgent thing is to minimize the loss. If it falls into Qin Hua's hands, I'm afraid they will tell what they know. I know best what kind of person Qin Hua is. So now, I must let everyone with the black halberd Those who have dealt with Han Bing, find a way to lurk first."

Emperor Xue Ye thought for a moment, then spoke.

"That's right, it's meticulous. But do you know what Qin Hua's purpose is for doing this?"

The big priest asked back.

Emperor Xue Ye shook his head, obviously he didn't know clearly, nor could he guess.

"This is not acceptable. If this continues, we will always be in a passive position. We don't even know what they are going to do, so we can only be led by their noses. One day, we will lose everything. "

"According to the meaning of the great offering, how should we do it?"

Emperor Xue Ye was overjoyed, it seemed that the great priest had already made up his mind.

"I'm going, and I can't go."

These words completely confused Emperor Xue Ye.

What does it mean to both go and not go?To go is to go, not to go is not to go, what does this mean?

The great priest looked at Emperor Xue Ye, with a feeling that he hated iron for being weak.

"According to my guess, Qin Hua's ambitions are far more than that. He wants to use this opportunity to completely pull out our entire intelligence network in Wuhundian and surrounding forces!"

Hearing the great priest's speculation, Emperor Xue Ye refused on the spot.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"We have developed this intelligence network for hundreds of years, and have already formed a complete intelligence system. He may be able to capture a few leaders, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy the entire intelligence network!"

"When Qin Hua talked with me, he once mentioned a sentence, which I still remember. That sentence is called, the heart is the first. Even the most determined dead man, he is still a human being, and he has his own feelings. If we don't rescue them, Qin Hua will take the opportunity to spread the word. At that time, the people lurking inside them will hear that they have worked for intelligence for five years, and they don't even save their children. What will happen if they find out? ?”

When Emperor Xue Ye heard the words, his complexion changed suddenly.

"They will lose trust in our royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"That's right, you know, the people in these intelligence networks have been like a day for decades. What can support them until now is their tight nerves and loyalty to the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire. If they have any feelings for us If suspicion is removed, and Qin Hua is fanning the flames, then the entire intelligence network may collapse on its own!"

"Thank you for your advice, Great Priest, I understand!"

Emperor Xue Ye got up and spoke very sincerely.

If there were no words from today's great enshrinement, Emperor Xue Ye might have made a very serious mistake.

"But don't be in a hurry. You can make your plan first and find a way to stabilize the intelligence network. Then spread the news. As for whether to send someone or not, we have the final say. In the end, just find a child to stand up It’s fine if you don’t. Anyway, that Heiji will be dead by then, and there’s no proof of his death. The only ones who have seen the child are him and us. As long as we say that the child is Heiji’s child, then he is!”

"Great offering to Gao Ming!"


"Are you two hungry? Do you want to have a meal first?"

Qin Hua looked at the two people opposite and spoke slowly.

The two men did not answer.

How could they be in the mood to eat at this time, their heads were about to fall off.In fact, if they die, they will die, and they will not experience such big emotional fluctuations. After all, they are doing intelligence work, and they have already planned the worst consequences in advance.

This happened because Qin Hua gave them another life-saving straw.

In this way, even if it is death, it is enough to disintegrate their will.

The ancients once said that the fighting power of the last stand will be more than three times the usual.Because those people understand that no matter what, they are dead, so it is better to fight.

Therefore, when people are in danger, they are often able to stimulate their potential.

"Strange, why hasn't anyone contacted me yet!"

Han Bing murmured.

You know, he is the chief person in charge of the Heaven Dou Empire here, if the Heaven Dou Empire comes with information, it must be him first-hand.

But so far nothing happened.

At this moment, Qin Hua, who had closed his eyes, spoke.

"The big priest of your Heaven Dou Empire is really good, he probably guessed that this is all my scheme, the news that you have been arrested. I guess they are busy adjusting the intelligence network now!"

Hearing Qin Hua's words, Han Bing hurriedly said.

"I'm going to find the candidate right now, he must have received news from the Heaven Dou Empire. Our bet is still valid, right?"

"Of course, the bet is always valid. It's just possible, you can't find anyone!"

With Emperor Xue Ye's IQ, it is impossible to consider so many things.It must be some great priest of the Heaven Dou Empire, who is planning behind the scenes.

It has to be said that this old man is truly wise.

But when he saw Han Bing's expression of resentment.

"You don't believe me? Boss, follow him and don't let him run away. Han Bing, you can go anywhere. If you find someone, I'm the loser!"

"You wait!"

Han Bing got up and rushed out directly.

His first destination was the Elder Ceremony Hall of the Outer Gate of the Wuhun Temple. The vice-bishop here was their candidate, and it would only be activated after Han Bing's accident.

"Xiao Er, where is Vice-Bishop Li?"

Han Bing grabbed a young boy who was sweeping the floor.

"Hey, Vice-Bishop Li left two hours ago, saying that he has accepted a trial task, which may take half a month!"

In the heart of this second-hand sweeper, he still thinks that Han Bing is just the simple guy who usually guards the door with him.

"Hey, you are guarding the gate today, don't forget!"

But Han Bing didn't respond to him at all.

Han Bing went straight to the next destination, the guards of the Wuhun Temple.

The deputy captain of the guard here is also one of the candidates, but the answer he got was that the deputy captain of the guard also went out to perform the task.

How could it be such a coincidence?Are you all on mission?Is it really what Qin Hua said?

Impossible, definitely impossible!

In the next three hours, Han Bing has been looking for the offline that he knows or has seen.But without exception, there are various reasons for not being in the Spirit Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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