Douluo god level villain

Chapter 26 Bibi Dong's Grace

Chapter 26 Bibi Dong's Grace (Second update! Please recommend!)

The reason why Qin Hua left in such a hurry was because he felt that his martial soul seemed to have undergone a slight change.

At this moment, the Soul Devouring Martial Soul seemed to rush out of his body impatiently.

He went back to the room and closed the door tightly.

"Old Gao, no one is allowed to open the door before I come out."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"


As soon as he entered the room, Qin Hua was so hot that he took off all his clothes.Only in this way, Qin Hua felt a little better.

He could no longer control the soul-devouring martial soul in his body, Chinese medicine, the soul-devouring martial soul rushed out of his body.

At this moment, Soul Devourer's eyes were tightly closed, and his face was very ferocious.Because Soul Eater's body is translucent, Qin Hua can clearly see that there is a Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex in Soul Eater's abdomen.This Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is Yu Tianxin's martial soul.

Apparently, when the Soul Devourer was refining the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon, there was a slight problem.Qin Hua's Soul Devouring Martial Soul has just awakened, and its strength is not strong.Being able to forcibly strip the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Wuhun from Yu Tianxin's body was already an effort.

But when refining the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun, there was a problem.The power of the Soul Devouring Martial Soul was unable to completely suppress the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex actually had a sign of breaking out of its body.

Once the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex breaks out of its body, it will definitely cause irreparable trauma to the Soul-devouring spirit.So no matter what, Qin Hua couldn't let this happen.

But it was also the first time Qin Hua encountered such a thing, and he was a little helpless at this time.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Qin Hua, and then a voice rang in Qin Hua's mind.

"Relax, don't have any resistance, leave everything to me."

It was Bibi Dong's voice.


Qin Hua hastily opened his mouth and said.

"Stop talking, look at me!"

When Qin Hua heard this, his eyes looked directly at Bibi Dong's.The four eyes met, as if a strange force had entered Qin Hua's body.Qin Hua didn't resist, and let the strange power wander in his body.

Time passed slowly, and the Soul Devouring Martial Soul slowly calmed down. Although the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex in the abdomen still existed, it no longer struggled.

Although the trouble was resolved, Qin Hua couldn't see a trace of joy in Bibi Dong's eyes, instead he was more dignified.

"Qin Hua, promise me that no matter what you see today, don't say anything!"

Qin Hua didn't know why Bibi Dong said that, but nodded immediately.

"Teacher, don't worry!"

The matter was urgent, and Bibi Dong didn't speak, but Bibi Dong opened her mouth suddenly.

A dark spider flew out from Bibi Dong's mouth, floating quietly in midair.

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, black, and black nine spirit rings, swimming around the black spider's body up and down very regularly.

Qin Hua stared blankly, is this the Soul Eater Demon Spider?

You know, this Soul-devouring Demon Spider can be said to be Bibi Dong's biggest secret, and only two people know that Bibi Dong possesses the Soul-devouring Demon Spider martial soul.One is the dead Chihiro Ji, and it was the Soul Eater Demon Spider that devoured Chihiro Ji's martial soul, which made Bibi Dong's strength reach the realm of Limit Douluo.As for the other person, it was Yu Xiaogang.

Today, Qin Hua is the third person.Once the news of Bibi Dong possessing the Soul-devouring Demon Spider spirit spreads, the Wuhun Hall will definitely turn against each other.Qian Daoliu would never allow a person who killed his own son to be the pope.

So no matter what happened here today, nothing can be spread out.

Outside the door, Lao Gao stared at the surroundings intently, not knowing what happened in the room at all.He didn't know that there were actually two people beside him who were carrying out the same order as him, and no one was allowed to approach within [-] meters of this room.


At this moment, the Soul-eating Demon Spider had enlarged to three feet long, and its eight sharp feet exuded a black light, giving it a metallic luster.But Qin Hua knew that this thing was much stronger than metal.Cutting iron like mud is not worthy of being used to describe it.

At this moment, the Soul-devouring Demon Spider opened its mouth wide, and several spider threads popped out, directly sticking to the Soul-devouring Martial Soul.

After receiving the impact from the outside world, the soul-devouring martial soul instinctively awakened, wanting to flick off these few spider threads.But at this time Qin Hua controlled Soul Eater, telling Soul Eater not to resist.After the Soul Eater struggled for a while, he stopped moving and let the spider silk trap him.

Qin Hua had no other choice, he could only choose to trust Bibi Dong.

As the spider silk around Soul Eater's body gradually increased, Soul Eater had turned into a big white cocoon.At this moment, the Soul-eating Demon Spider suddenly opened its mouth, and a thick black mist fell directly on the giant cocoon.

In an instant, the cocoon turned from white to black.

After erupting the black mist, the Soul-eating Demon Spider lost its initial energy and was very sluggish.The luster of the whole body also dimmed a lot, and the eight spider lances also shrugged.

If the guess is correct, this should be the essence of the Soul-devouring Demon Spider.This essence is only effective for the same martial soul, and can temporarily increase the strength and strength of the used martial soul.But for using Wuhun, the damage is extremely high.

Although this essence can be restored, it will take a very long time.And within this period of time, it was impossible to mobilize the Soul-devouring Demon Spider's martial soul again.

It can be said that this time Bibi Dong spent a lot of money in order to save Qin Hua.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the big black cocoon suddenly shattered, and the Soul Devouring Martial Soul reappeared in Qin Hua's sight.

At this time, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex has been completely refined by Soul Eater, and the breath of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex can no longer be felt in the body of the Soul Eater martial soul.The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Wuhun is indeed one of the most powerful animal spirits in the mainland. After refining the Soul Eater, Qin Hua can clearly feel that the strength has increased by more than a little.

And it seems that this Soul Devourer seems to have grown a lot taller.

"In the body of the Soul-devouring Martial Soul, there are still some essences of the Soul-devouring Demon Spider, which cannot be fully absorbed by the current Soul-devouring Martial Soul. When your soul power breaks through to a higher level, you should be able to fully absorb it!"

Bibi Dong's voice was full of exhaustion.

"Teacher, are you okay!"

Bibi Dong waved her hand upon hearing this.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired, I'll go back and rest for a while!"

After all, Bibi Dong's figure disappeared in front of Qin Hua.

Qin Hua is a person with clear grievances and grievances, and he will return a hundredfold to those who have hatred against him.For kindness, it is even more necessary to do the kindness of a drop of water, and to repay it with a spring.

At this moment, Qin Hua suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something more in his Soul Devouring Martial Soul.

(End of this chapter)

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