Meiman began to travel through the heavens

Chapter 90 The Cruel Protector of the Country (recommendation)

Chapter 90 The Cruel Protector of the Country (recommendation)
"Hey? Who is that person who came with Guardian Superman? Didn't Guardian Guardian always show up with Queen Maeve?"

"That person seems to be the new 'Thunder' who joined the group of seven!"

The two melon eaters set their sights on Li Yue next to Huguo Superman, and they were still talking in a low voice!
"He is the Thunderbolt who was yelled at and rolled off after the shareholders meeting that day? It's really not that good. I can't stand being carried by Huguo Superman to fly. It's so disgusting. If I can be carried by Huguo Superman to experience a flight, Absolutely excited!"

"You? Stop teasing, I think you're not as good as that Thunderbolt, you'll probably be scared to pee!"

"You were scared to pee!"

"You're scared to pee!"


The two young guys suddenly started to shoot at each other. If there were not many people around, and the police were maintaining order, they would have started a long time ago!
"Stand up straight and smile at the crowd, you're embarrassing our group of seven!"

Huguo Superman whispered to Li Yue, completely forgetting that his actions made Li Yue look like this on purpose!
"I see!"

Li Yue stood up straight with "difficulty", with a smile on his face, and waved to the crowd!

In fact, Li Yue didn't feel much. It was just the first time that he flew quickly, and he felt a little nauseated. After landing, it disappeared almost instantly.But Li Yue couldn't show his unaffected state in front of Protector Superman, that would arouse the suspicion of Protectorate Superman!
Therefore, Li Yue could only continue to perform, pretending to endure the pain and showing a smile that was uglier than crying.

The Protector of the Country did not see Li Yue's flaws, and while waving at the surrounding people, he walked towards the center of the exchange of fire between the police and the gangsters!Li Yue also followed behind him!
Amidst the hail of bullets, two figures strolling in the courtyard walked in tandem, as if they were shopping.There is no evasive behavior, even if a stray bullet hits them, there is only a crisp "ding" sound, without causing any damage to them!

It goes without saying that Huguo Superman is not afraid of bullets, Li Yue's previous body can already ignore the blow of ordinary bullets.What's more, now that he has obtained one-tenth of the ability of Protector Superman, even if the missile hits him, it will not leave any scars.

Li Yue estimated that the only way to cause fatal damage to himself is to hit him head-on with the nuclear bomb now.Of course, if the figure in front of him wants to deal with him, he can only run away!
"Guardian Superman, it's great that you are finally here! Thank you so much, you are the superheroes who protect this city!"

A commander who should be the police greeted Huguo Superman and Li Yue!And excited to say hello!

"Your Excellency Police Officer, you are welcome. You bravely resisted at the forefront of the people. I think you are the most respectable heroes."

Li Yue had to admire that Huguo Superman didn't blush at all when he told a lie, the thoughts in his heart were completely different from the expression on his face!
"Your Excellency Police Officer, can you elaborate on the current situation!"

"There should be five gangsters. They are carrying firearms, and the firepower is so strong that we can't rush in!"

"Okay, just leave it to us, can you tell us their specific location?"

No matter how many people there are and what kind of weapons they are carrying, the protector of the country superman wants to solve the problem as soon as possible, so that he can go back and continue to peep at Madeleine!

"They're on the 31st floor..."

The police officer had just finished talking about the gangster's location, when he saw that the protector of the country mentioned Li Yue, and he instantly soared into the sky. After flying to an altitude of hundreds of meters, he directly broke through the window!

"These people are left to you to deal with, no problem!"

Huguo Superman took Li Yue to the building, and then instructed Li Yue!
"No problem, leave it to me!"

Li Yue also didn't know that the protector of the country was easy to solve, but he gave it to himself for some reason, but of course he couldn't refuse!
Li Yue changed into the state of Thor, and a silver-white arc appeared on his body instantly.

There were exactly five gangsters in the room, armed with firearms. When Li Yue appeared, they instantly aimed their guns at Li Yue!

"I think you'd better put down the burning stick in your hands, otherwise, you may not see the sun tomorrow!"

Li Yue's figure entangled in electric light slowly walked towards them and threatened!
"We surrender, don't kill us!"

Those gangsters didn't hesitate. When they saw the superheroes coming, they would give up their resistance in an instant. They believed that the broken metal in their hands could not pose a threat to superhuman beings!He simply dropped the gun and raised his hands to express surrender!

However, when Li Yue was happy to make the gangster surrender without a fight, he was shocked, and instantly had the idea of ​​using his superpower to disappear, but this idea was stopped by Li Yuesheng, because he felt the attack behind him. Not for yourself!
Two scarlet beams shot past Li Yue's ear, and Li Yue could clearly feel the terrifying temperature contained in them!I don't know if it's an illusion, and I can even feel that my hair is burned to the point of frizz.

The beam swept away, and none of the five gangsters in front of Li Yue were spared.This is the first time that Li Yue has seen such a cruel scene with his own eyes!
"What are you talking about with them, just kill them!"

The voice of Huguo Superman came from behind, Li Yue turned his head, just in time to see Huguo Superman's eyes gradually fading from red!Back to normal soon!
"But, they have..."

"No, but they ignored our advice and shot us. In desperation, we had to fight back. Because of the heavy shot, the mistake killed them!"

While talking, Huguo Superman passed over Li Yue's figure, came to the gangster's incomplete corpse, picked up the gun on the ground, aimed at Li Yue and pulled the trigger!
Da da da! ! !
A shuttle of bullets hit Li Yue with no pain or itching, and did not cause any harm to Li Yue.But Li Yue was a little chilled. Watching a drama is one thing, but experiencing it in person is another.Only now did Li Yue really know how cruel and murderous the Protector of the Country was!

"Is it really the right choice to follow him by myself?"

Just now, Huguo Superman was obviously intentional, and his hot eyes almost hit him. To put it bluntly, he was warning Li Yue that if I wanted to kill you, it would be effortless!

Li Yue began to doubt whether his decision was correct!

On the other side, Billy and Huey, who are driving with the transparent man, learn that the transparent man is not dead.

"Put me off, I want to go home!"

Huey offered to let him out of the car, but he still wanted to go back to his peaceful life.

"Are you sure? It's worse for the transparent person to live. He has seen our appearance. If he escapes back to the headquarters, it is not difficult to imagine the consequences for us, even your family..."

"Stop talking, what shall we do next?"

In desperation, Huey could only give up the idea of ​​escape, and decided to follow Billy's plan and drive to find someone!


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(End of this chapter)

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