Chapter 481 Limit Speed
"Mr. Li Yue, the Speed ​​Force is not a simple energy. Can you really create this energy continuously?"

However, Barry, who has experienced many things, is still calmer after all. Although he was very surprised by Li Yue's words, he still recovered quickly.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but asked Li Yue seriously, because as the owner of the Speed ​​Force, he naturally understood all the characteristics of the Speed ​​Force very well.

In his opinion, it would take a lot of time to use the speed force proficiently, and it took him several years to achieve this level.

But he knew that at this time, his understanding of the Speed ​​Force was still very shallow, let alone thoroughly explored the Speed ​​Force, and then simulated the same energy as the Speed ​​Force by himself.

But the Li Yue in front of him said that he did it, and it only took nearly a week from having no contact at all to doing such an incredible thing.

If it weren't for the person who was probably the monitor I met before, telling myself that if I wanted to leave this universe, I had to rely on Li Yue's help.

Flash Barry couldn't believe that what the other party said at the moment was true.

However, at this time, he naturally hoped that what Li Yue said was true, so that he would not be happy in vain.

"Of course, although this kind of energy is very complicated, it doesn't even exist in our universe, but I'm not a big talker. I said that I have mastered the method of replicating this kind of energy, so I have a natural reason to deceive you .”

Facing the question from Flash Barry, Li Yue said confidently.

Although the energy of this speed force is indeed very advanced and very difficult to imitate, what Li Yue possesses is the most advanced space energy.

So after several days of hard work by Li Yue, it is not a problem to simulate the speed force.

"Sorry, Mr. Li Yue, I don't suspect that you are lying to me, but this matter is related to whether we can return to our original universe after all, so I have to be cautious, I hope you can forgive me!"

Hearing Li Yue's very confident answer, Flash Barry also heaved a sigh of relief, and then apologized to Li Yue.

"It's nothing. Anyway, it is our fault to send you back. Even if you want to stay in this universe, we will not agree."

Li Yue was not angry at the questioning of Barry the Flash.

Moreover, besides sending them back to the original universe this time, he also has a purpose of his own.

However, at this time, he has not revealed it to anyone.

That is, Li Yue wants to take this opportunity to visit DC Universe in person.

I don't know if he will be able to see Superman, grandpa and others at that time.


Now that Li Yue was ready to open the wormhole, they naturally didn't delay, and went directly to the street where the Flash appeared.

The reason why I want to come here is because of the space here, I have experienced several times of space cracks before.

Therefore, the cosmic barriers here are weaker than those in other locations, and it is easier for Li Yue to break through, forming a wormhole that can break through the Marvel universe.

However, even so, it is still very difficult to break the barriers of the universe at an extremely fast speed.

Even Li Yue himself was a little uncertain whether the speed he achieved by running with all his strength could really form a wormhole that broke through the barriers of the universe.

But the information Barry the Flash got from the watcher said that Li Yue, a person who can generate a steady stream of speed force in the Marvel universe, can do this successfully in order to do it.

Apart from this, there is absolutely no other way to get Barry to leave.

So no matter whether it succeeds or not, they always have to give it a try.

"Li Yue, according to our calculations, if you want to break the cosmic barrier, you must run at least thirty times the speed of sound in order to succeed."

"Moreover, this is because this space is much weaker than other places, and the space crack has just disappeared, and it has not been completely closed yet."

Before starting, Tony told Li Yue the results of their calculations.

"Does it need to be more than thirty times the speed of sound?"

Li Yue frowned when he heard Tony's words. He didn't expect it to be so difficult to break through the barriers of the universe.

But before him, even if he used the speed force, the fastest speed was only more than [-] times that of the time, and he hadn't reached the level of [-] times the speed of sound. Li Yue didn't know if he could exceed this data.

"Thirty times the speed of sound? My God, don't be kidding, how could anyone be able to achieve such a fast speed!"

The other people also heard the words of dragging you, and their faces were instantly shocked, and Xiao Shan even exclaimed directly.

Because the speed of [-] times the speed of sound is not only beyond the reach of ordinary people, but also an existence that everyone who is extremely fast like Xiao Shan needs to look up to.

At this time, he can only run at nearly ten times the speed of sound at the fastest.

Of course, this is because it hasn't been long since he acquired superpowers.

And being able to run so fast just after gaining super powers, Little Flash can be content, because the Flash Barry couldn't even surpass the speed of sound during the period when he just got super powers.

After a few years of getting familiar with him, he only has a speed that is not much faster than Xiao Shan at this time.


"Mr. Li Yue, please!"

Thirty times the speed of sound is also an existence that Barry the Flash needs to look up to. If in his universe, there is a steady stream of supernatural speed force replenishment, he may be able to achieve it after running for several hours to accumulate speed.

But in a world where the Speed ​​Force doesn't exist at all, it's unrealistic for him to achieve such speeds.

At this time, he understood that whether he could return to the original universe depended entirely on Mr. Li Yue in front of him.

"Don't worry, it's only thirty times the speed of sound. I should still be able to reach it. It's just a matter of running for a while. Anyway, the speed force in my body will not be exhausted."

Seeing that everyone's expressions became very dignified because of the almost insurmountable number of thirty times the speed of sound, Li Yue said with a smile.

However, he also did not try to be brave, because in his opinion, although thirty times the speed of sound is not a small number, he is confident that he can achieve it. At worst, he will just run for a longer period of time to accumulate speed.

"Okay, everyone doesn't need to say too much, let's back off first. Li Yue, are you ready?"

Later, seeing that Li Yue seemed to be very confident, Tony naturally trusted Li Yue very much, and asked Li Yue.

"Well, I can do it anytime."

Seeing that everyone had retreated a distance of nearly [-] meters, Li Yue also made a posture of preparing to sprint, ready to start running.

"Then, Li Yue, let's run!"

Without any hesitation, Tony yelled at Li Yue.


Almost at the same time, Li Yue's body jumped out and disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant, at a speed comparable to using teleportation.

"Sir, Mr. Li Yue's initial speed has reached 22 times the speed of sound, and it is increasing rapidly. It is very likely that he will successfully reach [-] times the speed of sound in a short period of time."

And Jarvis monitored Li Yue's ear speed in real time and reported it directly!

(End of this chapter)

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