Meiman began to travel through the heavens

Chapter 435: Terrifying Aftermath

Chapter 435: Terrifying Aftermath

The land of nothingness is very chaotic, and it is also known as the land of disorder. From this, it can be seen that those who can survive here are basically desperadoes.

Therefore, when these desperadoes saw that such a strange thing happened in the land of nothingness, they naturally felt very curious.

At the same time, some people are not just curious, they also feel that maybe they can gain some benefits in this emergency.

After all, the land of nothingness was built on the huge head of an ancient protoss. Although Difan Industry has been mining here for countless years, it still only mined a small part of precious materials.

It's just that the material of this head is extremely hard, and ordinary mining spacecraft cannot mine those precious materials, and only the professional mining spacecraft of Difan Industry has the ability to mine materials from it.

But no one can guarantee that apart from the precious materials in the skull, there are no other more precious items in this place.

So seeing the two light clusters suddenly appearing and flying towards the distance one after the other, some desperadoes couldn't hold back their eagerness to move, and drove the spaceship to follow them generously or secretly.

Among them, Yongdu's group is undoubtedly the most powerful force in the group behind him. After all, Yongdu has an entire army of cosmic predators, with a total of more than a hundred people.

So for other desperadoes, Yondu doesn't look down on them at all. He is even confident that with one of his arrows and one mouth, he can completely wipe out those ants.

And if there is nothing good in those two light clusters, that's all. Naturally, he will not attack the people around him.

But if there were really extremely valuable things inside, and those people dared to step forward to fight with him, he didn't mind letting their corpses be exposed in the cold space.


With this in mind, they add up to a total of hundreds of spaceships, big or small, fast or slow, chasing after the two streamers ahead.

But soon they discovered that the speed of the two streamers was actually faster than the speed of their spaceship, which made everyone feel very incredible.

Because they don't understand what it is that can have such a fast speed.

Of course, they almost never thought that there were living creatures inside those two light clusters, because of the extremely hostile environment in space, almost no creature could be exposed to it for a long time without being harmed.

At least, they have never seen a creature that can ignore the harsh environment of space.

So they ruled that out in the first place.

It's just that after more than ten minutes of chasing at full speed, among the hundreds of spaceships, some spaceships stopped slowly, then turned around and left directly.

First of all, because they felt that with the speed of their spaceships and their own strength, it was almost impossible to capture anything of value from hundreds of spaceships, so some people decisively gave up and continued to chase.

Of course, there are still some extremely greedy people who continue to participate in the chase.

And Yondu's spaceship is naturally not among the ranks of giving up.

Moreover, his spaceship was almost the largest among hundreds of spaceships.

However, at this time, Yondu in the spacecraft did not pay attention to the two light clusters he was chasing.

In his mind, he was thinking about Xingjue who had not heard from him for a long time.

Although Xingjue always thought that Yondu brought him from the earth to the universe, and stayed by his side, teaching him various skills to survive in the universe, he just took a fancy to him because he was thin and able to enter the space that adults could not enter. A place to get treasures.

But only Yongdu knows that he has always regarded Xingjue as his own son.

And for this reason, he even violated the rules of the Predator Legion, instead of handing over Star-Lord to the client, he kept it by his side.

Because Yondu understands that Xingjue's biological father is an extremely cruel person.If Xingjue falls into his hands, it will definitely end badly.

However, Yondu is a person who is not good at expressing his inner thoughts.

And in order to maintain his majestic image in front of his subordinates, he can only give an explanation to his subordinates by showing that he wants to kill the other party every time Xingjue violates the rules.

However, this time Xingjue once again violated the rules he made and wanted to get the task reward alone, which made Yongdu feel different from before.

Because he seemed to have completely lost any news about Xingjue at this time, this made him feel a little worried. He was very afraid that Xingjue's biological father would find him.

If that's the case, Xingjue's fate may be a bit bad.


"Hey, boss, look, they seem to have stopped!"

Yondu, who was thinking about where to go to find Star-Lord in the future, was suddenly awakened by the voice of his subordinates, and then he made a nonchalant expression on his face and looked forward.

"Hehe, it seems that it has really stopped, let's go, and move forward at full speed. I want to see what is hidden in these two light clusters. The speed is so fast."

Yondu saw that the two light clusters in front actually stopped, so he could only suppress his worries about Xingjue for the time being, and then gave instructions to his subordinates.

At the same time, not only Yondu is curious about what is hidden in these two light groups, but other desperadoes who have not given up are also very curious about it.

So these spaceships accelerated almost at the same time, rushing towards the two light clusters ahead.

Some people even plan in their hearts that if they can reach the vicinity of the two light clusters first, they can be the first to pull the two light clusters into their own spaceship, and then run away directly.

And there are not a few people with this kind of thinking, so at this moment, almost all spaceships showed their speed to the greatest extent, wanting to reach the position of the light group first.

Hundreds of spaceships roared in space and rushed towards the two light clusters ahead.

However, before their spaceship rushed close to the two light clusters, something unexpected happened to everyone.

From the two beams of light, they suddenly shot a dazzling beam of light toward each other.

Two beams of light of different colors bombarded together almost instantly.

And at the moment of collision, an extremely powerful explosion was triggered.

The violent explosion produced a power as if a star had been destroyed, and the shock wave carrying dazzling rays of light, with a destructive aura, instantly annihilated the small meteorites floating around in an instant.

Even the battleships rushing to the front and closest to the two light groups were affected by this tyrannical shock wave.

Some weak spaceships were directly swept by the powerful force of the shock wave, and then exploded directly, bursting out a dazzling flame.

Even a spaceship made of very strong materials is also unstoppable, and it is instantly swept away by the shock wave and flew backwards for a distance of several thousand meters.

Those who were unlucky even directly collided with other spaceships, and the two spaceships exploded together.

In an instant, more than half of the hundreds of spaceships in this area were destroyed by this shock wave almost instantly.

Only a few dozen strong and huge spaceships survived.

Of course, Yondu's spaceship is one of them!


(End of this chapter)

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