Chapter 407 Fusion
This special situation made Li Yue a little confused, but at least in Li Yue's opinion, it was a good thing.

And I can also absorb more pure space energy in the future, which will also be of great help to my own strength.

So he didn't want to get too deep into the matter, to find out why this happened.

Moreover, at this time, Li Yue found that the connection between his mind and this bead had once again strengthened a lot.

Although still unable to communicate with him, but can clearly feel any emotion of the other party.

And Li Yue also felt that although this bead had some superficial thoughts, it was completely like a newborn child, only showing some emotions.

Li Yue didn't understand why he accidentally created a strange new life, but at this time, he could only leave this strange bead with consciousness.

And at this time, this bead has been completely integrated with his latest armor, regardless of each other.

And the special connection between myself and the beads is also the special connection with my armor.

So Li Yue couldn't give up or destroy this bead even more, and Li Yue could hardly find a way to destroy this bead at this time.

Li Yue estimated that even if he threw it into the neutron star Nidawei, he would not be able to successfully destroy it.

And it also has the ability to move freely, and even teleport, so it can leave anywhere on its own.

So Li Yue can only keep it by his side and control it in his own hands, maybe it can give him some help in the future.

Moreover, Li Yue also discovered his battle armor at this time, and at this moment possessed some special abilities that he did not have just now.

For example, Li Yue only needs a thought, and the armor composed of countless Ulu metal fragments on his body can be instantly absorbed into the blue bead just like Tony's nano armor.

And this bead, although there is nothing connecting him with Li Yue's body, it can still hover over Li Yue's chest stably.

Even Li Yue only needs to move his mind, and it will completely turn into nothingness. No one can sense its existence except Li Yue.


However, Li Yue still couldn't command and use this bead to do anything, except for letting it control his own armor, it ignored Li Yue's other orders.

This made Li Yue speechless. This bead seemed a little difficult to tame.

Even more difficult to control than infinite gems.

But it is not like the infinite gem, which has huge damage to those who cannot control it.

"Forget it, if this is the case, then I will keep you. However, you have to remember, you must listen to me, otherwise even if I cannot destroy you at this time, then I will find a way to trap you and let you Can't leave in one place."

Li Yue threatened this strange bead viciously in his heart.

And soon, Li Yue got Zhu Zhu's response, which was a kind of joyful emotion, as if being able to follow Li Yue made him very happy.

"Then let's talk about it!"

Li Yue didn't hesitate any longer, and directly reached an agreement to leave this bead with special abilities.

At this time, the matter of the strange bead was finally over for the time being, and Li Yue also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Only now did he have time to observe the surrounding situation.

Then he found that everything around him didn't seem to have changed much, just centered on himself, within nearly ten thousand meters was completely nothingness, nothing.

Including some meteorites, they have already been completely swallowed up by the stars that they just created inadvertently.

This made Nidawi, a place full of meteorites of various irregular shapes, suddenly vacate a large blank area.

At this time, Li Yue also noticed that all the dwarves above the star ring below were just a little embarrassed, and did not suffer any damage.

This made Li Yue feel relieved. If some accident happened to these dwarves because of himself, he would definitely feel very sorry.

"Fortunately, the star that hasn't grown up doesn't seem to have much destructive power! It seems that I should use this move more carefully in the future, otherwise it is easy to accidentally injure innocent people."

Li Yue was thoughtful. He originally thought that when he destroyed the stars, there would be an extremely huge explosion, but he didn't expect that everything seemed to be very peaceful.

It's just that Li Yue didn't know at this time that all the top powerhouses in the entire Marvel Universe could no longer maintain their composure.

Among them are some strong men who are relatively active at this time, and there are also strong men who have been hidden for a long time.

But when Li Yue shattered the star just now, none of them could stop the powerful impact.

This kind of situation happens to ordinary people, it just makes them feel very surprised.

But when it happened to such a strong person, they could no longer maintain their composure.

So for a while, almost all the powerhouses were looking for the reason for what happened just now.

But others naturally couldn't find the reason quickly. Only Odin, who was far away in Asgard, discovered Li Yue when he scanned the Nine Realms with his divine sense.

Odin looked at Li Yue, thoughtful in his heart, but instead of continuing to search, he fell silent again.


At this time, Li Yue didn't know that the entire Marvel universe was in turmoil.

During this trip to build the armor, Li Yue did not expect that he not only successfully obtained the armor he wanted, but also developed a powerful move. If he gave himself time to prepare, it would be easy to destroy a few planets.

It's just that this move does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and only Li Yue can resist it. If he has teammates by his side, he will definitely be killed instantly.

Therefore, Li Yue decided that he would never use this move lightly unless he had to.

Moreover, after Li Yue obtained this strange blue bead, his strength would increase again in a short period of time, and his control over space energy would also increase a lot.

At that time, it will be easier for Li Yue to create some special moves. Even this kind of move that creates stars to attack others may be completely controlled by Li Yue someday in the future, and there will be no unexpected situation like today.

Therefore, Li Yue felt that this trip was very complete. After getting the battle armor, although Li Yue didn't know how much strength he could increase at this time, but after the strange bead was integrated into the battle armor, Li Yue felt Warframes have had some special changes.

It was just that Li Yue was unable to detect and experiment with these changes for a while, but he knew that he would definitely have the opportunity to experience them in the future.

"Brother Ai Cui, thank you for your help. The armor you built is very good, I like it very much!"

Afterwards, Li Yue restrained his momentum directly, disappeared into the void, and then came to the dwarf king to express his gratitude to him.

"Haha, Brother Li Yue, as long as you like it!"

The dwarf king also showed a bright smile.

"However, brother Li Yue, you'd better restrain your strength next time. The situation just now scared us. If you didn't stop it in time, I really can't imagine what terrible things will happen next."

However, the dwarf king soon recalled Li Yue's behavior just now. Until now, the dwarf king still felt a little palpitated, so he couldn't help reminding Li Yue.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not do this in the future!"

Li Yue also replied firmly!


(End of this chapter)

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