Meiman began to travel through the heavens

Chapter 16 Iron Overlord: I'm Too Difficult (Author: I'm Too Difficult)

Chapter 16 Iron Overlord: I'm Too Difficult (Author: I'm Too Difficult)

I saw the red steel armor, and the steel material on the chest automatically separated to both sides, splitting a crack as wide as one person, just like opening the door to welcome the master home.

Tony entered directly wearing Mark [-]. After entering, the chest of the red giant armor merged directly, and there was no gap in sight.

This is also the first time Tony has used this new type of armor for actual combat. Although he doesn't know how powerful it is, he can feel the powerful power of this armor with every gesture.

This armor is the inspiration provided by Li Yue to Tony, and it is still a semi-finished product, because Li Yue proposed a complete combat system concept. Li Yue proposed that the armor can be deployed in space and can be called quickly when necessary.The functional modules of this system also include: independent satellite communication, independent operation, battle damage support (spare parts can be replaced in case of battle damage), prison-style isolation chamber, etc.

"What does Li Yue call this system?... By the way, it's Veronica, and I don't know if this Veronica is Li Yue's ex-girlfriend. Unfortunately, this system is still a theory, and it will not be completed. I know how long it will take, but fortunately, this armor is made first."

Tony looked at the iron bully who had been frightened and fooled in front of him, and he still had time to think about these unimportant things.

"Obadia, now it's my turn, then you can enjoy it."

Tony, who entered the giant armor, looked at the Iron Overlord, who was already much shorter than himself, and said to him from a bird's-eye view.

Obadiah has been frightened. He doesn't know when Tony made such a battle armor. Seeing that his body is bigger than his own, he has already thought of quitting. He was able to press Tony just because of himself. The armor is relatively huge and powerful, and Tony's reactor energy is insufficient, but his own reactor energy is full, and he is equipped with a lot of thermal weapons.To give Tony an overwhelming advantage.

Looking at the armor that Tony was wearing at this time, not only was he bigger in size than his own, but the workmanship was obviously much more refined than his own.

What made Iron Overlord collapse the most was that he looked at the Ark Reactor on Tony's armor. If he was not dazzled, there seemed to be 5 of them, not only on his chest, but also on each of his hands and legs.

I'm too hard!

This was the truest thought in Tiebawang's heart at this time.

"Dear Tony, can we stop and have a good talk, I don't think a fight will solve the problem, you say so. I'm transferring all my shares in Stark Industries to you so you can own the company Absolute control, think about it, Tony." Tie Bawang was soft, and he had to do it.

"Talk? Why didn't you just say stop and talk, the worst decision you made was to almost kill Pepper, and now you want to reconcile, it's too late!"

After Tony finished speaking, he directly clenched his right fist, energy burst out from his feet, and punched Iron Overlord with a ruthless punch.

Seeing that Tony was reluctant to give up, the Iron Overlord started fighting directly against himself. He could only shoot Tony with the Gatling gun on his right arm, hoping to stop Tony's footsteps.At the same time, he stepped back quickly, trying to open the distance between him and Tony.Now he no longer dared to confront Tony.

With just one punch, Tiebawang was completely knocked out. After landing, it rolled for several laps before stopping. It wasn't over yet. Tiebawang found that with just one punch, Tony had damaged his armor by as much as 30%. There was even a concave fist mark on the surface of the armor.

Seeing Tony rushing towards him again at a very fast speed, Iron Overlord hurriedly got up from the ground, and the Gatling gun in his right arm shot at Tony, and the only remaining missile was also fired at Tony.


The violent explosion caused countless smoke and dust, and Iron Overlord also stopped the attack in his hand, staring at the place of the explosion, expecting the smoke and dust to dissipate, and Tony was blown to pieces.

It's a pity that his idea was doomed to fail. Before the smoke cleared, Tony walked out step by step from the place where the explosion had just exploded. Although the heavy steel armor made little noise while walking on the road, it seemed like every step he took. A heavy hammer slapped Iron Overlord's heart once.

Tie Bawang was already stunned. He suffered such a violent explosion on the front, and there was no scratch on Tony's armor.

"You've run out of means, so now it's my turn." Tony said very domineeringly.

After he finished speaking, he raised his right arm, the energy concentrated in the center of the palm, and a dazzling energy beam shot out.

Tie Bawang didn't have time to react too much, he just measured his body slightly to the left, but this action just saved his life and avoided the fatal part of his chest, but the right arm of the armor was still hit.

I saw Tiebawang's right arm of the armor fell to the ground, the fracture was burnt red, and even showed signs of liquefaction, and a few drops of molten iron fell on the ground, making a "hissing" sound.

Tie Bawang was already stunned in place at this time. He just passed by the god of death. He couldn't imagine that if it hit him in the chest, he would definitely die no longer.

Tony was also shocked by the result of his own action. He didn't expect to have such a powerful force. The Iron Overlord's battle armor was as fragile as paper in front of him.

At this time, Tiebawang no longer imagined that he could defeat Tony. Now that he could escape, he felt that he was lucky in misfortune. He looked around and thought about the way to escape. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and flashed in his mind. a thought.


At this time, the onlookers were also stunned and dumbfounded. They had never thought that the small red robot could actually enter the large robot, and the power that burst out later hit the black robot that had the upper hand. Fight back.

Afterwards, it was hit by the missile on the front without damage, and a backhand energy beam broke the right arm of the black robot. You must know that the black robot is a body of steel, not a piece of paper.

While the crowd cheered for the big red robot who was helpless, they saw that the black robot no longer confronted the red robot head-on, but turned around and ran without even picking up the broken right arm.

A crowd of onlookers took a closer look, but saw that the black robot was fleeing in the same direction as they were, and exclaimed in fright: "Run, he's coming for us." Then he ran away.

The crowd of onlookers also heard his shouts, and found that the target of the black robot was actually here, and they all hurriedly fled. The crowd was chaotic for a while, and all kinds of shouts, curses, and crying were not heard.

However, there were two people who did not move at this time. One was Li Yue, who was confident that he would not be caught by Tie Bawang at all, while the other was the reporter lady, who was turning her back with emotion. The camera crew was broadcasting the broadcast, and he didn't notice the Iron Overlord who was rushing here.

When the cameramen saw Tie Bawang attacked, they threw the camera on the ground and ran away.

"I really don't have a conscience. I don't know how to remind that beautiful reporter." Li Yue cursed inwardly as he watched the cameraman's actions.

At this time, Tie Bawang had come to a distance of less than a few meters in front of them. At this time, the reporter lady finally reacted and hurriedly prepared to escape, but at this time, how could she come and escape.

Tie Bawang came to her in less than a second and grabbed her with his remaining left hand. The young lady could only watch the huge steel arm grabbing at her, unable to do anything.

At this moment of crisis, the beautiful reporter realized that a figure appeared in front of him at an unknown time, with his back facing him. The back was not broad, but now it gave him an unparalleled sense of security.

 Ask for collections, recommend tickets, and invest.


(End of this chapter)

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