Meiman began to travel through the heavens

Chapter 1 The first superpower

Chapter 1 The first superpower

If you gained superpowers, how would you spend your future life?

I believe that many people have such a dream, fantasizing that they have obtained superpowers, and since then they have dominated the world, surrounded by beautiful women, and lived a life of intoxication.

Of course, this is also Li Yue's dream. Why is it said to be once, because the dream that has been realized is not called a dream.

It happened a year ago, on a morning that was no different from the past, Li Yue, who was sleeping, was awakened by the urge to urinate. In a daze, he thought that he should go to the bathroom to solve it, and then come back and continue to sleep.

"Om", it seemed like a gust of wind was blowing in his ears, and it seemed like a thunderbolt exploded in his mind. Li Yue's originally confused head was instantly awake, his hazy eyes opened, his pupils contracted instantly, and his eyes were wide open.

Because he was horrified to find that he was standing in his bathroom, and in front of him was the toilet he was familiar with. He who had "fought" countless times on it would never admit his mistake.

"Didn't I just sleep in bed, why did I come to the bathroom as soon as I opened my eyes?"

Just thinking about this, there was another "hum" sound in his mind, and Li Yue was shocked to find that he was lying on the bed and never seemed to move.

Li Yue pinched himself, it hurt, he wasn't dreaming, wasn't he?

"I'm at the computer desk now."

Li Yue thought tentatively in his heart.

Ruowu's voice resounded in his mind again, and in the next instant, Li Yue found himself sitting in front of the computer desk, with the familiar computer in front of him, as if he had never moved it.

Li Yue looked back at the bed and found that the irregular light blue energy fluctuations on the bed were slowly dissipating, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Did I get the power of the protagonist in the movie "Teleporter"?"

Li Yue had to think so, because he watched the movie "The Teleporter" before going to bed last night, and he had some understanding of the protagonist's abilities, which seemed to be similar to his current situation.

This movie is roughly about the protagonist who gave his favorite girl a crystal ball, but it happened to be seen by a gangster who threw the crystal ball on the frozen river.

The protagonist who doesn't talk much can only go to the frozen river to pick up crystal balls, but unexpectedly, the frozen river can't stand the pressure and suddenly shatter, and the protagonist falls into the river.

At the time of the crisis, the teleportation ability was activated and instantly teleported to a library.

After the protagonist finds out that he has this ability, he starts all kinds of waves, visiting places of interest all over the world in one day, even stealing the vault of the bank, and sleeping on a pile of US dollars at night.

However, when the protagonist is in various waves, he does not know that a black uncle is hunting people with teleportation ability. He believes that this ability should only be possessed by God, and humans should not master this ability, which will disrupt the order of mankind. .

So he and the group behind him have been hunting down people with teleportation.It happened that he noticed that the protagonist had this ability in the bank theft case, and hunted the protagonist.

In the end, the protagonist and another capable person worked together to defeat the villain, the black uncle, and embraced the beauty.


There is nothing outstanding in the plot of this movie, but the protagonist's superpower is still enviable, and he imagines how awesome he will become when he acquires this ability.

But when Li Yue found out that he had really acquired this ability, he was not only surprised, but also a little scared.

He is afraid that there is an organization like the one in the movie on the earth, secretly hunting people who have acquired superpowers like himself, thinking about returning home one day, a group of big men are waiting for him in the house, thinking about his back Chills.

Even if there are no superpowers on the earth, and there is no organization that hunts superpowers, but when he thinks of the consequences of his ability being discovered, a group of people in white coats grinned at him, and his heart shivered.

Even if one's own ability can be unattainable, but there are still relatives and friends, and this super ability looks very cool, but it does not have much lethality, and it is not enough to fight against the world.

To put it bluntly, when encountering danger, he can only run away, and he has no ability to fight back.

However, this is the end of the matter, and it is useless to worry too much. At the moment, I am still proficient with the superpowers I have acquired, so that I don't even have the ability to protect myself when there is danger. At least I can escape instantly.

After thinking about it, I did it. I tested the ability a few times in the house first, and I was sure that I really acquired this ability, not that I got paranoia. After washing up in a hurry, Li Yue dressed up and went out, and went straight to the company. .


A year later, somewhere deep in the old forest, a figure flickered in the forest. It was still in the same place one second, appeared a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye, returned to the original place in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared again. For a while, the figures shuttled through the forest, making people dizzy.

"Hu~hu! It's okay, I persisted for a few more minutes than last time, and I was able to break through an hour with high concentration. It's almost evening, and this training is almost over. It's time to go back!"

The figure stopped and took a few deep breaths, raised his hand to look at the time, muttered something in his mouth, and then disappeared.The woods returned to their former calm, as if nothing had happened!

Li Yue returned to the room he rented, and washed himself in the bathroom first, then disappeared into the bathroom and appeared in front of the computer desk in the bedroom.

First, pick up the phone on the table and order a takeaway.Li Yue didn't bring his mobile phone with him when he was training, because the mobile phone has positioning.It's not good to be found out about traveling through space.

Half an hour later, the takeaway arrived. After dinner, I turned on the computer and played games for a few hours.

After Li Yue acquired super powers, with the exercise this year, his mental power has greatly increased. It shows that as Li Yue concentrates, time seems to slow down. In fact, Li Yue's own thinking has become faster. Well, in this case, don't play the game too hard.

And Li Yue's physical fitness is getting better and better. It seems that he has practiced "Golden Bell Cover" and "Iron Cloth Shirt". Not only has his strength become stronger and stronger, even his skin will not bleed with a knife, only a little white mark. , This is a little different from the performance in the movie, but it can be relieved when you think about it, there must be a lot of pressure in the instantaneous space transmission, how can you survive without strong physical fitness.

"Unknowingly, it was 10 o'clock. Yesterday, I rewatched "Avengers 4". Iron Man sacrificed himself and snapped his fingers to save the universe. In order to obtain the soul gem, the widow sister died on Vormir, and I still think about it now. I can't accept it, Director Dog, give me back Iron Man and my widow sister!"

No matter how many times Li Yue watched it, he still felt unacceptable. Ten years of Marvel, ten years of youth, the curtain call of the first generation of Avengers has ended, and his youth has also ended. In the future, he will work hard and earn money to support his family.

"But that's all about ordinary people. I already have superpowers, and the lives of ordinary people are getting farther and farther away from me."

I don't know what his future life will be like, but Li Yue feels that it will not be too ordinary, and it will be very exciting.

Li Yue sighed in his heart that he had a hunch that the peaceful life now would be broken.

Since he acquired the ability inexplicably a year ago, he knew that his life would definitely not be peaceful. The current peace is just the peace before the storm.

However, Li Yue is not afraid, because in one year, he has exercised his ability to do whatever he wants, concentrate his attention, can transmit more than ten times in a second, and can continue to transmit for an hour, I believe this The speed is that others can't hit the self in the transmission with a gun, and the ability to escape is invincible.

The superpowers that Li Yue obtained are the same as those in the movie. They must be able to transmit the places where he has been and where his eyes can see, as well as the places in the photos.

When Li Yue tested it, he sent it to the North Pole according to the photos. The aurora is very beautiful, and the polar bear is very cute, but it was too cold. Li Yue, who had a cold for several days after returning, said that he would never go to the North Pole again.

As for attacking, Li Yue has also developed several abilities. In the movies, he frequently transmits his accumulated strength forward and then punches him, which can exert double the strength.

There is also transmission to a certain place to bring back heavy items to smash people. Li Yue has tested that he can transport items that do not exceed about 50 tons within a radius of ten meters, which is almost the same as the performance in the movie.However, Li Yue felt that the best way to attack is to transport people to high altitudes and let him experience what free fall is.


Back to the topic, "I revisited Avengers 4 yesterday, and today I will revisit Marvel's beginning work "Iron Man 1"."

Li Yue thought to himself that for the past year, Li Yue has been training superpowers during the day, watching movies or TV shows before going to bed at night, and looking for movies and TV shows with superpowers to watch.

As for why, it is not difficult to understand what happened when Li Yue obtained super powers. In one year, Li Yue only watched "Superman: Man of Steel" dozens of times. Unfortunately, after he obtained the transmission After the ability, no matter how Li Yue watched the movie, there was no such thing as gaining super ability again, but even if the probability was small, Li Yue had to persevere.As for why he wants to see Iron Man, does Li Yue just want to say that the banknote ability is not a super ability?

"Iron Man 1" has begun to play, with Tony Stark being kidnapped by terrorists, and then making a hulking Mark 1 prototype in a cave to escape from the siege.Until Tony Stark said "I am Iron Man" at the press conference.

"No matter how many times I watch it, Tony Stark is still very excited when he wears the Mark 2 for a test flight. His heartfelt smile is the most contagious, as if a child has found the most beloved toy. After that , it's rare to see him smiling from the heart in the armor, until at the end, risking his own life, snapping his fingers. It would be nice to have the opportunity to fight with him a little bit!"

"What are you thinking about? After watching the movie, it's time to go to bed."

Li Yue turned off the computer, and when he thought about it, his body disappeared in front of the computer desk, and he reappeared and lay on the bed.

"It's convenient to have superpowers!"

With such a sigh, Li Yue fell asleep.

But what he didn't know was that after he fell asleep, wisps of blue energy slowly appeared around his body, slowly wrapping around his body, forming an oval blue ball of light, and time passed slowly. After an hour, The blue energy has become extremely dazzling, and there are ripples in the surrounding space, and then the dazzling blue light suddenly shrinks, and the light gradually dims until it disappears.

Along with disappearing together is the sleeping Li Yue.


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(End of this chapter)

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