Doupo: the beginning of the second generation of soul

Chapter 174 174. Meeting Xiao Yan by chance【3 Subscription】

Chapter 174 174. Meeting Xiao Yan by chance【3 Subscription】

[Ask for a ticket. 】

Great Northwest.

The Great Northwest is a large area, and there are countless countries in it. The Gaga Empire and the Izumo Empire are relatively well-known countries.

There are also many first-class forces in the Northwest, but these first-rate forces are generally known to few people.

What counts as first-class power?
A power with a venerable in charge can be regarded as a first-class power.

The power of Dou Zong and Dou Huang can be regarded as a second-rate power in the Northwest, and the territory of the Northwest is slightly inferior to that of Zhongzhou.

There are also many Dou Zun powerhouses hidden in it, but it is far from the overall strength of Zhongzhou.

After all.

Zhongzhou is the most prosperous place in the Douqi Continent, and the Northwest can only be regarded as a barren land compared with Zhongzhou.


above the sky.

A huge blue eagle spread its wings and soared, with several figures sitting cross-legged on its huge body.

Hunxiu, Medusa, Hunyu, Hundouluo, and Hunhuaner are all on the back of the giant eagle.

And the giant eagle below him was not an ordinary flying monster, it was an eighth-level flying monster—the big blue eagle.

Flying thousands of miles a day, it is also known as the "Thousand Miles Blue Eagle".

"Brother, hasn't my sister-in-law's home arrived yet?" Hun Yu asked.

Originally, apart from Soul Jade, Soul Bean Radish, and Soul Ring, Soul Wind was also arranged by Emperor Huntian to follow Hunxiu.

However, until the time of leaving, Hunfeng was still in seclusion, and Emperor Huntian didn't mention Hunfeng.

Since Soul Wind is going to retreat, let him retreat!

It's not a good thing to practice in silence.



Hunxiu stood up and said calmly.

Below, countless pictures flashed by, and green, blue, and yellow appeared in front of his eyes.


Hunyu nodded, and stopped talking.

The blue eagle flew and flew, and the sound of breaking wind came from my ears. Standing on the blue eagle, Hunxiu looked at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the northwest.

The appearance of the giant blue eagle over the Northwest naturally attracted the attention of all forces in the Northwest.

But no one stepped forward to stop or check, after all, a character who can have an eighth-level monster as a flying mount.

Its strength must be at the level of the venerable, who would step forward to block it so blindly?Are you unhappy?
Unless you want to court death.


After bumping on the blue eagle for a few more days, it finally arrived at the Great Tagore Desert. The blue giant eagle has already turned into a young woman in blue.

"Little Lord."

Everyone landed in the Great Tagore Desert, Hunxiu looked at the yellow desert, his soul power spread, and a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Said: "Sasha, take them to the snake tribe first!"

"I still have something to do."

The words fall.

Hunxiu disappeared in place, leaving Medusa and others in a daze.

Hunyu looked at the disappearing Hunxiu, and murmured: "Brother, where is he going?"

"Would you like to follow up and have a look?" Medusa suggested.

Medusa was also very curious about what Soul Show was doing?In her induction, Hunxiu didn't go far.

Not far away, there is still a distance from here, but for strong people like them, it is enough to reach that place in an instant.

"I listen to my sister-in-law."

Hun Douluo and Hun Huan'er looked at each other, and said hastily: "I'll wait for the Young Madam."

As a mount, Lan Ying has no choice at all, she is just a mount.

"Let's go then."

Medusa said.

Then, it disappeared in place.



At this moment, Hunxiu's appearance had already changed. He was waiting here, and the aura on his body was completely restrained, giving people an extremely ordinary feeling. In this ordinaryness, there was also the aura of a strong fighter.

Looking at Medusa and the others who were following him, Hunxiu couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "Why did you keep up?"

Medusa: "Come and see what are you going to do?"

As she said that, Medusa couldn't help but looked Hunxiu up and down: "Why are you pretending to be like this?"

"Yeah, big brother, why do you pretend to be so weak? Master Caidou, are you going to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?" Hun Yu also looked Hunxiu up and down.

Hunxiu was wearing a black robe at this time, with an ordinary appearance, and the word "ordinary" was revealed all over her body, and her body was filled with the aura of being a strong fighter at this time.

I am afraid that others will not know that he is a fighting master.

This kind of camouflage is really "perfect".

This... Others would never think that the person in front of them is a fighting saint at first glance, they would think that they are just fighting masters.

"Since you are here, then hide yourself well! I will do this, and you will know why later." Hunxiu said lightly.


As he said that, with a wave of his hand, Medusa and others all "disappeared" and disappeared. You thought they had already left or disappeared.

In fact, they are just hiding in the dark.

After finishing all this, Hunxiu turned over her palm, and a big knife appeared in Hunxiu's hand like this.

Hunxiu thrust the big knife in his hand into the ground, put his hands on the handle of the knife, closed his eyes and waited for something.

not far away.

There is a man in a black robe, with a huge black ruler on his back, slowly coming towards here. The man's body is thin, and the huge ruler behind him is wide enough for his body.

Every step you take will leave a deep footprint in the soft desert, and the yellow wind blows.

The footprints left will be covered again.

"Little Yanzi, wait a moment." Yao Chen in the Najie hastily spoke out at this moment.

Xiao Yan also stopped walking when he heard the words, and asked, "What's wrong, teacher?"


Yao Chen muttered to himself, just now he clearly sensed a few powerful auras, and those auras were clearly possessed by Dou Zun just now.

But in the blink of an eye, those powerful auras completely disappeared.

for a while.

Yao Chen was also quite skeptical, did he feel wrong?
Dou Zun?

This is not a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road. How could it appear in such a small place as the Tagore Desert, and how many of them are there?

Yao Chen began to suspect that he just sensed wrong just now.

Shaking his head, he said, "It's okay, Xiao Yanzi, you can go on. Maybe it's because of my teacher's mistake."


Xiao Yan didn't think too much, and continued walking.

He is now a six-star fighting master, and he has successfully refined Qinglian's heart fire, which can be called a high-spirited time.

To know.

He is less than twenty now, and he is a six-star Dou Shi. The future is promising and his future is limitless.

With this development, Xiao Yan believed that one day he would surpass Yunxiu and rub him against the ground.

Thinking of Yunxiu inexplicably, Xiao Yan couldn't help clenching his fists. The mountain of Yunxiu was the driving force for his hard work.

His wish is to climb over this mountain by himself one day. If possible, he wants to completely smash this mountain of Yunxiu.

(End of this chapter)

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