Doupo: the beginning of the second generation of soul

Chapter 107 107. Chapter Family【1 Subscription】

Chapter 107 107. Hui 【1 Subscription】

[Ask for a ticket. 】

Yunxiu was stunned, and looked down to see that he was hugging Medusa, he was just talking, he never thought that this colorful little snake would suddenly turn into Medusa.

Moreover, it was so sudden.

Suddenly feel a little overwhelmed.

At least give him time to prepare.

That's it!

Without the slightest bit of defense, she just appeared in his arms.

She is still so beautiful, so gorgeous, charming and charming, and at this time the long snake tail has turned into a pair of straight, slender long legs.

Yunxiu held Medusa in one hand and put her arms around her waist.

Just hold it like this.

When Yunxiu looked down at Medusa, Medusa was also lying in his arms and looked up at her, looking at each other.

At such a close distance, this woman is nothing but a deadly poison, seductive.

"Have you seen enough?"

Medusa said in a cold voice.

The voice was cold and piercing.

It gives people a feeling of falling into an ice cave.


Yunxiu heard the coldness coming from her ears, she quickly raised her head and shifted her gaze.

He thought to himself: "This voice is so cold! It's bitingly cold!"

"This Meishu is really a cold beauty."

Anyway, holding Medusa, Hunxiu felt like she was holding a block of ice.

It's cold.

Not the slightest bit of temperature.


Jian Hunxiu turned her head to the side.

Medusa snorted coldly.

How could she be the majestic queen of the snake-human race lying in someone else's arms?
Especially in the arms of a man?
Still in plain sight.

Arrogant as she is.

This is absolutely not allowed to happen.

She wanted to struggle to leave Yunxiu's arms, but the more she struggled, the more she felt extremely weak now, without any strength at all.

She could only lie in Yunxiu's arms and let him hold her like this.

It's not that Medusa is willing to lie in Yunxiu's arms, it's just that she can't do it herself, she can't help herself, she has no strength at all.

However, only Medusa herself knows the situation of Medusa at this time.

Outsiders simply do not know.

For example, the eight chiefs who surrounded them didn't know it. From their point of view, Her Majesty the Queen was lying in someone else's arms and had "dog food" with them.

Her Majesty the Queen of her own family seemed to be very willing, but she didn't know how to restrain herself under the eyes of everyone, and she was still lying down, unwilling to get up.

No way, Medusa could only ask for help from the eight chiefs: "Hurry up..."

After Medusa's words fell, her body continued to transform into a colorful snake and landed on Yunxiu's palm, falling asleep.

Yunxiu felt the warmth in his arms disappear, looked down, and there was no Medusa figure, only a bunch of curled up colorful snakes sleeping soundly on his palm.

At this time, Yunxiu could still smell the faint fragrance of Medusa just now, and she put away Medusa. Yunxiu also came back to her senses completely, looked at the eight leaders around and said: "I didn't hear your Queen If so? Go back."

Medusa: "This king has never said that. Who falsely passed on this king's will? Who is it?"


Yunxiu patted the horse's back, "Xiaobai" immediately understood what to do, and turned into a flowing light, the eight chiefs couldn't see its ass at all.

After Yunxiu and the others completely left, Yue Mei and the other eight leaders finally came to their senses.

Their Majesty the Queen was taken away in front of their eyes. Even if they came back to their senses at this time, they were still in a feeling of bewilderment.

Yue Mei asked weakly: "Did Her Majesty want us to rewind just now?"

Hua She'er answered, "It seems so!"

"Seems to be."


The rest of the leaders also nodded one after another. Although Her Majesty hadn't finished speaking completely, he felt that they had roughly guessed what Her Majesty wanted to say.

Isn't it just to let them "quick back away", that's right.

Medusa complained: "I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. I'm talking about you. A group of pigs, what this king wants to say is "save me."

It's a pity that these eight chiefs didn't pay attention to Medusa's original intention at all, and could only watch Medusa helplessly, and their queen was taken away.


The flying speed of the grass stepping horse was very fast. At this time, they had already left the scope of the Great Tagore Desert.

Yunxiu sat cross-legged on the back of a grass-riding horse, and on the palm of her hand was a sleeping colorful snake. Looking at the sleeping snake, Yunxiu had roughly guessed why this "little pet" suddenly become a woman.

It was because he fed too much, this "Little Cai" ate a lot of heaven and earth treasures, and after eating, Medusa who was sleeping was awakened.

Yunxiu murmured in her heart: "It seems that in the future, we need to control the "food intake" of this little guy, otherwise if we feed too much, the pet will turn into a woman."


Putting away "Little Cai." Yunxiu looked at the void in front of her, waved her hand, and a black hole appeared just like that.

"Xiao Bai" plunged into the black hole without any hesitation, and when "Xiao Bai" plunged in, the black hole gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

If "Xiaobai" really wanted to let "Xiaobai" fly them to Zhongzhou, they wouldn't even know that the year of the monkey would be over.

If you don't resort to some means of the strong, the days of wanting to Hui will be long.


Yunxiu returned to the Soul Clan with Little Doctor Immortal and Qinglin. The moment he set foot in the Soul Clan, Hun San appeared in front of Yunxiu like a ghost: "Young Master."

Kneeling on one knee, quite respectful.

"Third uncle, long time no see." Yunxiu said hello with a smile on her face.

"Young master, the patriarch said that if you come back, he will let you go to the back mountain, where he is waiting for you." Hun San said.

"I understand."

Yunxiu nodded and said, "Third Uncle, help me take the two of them to my small courtyard."

"Okay, sir."

"Little Immortal Doctor, Qinglin, you can follow Third Uncle to my small courtyard first!"

"Okay, son." ×2

After explaining everything, Yunxiu's body disappeared in place, and when she manifested again, she had already reached the back mountain.

On the top of the back mountain.

Emperor Huntian stands on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, his white clothes fluttering, and his hair fluttering, all revealing a fairy air.


Facing the back of Emperor Huntian, Yunxiu cupped her hands and said respectfully.


"came back?"

Emperor Huntian still didn't turn his head, and said calmly with his back to Yunxiu.

The tone is flat, but every word and deed is full of the supreme arrogance of the Aoshi Continent, giving people a feeling of domineering sideways.

Yunxiu: "I'm back."

Emperor Huntian turned to look at Yunxiu, and an invisible momentum pressed towards Yunxiu just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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