Chapter 1055 1055. The Final Battle

Wutian looked at the book from the ground floating in front of him, and Wutian suddenly felt bewildered.

Don't understand what this soul show means?
He was puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist, are you?"

Hunxiu said: "The imprint of Zhen Yuanzi's soul on the book on the ground has been erased."

"Now you can refine it and use the Book of Earth for your own use."

"With the blessing of the book from the ground, plus three magic beads in hand!"

"Your strength has improved a lot. If you fight Tathagata, you should have a better chance of winning, right?"


Wutian nodded slightly, with the blessing of the three magic beads, plus the current book from the ground.

His strength has indeed crushed the Tathagata, and it is absolutely impossible for the Tathagata to defeat him.

Wutian is not polite, even Hunxiu is so generous.

How could he be polite?
Wutian reached out and took the book from the ground suspended in front of him.

A drop of devil blood sank into the book at this time.

A strange purple light emanates from the book on the ground, but the purple light dissipates.

The book from the ground has completely imprinted Wutian's soul.

It is the property of Godless.

Wutian now has three magic beads, plus the original black lotus, and now he has a book on the ground.

His strength will increase a lot.

Why should Tathagata fight him?

What to fight him with.

So what if all fourteen relics fell into the hands of the Tathagata?
Tathagata is the Buddha and the master of Buddhism, but he is still unable to integrate the relics and take the power in the relics for his own use.

Although Tathagata is powerful, he is not a complete existence.

Tathagata is only half.

Wutian is also half!
They are each half.

Both of them, who want to merge with each other and become one real person.

In order to merge with each other.

The two of them planned this catastrophe of the Three Realms!In this catastrophe, success or benevolence.

Wutian's chances of winning were not very great at first, but now they have become very great.

Wutian now has an advantage that Tathagata does not have.

So what if his demons are just a bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimp?

The appearance of Hunxiu is enough to make up for all this. Hunxiu is an advantage that Tathagata does not have.


Wutian put away the book from the ground, and suppressed the excitement in his heart at the same time.

Looking at Hunxiu, he said, "Fellow Daoist, actually, I have always had a question?"

Hunxiu asked, "What question?"

Wutian said: "Why did you help me?"

Hun Xiu said: "I remember you asked this question before."

"I remember I answered you."

"Now, let me answer again. I think you are more pleasing to the eye."

"So, I want to help you!"

"I also know the relationship between you and Tathagata."

"He is good!"

"And you are evil!"

"But in this world, where is there absolute good? Where is absolute evil?"

"Good and evil? Who determined it?"

"When you protect sheep from wolves, what is that to wolves?"

"Good and evil?"

"Where are there any absolute rules? It's just who has the biggest fist? It's who has the final say!"

"When your fist is big enough and your strength is strong enough?"

"That means you are good! He is evil!"

"Between good and evil, what is missing is fists and strength!"

"Strength is everything! Fists are always the same."

"The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive. Strong is justice, and weak is sin, the original sin!"

"Wutian, I am very optimistic about you!"

"It's much better for you to control the three realms than those hypocritical gods and Buddhas!"

"I'm also looking forward to what the Three Realms you have mastered will look like."

After Hunxiu finished speaking, she completely disappeared into the hall.

Only Wutian was left in the hall, and the hall was extremely silent.

Wutian is also extremely quiet!

With his hands behind his back, he fell into absolute contemplation!
Wutian murmured: "Is he so optimistic about me?"

thought here.

Wutian was shocked.

Full of energy.

Tathagata has now not played the cards according to the routine, and has returned to the Three Realms.

Zhen Yuanzi also took Sun Wukong to fetch the relics from the Three Realms.

The battle between him and Tathagata is inevitable.

It's time for him to prepare.

Even if the demons under him are all mobs, so what if they are rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

Sometimes, rotten fish and rotten shrimp, mobs can also exert unusual effects.

Can have unexpected effects.

Wutian has already summoned the monsters in the Three Realms and gathered all the monsters in the Three Realms in Lingshan.

Ready for the final battle with Tathagata.

With the order of no sky issued.

Countless monsters came towards Lingshan one after another, and all the demons danced around Lingshan all of a sudden.

The demonic aura filled the sky, and the entire Lingshan Mountain was shrouded in a cloud of demonic aura.

From a distance, it looks like a large demon city.

There is also the Holy Land of the Western Heaven Lingshan.

Wutian sat on the black lotus in the Daxiong Palace, and closed his eyes tightly.

An invisible breath emanated from Wutian's body.

The demonic energy is monstrous.

The moment Wutian opened his eyes, the demonic and demonic aura permeating Lingshan was rolling over and over again.


Wutian murmured, he sensed that the Tathagata had come.

Not only Tathagata came.

He also came with his Mantian gods and Buddhas.

for a while.

The sound of fighting resounded between heaven and earth, permeating the entire Xiniu Hezhou.

For a long time.

The bloody smell permeated the huge Lingshan Mountain, which made this so-called Buddhist holy place stained with a blood-red mysterious color.

Skyless monsters are still mobs after all, rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

Where are the opponents of the gods and Buddhas in the sky, they are not.

In front of the mighty gods and buddhas, they are no match for a defeated army.


These mob monsters can run away, run away.

Demons who are loyal to Wutian are also destined to die. Those who are detained are detained and reduced to prisoners.

Tathagata brought a sky full of gods and Buddhas and entered the Daxiong Palace.

Behind Tathagata is Mantian God Buddha, and the loyal Wutian subordinates who were detained by Mantian God Buddha.

Wutian sat on top of the black lotus, wearing a black robe, with black hair parted in the middle and flowing straight down.

Looking at the Tathagata and the sky full of gods and Buddhas who entered the Daxiong Palace.

Wutian said lightly: "You are finally here."

"It's much slower than I imagined."

Tathagata ignored what Wutian said, looked at Wutian and said, "Wutian, now you are no one to use, and you are desperate."


"Ha ha……"

Wutian heard Tathagata's words, the corners of his mouth raised, and he looked at Tathagata with a sneer.


"Tathagata, you ask me to surrender?"

"You should know better than me that it is impossible for me to surrender."

"You also want to make this seat surrender?"

"Who gave you the confidence?"

Tathagata: "Wutian, you have no one to use? Still not surrendering?"

"You really don't cry when you see the coffin?"

Wutian said: "Want me to surrender? Then show enough strength!"

"Without enough strength, just rely on that mouth? Just want me to surrender?"

"Tathagata, you understand me. It is impossible for me to surrender just because of your mouth."

"You know me, if I surrender? Then it's not me."

"Until the last moment, what am I going to surrender?"

(End of this chapter)

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