Chapter 1028

If the top ten Golden Crows are the gods of war in the Three Realms?The Wuji God of War is the God of War among the Gods of War.

Enjoy the prestige in the heavenly court.

of course.

This prestige is not just a casual talk, but the Wuji God of War has earned it with his terrifying strength.

Wuji God of War, so terrifying, so terrifying!
What if even the Wuji God of War is dispatched?Then taking down Yaoji's family is not a problem.


The Wuji God of War, seeing the appearance of the six golden crows, was already very surprised in his heart, to the extreme.

The Queen Mother not only summoned their five extreme gods of war, but also the six golden crows. Good guy, is this really going to destroy the Three Realms?

Unable to start a war?

The Queen Mother told the Wuji God of War arrogantly, and the Wuji God of War was surprised and shocked when he heard the Queen Mother's words.

Unexpectedly, Yao Ji, the younger sister of the Jade Emperor, the goddess in charge of the world of desires, would become aroused by desire and even marry a mortal and have a child.

Wuji God of War was very shocked, shocking, they could imagine the anger of the Jade Emperor after they woke up.

My younger sister violated the rules and regulations of the sky. This is the kind that slapped the Jade Emperor in the face.

Wuji God of War took the lead.

The Jade Emperor retreated.

The Queen Mother has become the ruler of heaven, the supreme ruler, so they naturally want to listen to the Queen Mother.

The five extreme gods of war and the six great golden crows headed towards the lower realm.

The Queen Mother looked at the direction in which the Wuji God of War and the Six Great Golden Crows left, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, this time, I will definitely do what you can't do. Just wait and see me with admiration, right? Chi Yao is not weaker than anyone in her life."


The Wuji God of War and the Six Great Golden Crows came out of the Nantian Gate, and the Wuji God of War asked the Six Great Golden Crows: "Your Majesties, what is so special about Yao Ji's man?"

The Wuji God of War can become the God of War of the Three Realms, in addition to their strength, they also have brains. They are not big fools.

Only when Jinwu and the others couldn't solve the problem, would they find their Wuji God of War, even though Yaoji was very strong.

Not weaker than any of the top ten Golden Crows.

If one Yao Ji is caught, only two big golden crows will come out together, and it will be easy to catch Yao Ji.

Of the top ten Golden Crows, there are now only six Great Golden Crows.

The Queen Mother also ordered to give them the Wuji God of War.

In their view, a mere Yao Ji is not worthy of such a mobilization by the Heavenly Court.

It must have suffered from Yao Ji.

Yao Ji may not have this strength, so the most likely to have this strength is Yao Ji's man.

Yao Ji's man may not be weak, but a big shot.


Hearing the words, the six Golden Crows looked at each other, and said slowly, "He must be very strong!"

It's not difficult for them to understand Yao Ji's men, they only know that their brothers have suffered a lot from Yao Ji's men.

As for how strong Yao Ji's man is?They didn't know, how could they know how powerful Hunxiu was if they hadn't bought it right.


Wuji God of War muttered, and these two words appeared in his mind. These two words are very attractive, and they are very attractive to Wuji God of War.

Strong, that's right.

It turned out to be very strong.

They like dealing with strong men the most, and they want to see how strong this Yao Ji man is?
To let the Queen Mother order to dispatch their Wuji God of War, does the other party have the qualifications to let their Wuji God of War do it?



Drain the estuary.

In the soul palace.

After Hunxiu's identity was "exposed", Hunxiu also had a showdown, stopped pretending, and began to teach the third son how to practice.

As his soulful child, what if he doesn't practice?
Strength must be possessed in any era.

In any era, it is believed that the strong are respected.

Strength is king.

The strong can stand high above without having to abide by the rules and formulate rules, while the weak can only survive under the charity of the strong.

Humble life.

Do you want to live humblely?Or do you want to live aloft?Strength is an essential part.

Live in peace.

Returned to the Soul Palace again.

But the peace is short-lived after all, there will always be a few who are not afraid of death, touching Hunxiu's brow.

The Wuji God of War and the Six Great Golden Crows came to Guanjiangkou and directly "killed" the Soul Mansion. For ordinary people, the Wuji God of War did not kill ordinary people.

They are gods, not demons, let alone bandits. They will not kill mortals who are powerless.

"Five Extremes God of War!"

Yao Ji recognized Wuji God of War, frowned and exclaimed.

As for the strength and prestige of the Wuji God of War, Yao Ji, as the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court, still knows a thing or two.

The gaze of the Wuji God of War fell on Yao Ji and the three children Yao Ji guarded behind her.

The man who didn't see Yao Ji, the man who called himself Hunxiu and was very strong.

This can't help but make Wuji God of War a little disappointed. He thought he could have a big battle, but he didn't expect it to come to nothing.

Yao Ji's man is not at home.

Wuji God of War: "Yaoji, you should know how powerful we are, go to heaven with us!"

After all, Yaoji is also the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court, the younger sister of the Jade Emperor, and Wuji God of War didn't really do anything.

Yao Ji hesitated, she knew very well that Wuji God of War was powerful, and she was no match for Wuji God of War at all.

Hunxiu has something to leave home.

When will I come back, I don't know.


Even if Hunxiu comes back, in Yaoji's view, Hunxiu may not necessarily be the opponent of Wuji God of War.Yao Ji is very clear about the power of Wuji God of War.

Yao Ji hesitated and made a decision.

Yao Ji stood up, looked at Wuji God of War, and said lightly: "Wuji God of War, I can go to heaven with you."

"But you have to let my children go, they are innocent."

The five gods of war looked at each other, and then said lightly, "Okay!"

The six Golden Crows were behind them and did not speak. This time, the Wuji God of War was the leader this time, and they just followed the Wuji God of War.

They couldn't refute the decision of Wuji God of War.

"I promise you."

Yao Ji said, "Thank you."

Speaking of which, Yao Ji took off the sky eye and handed it to Hun Jian, saying: "Jian'er, protect your brother and sister."

Hun Jian grabbed Yao Ji's arm and said calmly, "Mother, don't go, father will be back soon."

From Hun Jian's point of view, these guys only dared to arrest their mother when their father was not at home.

If their father was at home, they wouldn't dare to arrest their mother if they were given ten guts.

They are taking advantage of others.

Yaoji knows very well that Wuji God of War is powerful, even if Hunxiu returns, she may not be the opponent of Wuji God of War.

Yao Ji stroked Hun Jian's head, and said calmly: "Jian Er, you are very smart and talented, take good care of your brothers and sisters, and wait for your father to come back."


Yao Ji walked towards Wuji God of War.


Hun Jian wanted to hold Yao Ji back, but Yao Ji used divine power to form a barrier to stop the three brothers and sisters of Hun Jian.

No matter how the three brothers and sisters of Hunjian slapped, it still didn't help, even though they started to practice.

But it's still early to practice, and it's still a little short of time to break through Yao Ji's divine power barrier.

They could only watch Yaoji walk towards Wuji God of War, but they couldn't do anything.

Yaoji didn't resist, and the five gods of war have come out. In the face of absolute strength, what resistance can I use?

Yao Ji: "Wuji God of War, remember your promise, I will go to heaven with you, let them go."

Wuji God of War: "Naturally."

"Princess, let's go!"

"Your Majesty is still waiting!"

Yao Ji glanced back at the three Hun Jian brothers and sisters, then turned around resolutely, turned into a ray of light and followed Wuji God of War and them towards the heaven.

Yaoji leaves.

Gathered by Yao Ji's divine power, the covering barrier dissipated.


The three Hunjian brothers and sisters shouted heart-piercingly, but Yaoji had already left, so they couldn't hear them at all.

Hun Jian clenched his fists tightly, in the palm of his hand was the heavenly eye left by Yao Ji, anger and unwillingness shrouded his heart.

He hates it.

He hated himself for not having the strength of his father, if only he had the terrifying strength of his father.

His mother would not be taken away, taken away in front of his eyes, and he was powerless, he hated it.


At this time, Yao Ji's eyes were full of tears, her eyes were moist, and she didn't want to leave Yao Ji, but as the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court, she was very clear about the strength of the Heavenly Court.

If you can escape the first day of junior high school, how can you escape the fifteenth day?

In order to allow them to live better, Yao Ji resolutely wanted to sacrifice herself, and going against the Heavenly Court was never a long-term solution.


In the fairyland.

The queen mother sat on the throne that originally belonged to the Jade Emperor. She had been waiting here for a long time, one year in the lower realm, one day in the sky.

Wuji God of War, they left quickly?Came back quickly too.

When she learned that Wuji God of War lived up to expectations and brought Yao Ji back, the Queen Mother on the throne trembled slightly.

What the Jade Emperor failed to do, she did, does this mean that the Jade Emperor is not as good as her?

"My lady..."

Wuji God of War brought Yao Ji to appear in Yaochi, Wuji God of War was extremely respectful, and the Queen Mother's eyes fell on Yao Ji all the time.

Yao Ji is still the Yao Ji in her memory, with a little less heroic God of War aura, and a little more mortal fireworks.

"Yao Ji!"

Queen Mother cried out.

Yao Ji looked directly at the Queen Mother.

Seeing that Yao Ji still dared to look directly at her, the arrogance in Queen Mother's heart made her very upset.The Queen Mother roared angrily: "Yao Ji, are you guilty?"

The voice was like the sound of heaven, echoing in the fairyland.


"What's the crime?" Yao Ji asked the Queen Mother back.

Before, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the rules and regulations of the Heavenly Court, but after she moved her desire.

Then he found that the rules and regulations of the heavens were full of loopholes and full of ruthlessness.

The Queen Mother was taken aback by the confident Yao Ji. For a moment, the Queen Mother was deceived by Yao Ji.

As if she was the sinner.

The statuses between her and Yao Ji seemed to be exchanged.

The Queen Mother was sober: "Yao Ji, you are not guilty yet. As the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court, you captured three dragons in the lower realm, but you moved the mortal heart and married a mortal and had a child. Are you not guilty yet?"

"Get married and have children?"

"Then what are you and the Jade Emperor?" Yao Ji asked the Queen Mother, she didn't think she had a mouth.


The Queen Mother was completely angry, it's fine if Yao Ji didn't plead guilty, but she kept asking her and the Jade Emperor?Can this be compared?
The strong make the rules.

The weak follow the rules.

Jade Emperor, there is no doubt that it is the strong, the existence above the rules, everyone is equal, how is this possible?

The strong are respected, this is the eternal truth.

All along.

"Yaoji, you are stubborn and not guilty yet. This Palace has pressed you under the peach mountain. You will not see the light of day until you know that you are wrong!" The queen mother picked up the flat peach, and the flat peach fell down and turned into a mountain.

Suppressing the falling Yao Ji.


A loud bang resounded.

Resounds in the Three Realms.

A huge mountain of peaches appeared in the Three Realms out of thin air, and the person suppressed under the mountain of peaches was none other than Yao Ji.


After suppressing Yao Ji, the queen mother was in a particularly good mood, and for the first time realized what it means to speak out.

Yao Ji has already solved it, and the Queen Mother asked Wuji God of War: "Wuji God of War, where is Yao Ji's man? How did you deal with it?"

Yao Ji was "captured" by them, so what happened to Yao Ji's man Hunxiu?One can imagine.


Hearing the words, Wuji God of War looked at each other, and then said slowly: "Return to your mother, we didn't see Yao Ji's man."

They were also looking forward to a fight with Yao Ji's men, but unfortunately they went to the lower realm and did not meet Yao Ji's men.

This strong guy successfully missed it.

"I did not see it?"

When the Queen Mother heard this, she frowned slightly.

Is Hunxiu here?
This surprised the Queen Mother very much.

Queen Mother: "What happened to Yao Ji's three children?"

Wuji God of War: "We promised Yaoji that as long as Yaoji returns to heaven with us, we will let his three children go."

"So, we didn't do anything to Yao Ji's three children."


When the Queen Mother heard this, she stared at Wuji God of War in surprise, thinking that Yao Ji was captured by Wuji God of War.

It now appears that this is not the case at all.

This is Yao Ji's initiative to come back with Wuji God of War!

It was completely different from what she had imagined.

Although the process was different from what she had imagined, the Queen Mother was quite satisfied with Yao Ji's final fate.

"Five Extremes God of War!"

cried the Queen Mother.


Queen Mother: "I order you to kill Yao Ji's three children."


Wuji God of War heard the Queen Mother's order, and looked at the Queen Mother in shock: "My Lady, that Yao Ji's child is your nephew!"

"We have promised to let Yao Ji's three children go."


The Queen Mother sneered and said: "They are evil animals, not my nephews. You promised to let Yaoji's three children go, but I didn't promise to let them go."


Hearing the words, Wuji God of War couldn't help feeling that it made sense!

They Wuji God of War did promise to let Yao Ji's three children go, but the Queen Mother didn't agree.

The Queen Mother's order is now the Jade Emperor's order.

Facing the supreme command.

Wuji God of War has no choice.


Wuji God of War led the order to leave.

Although this is a little sorry for Yao Ji, but who told them that there is nothing they can do?
They promised to let them go, but the queen mother didn't agree, and the queen mother ordered them to be courtiers.

How dare you refute it?

They have no choice.

Can only obey orders.



After Wuji God of War left, Little Golden Crow stood up and said respectfully, "Madam, Aunt Yaoji's son, can't you let them go?"

(End of this chapter)

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