Chapter 1012

This subtle feeling.

It became more and more intense.

Looking at the four kneeling impostors, the feeling in my heart became more and more intense. It seems that the kneeling impostors are not impostors at all, this is them!

But they are clearly standing.

Why do you feel this way?
Is it because they look alike?
Is it their counterfeit?
The "Supreme Sage" Four Sages knelt down, and they were very aggrieved and depressed when they knelt down.Hunxiu was their junior, and at this moment they knelt in front of a junior.

And he was still suppressed and knelt down by his absolute opponent's strength!
They are not satisfied!



In their eyes, Hunxiu is just an ant, but now it is different, this ant has become stronger, stronger than them, and is not under their control, not only that they cannot control it.

I am also controlled by others.

I knew there would be such a day.

What they once said was to completely end Hunxiu when Hunxiu was weak, even if it cost a lot!

Everything has already become a foregone conclusion.

How unwilling!

It can't be changed either!

Although the "Taishang Shengren" and others knelt down, they refused to accept it, and raised their heads to look at Hunxiu viciously. If their eyes can kill people, Hunxiu has already been pierced by thousands of arrows at this time, and he has died countless times. .

At this time, Hunxiu's voice rang slowly, Hunxiu said: "My lord, don't you know your identity, or, don't you know my identity?"

"You should call me master!"

The word "Master" contained an extremely terrifying power, which made the "Supreme Sage" and others lower their heads. They also wanted to raise their heads, but their strength was too strong and the sense of oppression was too strong.

They have no choice!

I can only lower my head!


Hongjun and the others gasped when they heard Hunxiu's words, their hearts trembled, and they were extremely shocked. What did they hear?These four sages are Hunxiu's servants?Soul Xiu is their master?

Good guy!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Hongjun and others would never believe it!
The saint will one day become the servant of others!

Good guy!
How strong is this guy named Hunxiu?
Thinking hard!
Seriously terrified!

Hunxiu was extremely domineering: "I originally wanted to let you guys play, but you guys are not interested at all, so go back and stay in the list of gods!"


Hunxiu is going to come up with the list of gods!

Prepare to include saints such as the "Supreme Sage" in the list of gods!


The "Taishang Shengren" and others trembled slightly when they heard Hunxiu's words. They didn't want to be free in the dark space where they returned to the list of gods.

They looked at Hongjun and begged, "Teacher, save me!"

"Teacher, save me!"

They turned to Hongjun for help!

No matter how you ask for help, it will not help!
Even if Hongjun tried, he couldn't save them.

They asked the wrong person!

The Four Sages were included in the list of gods.


In the chaos, the unwilling voices of the Four Saints still echoed!
Long time stay!
Hongjun and the others were already dumbfounded!
The saints are really still subject to the list of gods. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe it at all!

When did the Conferred God List have such power?
How could they not know?
They are very familiar with the list of gods.

Although the Conferred Gods List is known as the Book of Heaven, but wanting to restrain the saints is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

But the facts are in front of you.

Those four saints are indeed saints!
They are indeed subject to the list of gods, which is also true.

The facts and their impressions have a great impact!
for a while.

For a moment, their mentality completely collapsed.

Hunxiu put away the list of gods, and another list of gods appeared in Hunxiu's hands. Hunxiu threw the list of gods upwards, and the list of gods was suspended in the void, spinning around!

At this moment, the top of the list of gods exudes a terrifying aura, a terrifying power.

This terrifying aura and terrifying power swept through the entire chaos. Daozu Hongjun and others all sensed the dangerous aura from the floating list of gods.

My heart trembled!

Don't wait for them to think about it.

Hunxiu's voice completely reverberated in the chaos!

"Hunxiu, invite all saints to enter the list!"

Hunxiu's voice fell.

In the list of gods, countless pitch-black iron chains emerged. These iron chains were pitch-black and strange, with a faint black light emitting from them.

Weird to the extreme!

This dark light contained extremely terrifying power.

These pitch-black iron chains criss-crossed and turned into heavenly cages, bound towards Daozu Hongjun and others.


In this chaos, there are pitch-black iron chains, and as far as the eye can see, there are densely packed iron chains emitting countless black lights.

The Supreme Saint looked at the pitch-black iron chain coming towards him, like a pitch-black poisonous snake, if he was bitten.

If not, he would "die" on the spot.

The Supreme Sage said domineeringly: "It's just an iron chain, it's vulnerable!"

The Taishang Shengren didn't pay attention to these iron chains at all. If Hunxiu made a move, he would definitely be terrified.

But Hunxiu didn't make a move.

What was shot was a mere iron chain.

It is completely impossible to restrain him with just this mere iron chain.

The Supreme Saint slapped him!
This palm contained boundless magic power, and it hit the pitch-black iron chains, and these iron chains disappeared instantly.



A new iron chain appeared, coming towards the Supreme Saint again!

The Supreme Saint gave another palm.

Went out.

And now.

Very good, a perfect interpretation of what is called, endless.

The rest of the saints also encountered the same problem.

These chains are not very strong!

But it is like a weed, with an astonishing growth rate, which is inexhaustible and never forgotten, which is very annoying.

Hunxiu stood under the list of gods, with the corners of her mouth raised, just watching all this.




Taoist Zhunti, the weakest among the saints, was careless and had no time to remove the iron chains that appeared in front of his eyes.

Feeling chilled by the pitch-black iron chain, the iron chain passed through the heart of Taoist Zhunti, and the holy blood flowed out.

The movement of Zhunti Taoist's hands was also a pause.

Zhunti Taoist lowered his head.

A pitch-black iron chain passed through his heart, and blood continued to flow out along the iron chain.

At the same time that Taoist Zhunti stopped.

In the chaos, densely packed iron chains bounded towards Taoist Zhunti at an extremely fast speed, trapping Taoist Zhunti's limbs.

The iron chains wrapped around Taoist Zhunti's body, completely restraining them.

Three circles inside and three circles outside.

I'm afraid that Taoist Zhunti will run away!
Zhunti Taoist came to his senses.

Looking at the pitch-black iron chains that bound him, he sneered: "This is just an iron chain, and you want to restrain me, too?"

"Idiot talking about a dream!"

Taoist Zhunti struggled.

A terrifying force surged out of Taoist Zhunti's body.


Embarrassing things happened.

After Zhunti Taoist struggled for a while, he became silent and was completely restrained by the iron chain. No matter how much Zhunti Taoist struggled, it would not help!

Zhunti Taoist struggled hard, and finally Zhunti Taoist found that he really couldn't break free, he was completely bound.

There is no power to resist.

This is very embarrassing.

He is a majestic saint, bound by nameless iron chains, unable to break free, which is very embarrassing.

It was very embarrassing.

If you can't break free by yourself, you can only use external force.

Taoist Zhunti had no choice but to plead, "Save me, brother, save me."

It's a shame though.

But Taoist Zhunti had no choice.

Lost face.

You can still earn!

This life is lost.

Then it is completely lost.

light or heavy.

Zhunti Taoist can still tell the difference clearly.

Taoist Guiding is stronger than Taoist Zhunti, facing the densely packed iron chains, these iron chains can't get close to Taoist Jieying, so Taoist Guiding took action to solve it.

Although Daoist Guiding is not Hunxiu's opponent, he is still very relaxed when facing this mere iron chain.

No stress at all!

At this time, the leading Taoist showed his invincibility, and his domineering side leaked.

"Brother, save me."

Taoist Zhunti's cry for help fell into the ears of the Taoist who led him.

The leading Taoist looked at Taoist Zhunti.

At this time, Taoist Zhunti had already been wrapped in dense iron chains, leaving only his eyes.

Hearing the words, the Taoist Jieyin couldn't help being taken aback.

What's the situation?
Junior brother is bound by iron chains.

He is a dignified saint!

Is it really good that the iron chain bound him and made him helpless?

Are you serious?

This iron chain is not weak either!

Logically speaking, this iron chain can't help him at all.


My junior and younger brothers have all asked me for help, if I don't help, is that justified?

Can't tell!

Taoist Jieyin shattered the dense iron chains in front of him with his palm, and headed in the direction of Taoist Zhunti.

"Don't be afraid, junior brother! Senior brother is here to save you!"

It's completely a brotherly relationship!

Receive and guide the Taoist to slap a palm, and the boundless mana is slapped!

It was hit on the iron chain that bound the quasi-said Taoist.

Logically speaking, this iron chain is vulnerable.

If the Daoist made a move, logically speaking, it would be blown out and smashed into pieces.

But after the iron chain suffered the palm of Taoist Jieyin, it still existed, unscathed, and still exuded a dazzling black light!

This dazzling black light, in the eyes of the leading Taoist at this time, is a provocation to himself, an endless provocation!
The leading Taoist was astonished.

Sober up soon!

Looking at the iron chain emitting black light, his eyes narrowed slightly.

My heart skipped a beat!
The Taoist received and led him to strike with all his strength, and if he didn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it anymore. He was a saint himself, so there was nothing he could do with this iron chain?
One shot!
Hit on the iron chain, this iron chain is quite spiritual, summoned, the rest of the iron chains in the chaos, these iron chains gradually form a shield, emitting a dazzling black light shield!


The Taoist Jie led a full blow and hit the iron chain shield.

The chain shield was just trembling slightly.

Just trembling slightly.

That's it.

Take and lead the Taoist to hit with all his strength, that's it!

There was no trace left on the shield at all.

The iron chain is still the same iron chain!

The quality of this iron chain made Taoist Dejieyin dumbfounded and shocked.

The iron chain that binds Taoist Zhunti is not an ordinary iron chain at all, it is completely different from what he imagined, it is so strong, it is not unreasonable that this chain can restrain his junior, Taoist Zhunti !

The leading Taoist fell into shock and lost his mind for a short while.

Just in a brief absence.

The Taoist dejie led him into a dangerous and desperate situation.

Behind the guide Taoist.

A pitch-black iron chain slowly and quietly appeared in front of the leading Taoist priest.

The iron chain was spiritual, without the slightest pause, the shot directly pierced the heart of the leading Taoist.

The guiding Taoist, who was still in shock, felt a pain in his heart, looked down, and at some point, a pitch-black iron chain penetrated his body and heart.

The black-glowing iron chain was also stained with his blood.

This blood is very bright!

Tick ​​tock.

It fell into the palm of the guiding Taoist, carefully sensed it, and there was still temperature!

Taoist Jieyin wanted to resist, and stretched out his hand to gather mana, but soon, Taoist Jieyin sensed his condensed mana, and it dissipated at a faster speed than his condensed mana!

Mana simply doesn't come together.


The body of Taoist Jieyin trembled slightly, and he was completely stunned!
this moment.

He seemed to understand the embarrassment of his younger brother Zhunti Taoist.

Taoist Guiding didn't have time to think about it, countless iron chains soon bound his limbs and body, Taoist Guiding was struggling and resisting, but it was useless.

The moment the Taoist guide was pierced by the iron chain, it showed that the Taoist guide also lost the power to resist.

The guide Taoist was bound.

Originally, he came to rescue his junior Taoist Zhunti, good guy, he didn't save his junior Taoist Zhunti, but because of his own carelessness, he also got himself involved.

What does it mean to steal the chicken and lose the rice?

This is!
Taoist Jieyin knew that if he was not rescued and allowed to be bound by these iron chains, there would be only one result in the end.

that result.

The leading Taoist didn't want to see it.

"help me."

"Teacher, help me."

Zhunti Taoist asked Daozu Hongjun for help. In their view, only Daozu Hongjun could save themselves.

Only he can rescue himself from the dire straits.

at least.

From the point of view of Taoist Jieyin, he himself thinks this way.

"Acceptance, quasi-mention"

When Hongjun heard the call for help from Taoist Jieying, he looked in the direction of Taoist Jieying, and saw that Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Jieying were restrained and lost their self-destruct power. Hongjun was very surprised.

This quasi-teacher and guide Taoist are saints!

Even some iron chains can't deal with it.

bound by chains.

Good guy!
It's embarrassing.

Hongjun wanted to admit that these two were his disciples, but he had no choice!

Now he still needs the quasi-prompt Taoist and the guide Taoist, and he must not let them fall into the hands of Hunxiu. Hongjun felt helpless, but in the end he chose to make a move.

Why did he need quasi-advisors and guides!
The quasi-suggested Taoist and the guiding Taoist can fall into his hands, but they must not fall into the hands of Hunxiu.

thought here.

Hongjun shot.

A terrifying palm hit out.

This palm contains terrifying power.

With one palm, the iron chains all over the body of Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti were shattered, which is a good explanation of what it means to kill two birds with one stone!
Although Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti were ordered by Uncle Hongjun at this time, the Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti at this time are extremely weak, extremely weak!
Hongjun looked at the weak Zhunti Taoist and the guiding Taoist, and his mind moved.

(End of this chapter)

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