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Chapter 95 Learning

Chapter 95 Learning

It was almost six o'clock when the match between Qin Fei and the Suns ended.

The summer on the west coast is sunny and charming, and the twilight before nightfall is more soft and blurred.

At sunset, rows of coconut trees can always be seen on the roadside of the coastal city. People who play by the beach can enjoy the sunshine and sea breeze to their heart's content.

The hotel is not far from the beach, so Qin Fei went to sit on the beach for a while after eating.

The ebb and flow of the Pacific Ocean, passing through this endless sea, is the place he dreams of.

The longer you are away from home, the more you miss your roots.

He sighed, the world is impermanent, there are gains and losses, life is so full of drama.

Just as he was expressing his emotions with emotion, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Little Qin?"


Qin Fei raised his head in a daze and saw Hu Weidong walking over.

"Brother Dong." Qin Fei greeted with a smile.

Hu Weidong stepped on the beach, imitating Qin Fei, and sat down. The two of them were about the same height after sitting down. He asked with a smile, "Why did you run out alone?"

"The team is not very familiar with it for the time being, and it seems that they have no intention of coming out, so I just walked around alone."

"The beaches in Los Angeles are really good." Hu Weidong looked at the sea and was in a happier mood.

"Where is Xiao Qin from Jiangnan Province?"

Qin Fei shook his head: "I was taken to live in New York when I was very young. I don't remember exactly where, but Jiangnan Province can't be wrong anyway."

"Have you come since you were very young? No wonder your muscles are more developed than ours." Hu Weidong wanted to talk about the influence of eating habits on a person's growth. He didn't know that Qin Fei was as thin as ribs a year ago, and now he is gradually getting stronger.

Qin Fei didn't mean to explain, these are not important.

"Tomorrow we will play against the Los Angeles Lakers." Hu Weidong said suddenly.

Lakers?Qin Fei thought about it, was it the first time Kobe appeared in front of the Chinese basketball circle?

"You have a good relationship with that Lakers player, right? I heard that he is the [-]th pick this year, and he is the most powerful player on the Lakers."

Qin Fei thought about it and corrected it: "It's the best one to participate in the summer league. Didn't the Lakers just sign O'Neal of the Magic two days ago?"

What he actually thinks in his heart is that even without O'Neill, there are Jones, Van Exel and others, Kobe, like himself, has a long way to go to the top.

"Have you ever thought about going back to China?" Hu Weidong asked with a smile. He felt a bit like a reporter interviewing Qin Fei.

Qin Fei nodded without hesitation: "Of course, I will definitely go back and have a look."

"Okay, you can find me when you return to China, and I will treat you well." Hu Weidong laughed and patted Qin Fei on the shoulder.

Hu Weidong was very emotional: "When I was your age, I was not as powerful as you."

"Brother Dong is humble, I'm not that good." Qin Fei has self-knowledge, he can still show off his strength in the summer league now, but in the Sonics team, he is a weak chicken, so he must cherish the time of summer training, so that in the new season, he can have a place in the team.

"I'm really not humble. I watched your game today. Your physical fitness and physical condition are very good. It really broke our inherent understanding. It's amazing."

Qin Fei scratched his head, his old face flushed.

What kind of experience is it to be blown by a player you like?

The two chatted a lot, and Hu Weidong also knew some details about Qin Fei's participation in the draft, and also learned that even a rookie like Qin Fei with such "physical fitness" will start training with his body after entering the league.

It can be said that the NBA attaches far more importance to physical fitness training and confrontation ability than other leagues.

Qin Fei said that physical fitness is internal strength, and technology is external strength.If his internal strength is not improved, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the NBA. For example, his teammate Barry at the end of the second round is like this. The assistant coach only watched one game and asked Barry to strengthen his strength training.

On the supersonic day off, Qin Fei continued to participate in team training.

After the full-court confrontation training and quality training, Bob assigned him a special training trainer.

The first lesson the trainer gives is about defense.

"Your individual defense with the ball is very good, but in the NBA, defense is not a matter of one person. It is a system problem. For example, our Sonics team will involve some rotations on the court, but rotations are easy to involve illegal defenses."

Illegal defense is a very famous professional term in this period. If the defender doesn't care, he may touch illegal defense.

"Simple ones, I'm sure you've already heard about them. For example, players without the ball on the weak side are not allowed to be double-teamed. What we're going to talk about is the most important link, how to avoid illegal defense after the pick-and-roll."

Qin Fei listened carefully. This is what he and Hu Weidong said about external skills. It is not enough to have internal energy and not know how to use it. He must learn this knowledge before he can be called a qualified professional player. Otherwise, he will be a headless chicken after playing.

On the same day that Qin Feipao was learning new knowledge in the training hall, the Lakers played against the Huaxia Men's Basketball Team.

In this game, Hu Weidong and Kobe played against each other.

Wearing the No. 32 jersey, Kobe turned the world upside down in the game, dribbling and breaking through like a ferocious snake, and no one could stop him.

There was a ball, he rushed from the backcourt to the frontcourt, from the left to the right, passing all the players on the field, and then under the defense of Battelle and Gong Xiaobin, he leaned back and threw the ball in the air, showing his talent and strength.

I was stunned by the sports reporter Xu Jicheng who was traveling with the team from the sidelines.

Kobe's wanton scoring also forced Hu Weidong's arrogance. He can't let a 17-year-old boy get whatever he wants on his head, can he?

Facing Kobe's defense, Hu Weidong scored two singles shots from outside the three-point line, a dunk under the basket, a post-up singles Kobe, and even multiple steals.

"It's pretty strong."

It was Kobe's first matchup with Hu Weidong, and he felt that his older brother, who was a few years older than him, definitely had the ability to play in the NBA.

The two also took a group photo amicably after the game.

Hu Weidong originally wanted to chat with Kobe, but his English is not very good, so he didn't have to speak. Xu Jicheng who was next to him came to ask questions, and he was very interested in Kobe.

After Xu Jicheng returned to China, everyone told everyone that the Lakers had a kid named Kobe, who was only 18 years old, and that this kid would definitely become a superstar in the future.

And the coaching team of the men's basketball team thought about it, Kobe was so good at the [-]th pick, so Qin Fei was only five picks short of the [-]th pick, so he should be very strong, right?

This problem can only be speculated before they have played against each other, and it is impossible to see it intuitively.

Fortunately, there is no need to wait, the third game of the Men's Basketball Summer League is against the Sonics.

 Illegal defense is the characteristic of this period. Going back to the regular season, I will describe it slowly



(End of this chapter)

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