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Chapter 79 The Best Summer

Chapter 79 The Best Summer

Tellem is quite an interesting person, and he can always come up with some ideas when chatting, but he is also very principled.

And he speaks in a nice voice, and occasionally tells some bad jokes.

Qin Fei chatted with him very easily, and also learned some information about him in the NBA basketball world through his "inadvertent" disclosure.

It is always necessary to make more preparations from the low level to the high level, so it is good to talk a few more words.

Tellem also observed Qin Fei in the chat, and he found that Qin Fei was different from some of the young players he had contacted.

Qin Fei is less confused than he should be at this age, and is more mature. He clearly understands what he wants and what he should do at this stage.

As an agent, he certainly likes working with smart people.

The two clicked to the end, and left after chatting for a while.

After returning to the hotel, the young lady at the front desk handed Qin Fei a note with an address for Iverson and others on it.

"A nightclub bar street?"

Qin Fei silently put the note into his pants pocket.

In the smirking eyes of the ladies and sisters, there was a face of righteousness: "I, Qin, is still a child, how could I go to these places?"

The old-fashioned neighborhood of New Orleans is not big, the streets are relatively narrow, and there is a large bar street in the middle of the block, which is a romantic place full of jazz and blues.

The one with the pictures showing the naked skin is a strip club, soliciting customers everywhere, and the girls in cool clothes are holding up the handwritten cardboard advertisement of "Drink three glasses for the price of one glass of wine".

A black and white police car with flashing lights was parked nearby, and three or five police officers stood by the side of the road to maintain order.

The neon lights are flashing, there are dancing crowds in the bar, and the noisy stage is more noisy than the arena. This is another Lan Kwai Fong in the port city.

After getting out of the car, Qin Fei stepped on the wet street, and immediately some excitement surged in his body.Thinking about it, besides winning the championship today, is there anything else to be happy about?

While squinting his eyes and quietly looking at the long-legged girl, a big black man walked up to him.

"Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Romi was a little unhappy. He had been squatting on the side of the road just now, and he looked like he was in the same company as a soliciting girl.

"Isn't this something, what about Aaron and the others?"

"They have already gone to play, and we will go too soon, if it is too late, it will be too late!"

"It's too late!"

Qin Fei reluctantly admired the girl's hot figure again, and was dragged by Romi to one of the bars.

The waiter outside the bar looked wary and asked Qin Fei to show his ID first.

"Under the age of 21, a player from the Georgetown Hoyas." Qin Fei said honestly.


"If you are under 21, please wear a wristband."

He looked at Qin Fei vigilantly. After Qin Fei put on a white bracelet and walked into the bar, there were waiters staring at him along the way.

"Tsk tsk, look, I don't need to bring it." Luo Mi was already 21 years old, showing off his age advantage beside Qin Fei.

He was already old and tall, and no one checked him at all.

It is more difficult for people under the age of 21 to enter bars, and some bars may even prohibit entry directly.

People like Qin Fei who came in with a badge on their hands would always be stared at him. Once he wanted to buy wine or someone gave him a drink, a waiter would come to stop his behavior, and even drive them out for violating the rules.

After entering the bar, Romy looked around impatiently.

The sound of the live band was quite noisy. Under the dim light, the beautiful sister with heavy makeup let out some wanton screams under the stimulation of alcohol. Under the instigation of the surrounding boys, she lifted her clothes and exposed her breasts or swayed her hips, causing fiery gazes and booing from the surroundings.

On the dance floor, Qin Fei saw a few exclamation team "Old Fritters" led by Iverson, and had a great time playing there.

Luo Mi couldn't help leaning over, while Qin Fei turned around and saw a few shy freshmen sitting on the sofa.


There were two lipstick marks on Iverson's face. He was very happy to see Qin Fei coming and wanted Qin Fei to join this joyous big party.

Qin Fei thought to himself what's the point of just dancing, if he has the ability, he can take it off, not to mention he can't dance.

Just as he was about to reject Iverson, two girls appeared from one left and one right, and hooked his arm directly.


Qin Fei's arms were soft to touch, his brows were wrinkled, can you be more serious?

"Let's go, we've already won the championship, why are you still so serious, let's relax!" Iverson signaled the two girls to "do it".

The two girls carried Qin Fei and were about to go to the dance floor to get high.

Qin Fei couldn't hold back Iverson, and sighed: "Just this one time, don't make another example!"

The next day, the Hoya players caught an early flight with dark circles under their eyes.

As soon as the plane landed at Washington Dulles International Airport, Qin Fei saw through the window nearly a hundred Georgetown fans who came to meet the plane, holding signs and waving to the plane.

This is a heroic courtesy, and the school leaders held the hand of head coach Thompson with emotion in their eyes.

"You're still right, basketball should be pure basketball, nothing else."

Thompson knew that he was talking about Iverson. At the beginning, Thompson was under a lot of pressure to recruit the "problem boy" Iverson into the team. The school leader in front of him was one of the opponents.

Now that Iverson has led the Hoyas to win the championship, it has brought prestige and honor to Georgetown. This result proves that Thompson made the right choice.

Thompson sighed and patted his old friend on the shoulder.

The school leader came over again, ready to greet the players.

Iverson turned around and left directly. Qin Fei smiled and shook hands with the leader.

The leader was quite awkward at first, but with Qin Fei's grip, there was a step down immediately, and Qin Fei was also pleasing to the eye: "The young man is good, he has great potential!"

The players ran over to high-five the fans who picked them up, and some players cheered up and signed autographs.

After returning to school, there was a huge welcome ceremony. Some students who were not very interested in basketball also came to join in the fun, and it was purely a school activity.

Two days later, on the playground, the school held a celebration ceremony.

After the band performances, dance performances, and drama performances performed by the students themselves.

Fans wearing Georgetown autumn clothes raised their arms high, cheering and cheering the Georgetown players on the stage.

Iverson held the microphone, with a smile on his face, and said something about the national championship in the expectant eyes of the fans.

Then the other players spoke one by one, but their voices were much quieter.

When it came to Qin Fei, the audience's voices rose again. In George Town, Qin Fei seemed to be the most popular player besides Iverson.

"Don't worry, I like short speeches."

Qin Fei took the microphone and gave the host a wink.


His words were different from those of his teammates who shouted "brother" and "dude". The voices of all the players in the audience quieted down, waiting for Qin Fei to speak.

"This is a day worth remembering. We traveled to Louisiana and took home the championship trophy."

"A year ago, I came to the school. At that time, the school was full of handsome men and beautiful women. When I saw it today, hey, good guys, all of them are here!"

Hahahaha everyone laughed.

Among the crowd, several teenagers in Qin Fei's dormitory were chased by the surrounding crowd to ask about Qin Fei.

Nathan bragged over there brazenly: "I have a good relationship with Qin Fei. It can be said that we are brothers. You can ask George if you have any signature needs, and you can go through me. I will give you a [-]% discount. Don't run away, students, [-]% off is also fine."

On the stage, Qin Fei spit and talked about how he joined the Hoya team, started the path of his basketball dream, and then how he made outstanding contributions in what games.

After talking eloquently for several minutes, he returned the microphone to the host with a lot of satisfaction.

The host wiped the sweat from his forehead and suggested that the audience shout "We are the champions."

He took it with the microphone, and after two voices, the voice of the audience became uniform.

Resounding across the sky

The sky was very blue on this day, and the breeze was not dry.

Qin Fei and his companion put their shoulders together, raised their arms high, with a smile on their faces and howling cheers, enjoying the glory of the championship

(End of this chapter)

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