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Chapter 200 Communication Activities

Chapter 200 Communication Activities

Two days later, Modu.

More than half of the entourage was cut off.

Dr. Li also bid farewell to Qin Fei, and was picked up by a group of people when he was at the airport.

Qin Fei did not arrange any commercial activities at this stop, only a very normal communication with the Shanghai Sharks youth team.

Areas where the economy is taking off day by day are full of thriving scenes.

The exchange activities were held in the arena of the Sharks.

Although he was only communicating with the youth team, when Qin Fei got out of the car, he saw Lao Hu.

Hu Weidong came all the way, knowing that Qin Fei arrived today, he drove here early.


When Qin Fei got out of the car, he met an acquaintance. He was very happy and reached out to shake Hu Weidong's hand.

This exchange event also invited some media, and the moment the two shook hands, they snapped photos frantically.

"Da Qin, long time no see!"

Hu Weidong was very happy and dragged Qin Fei inside.

Behind Qin Fei is the team he brought over, including Tellem, Pelinka, trainers, drivers, translators, etc. Most of them are wearing suits, which looks very formal.

"Why don't you call me Da Qin, you might as well call me Xiao Qin!"

Qin Fei is not used to the name "Da Qin", Xiao Qin seems to be more pleasing to the ear.

"Didn't I learn this from the TV station? I think this name is very good!" Hu Weidong led Qin Fei to walk in, and soon met the coach of the Sharks, Li Qiuping, who came out to guide him.

Qin Fei's exchange activity this time is mainly aimed at the youth team. Instructor Li was the coach of the youth team back then, and now he is the head coach of the Sharks. He personally attended the event because he also liked Qin Fei's ability.

The staff was going to introduce Qin Fei, but after Hu Weidong took the initiative to come, he was the one to do the introduction.

Qin Fei and Director Li shook hands and greeted each other.

Everyone walked into the arena together.

Director Li, as the protagonist, began to explain the arena to everyone, including the current basic construction of the team.

The CBA has only been in operation for a year, and the situation is relatively simple. Last season, I got No.6.

This result is not considered good, and it is definitely not bad, but Director Li is a person with ideas. This summer, he transferred players from the youth team to the team.

Qin Fei looked up and saw a tall boy with a square face, looking at him very curiously.

"This is Yao Ming of our team. He is just 17 years old this year. He is very talented and serves as a center forward." Director Li introduced Yao Ming first.

How could Qin Fei not know the most famous athlete in the country in the future?Very enthusiastically went up to shake hands with Yao Ming.



Yao Ming spoke humbly, his nasal cavity resonated, and he was also very happy to see Qin Fei. This is the first Chinese player to enter the NBA. He is a serious player, and it is said that he is only two years older than him.

"This is Liu Wei"

Qin Fei's expressed interest in Yao Ming is not unexpected at all. Everyone who comes to the team will be interested in this big man of more than 20 meters and [-].

Why are you so tall and look thin? How about your athletic talent? Can you play ball?

"Next season, Xiao Yao will join the team and start playing in the professional league." Seeing that Qin Fei was interested in Yao Ming, Director Li added a few words.

From the next season, Yao Ming started to dominate the CBA. At this time, not many people in China knew him. The time when he really became famous was at the Shanghai [-]th National Games in the second half of the year.

At this time, Wang Zhizhi is the most potential player in the Chinese men's basketball team. He is a chasing boy who can run and jump, and he is also very tall. Who can overshadow him?

Yao Ming did it twice, and everyone was stunned.

Hu Weidong was also very interested in Yao Ming. Director Li said over there, and he just remembered silently there. After that, Director Li stopped talking and started a joke about Hu Weidong.

"Weidong, what are you doing here today? To steal information about the new season?"

Hu Weidong laughed, and pulled out Qin Fei as a shield.

"I'm here to meet my Brother Qin. Isn't this just a chance to get to know the young talents of the Sharks? Sure enough, they are all talented and extraordinary."

"Hahaha, you!"

Director Li smiled wryly and shook his head, not angry.

The exchange activities are divided into three parts, the first part is to visit and meet.

The second part is about Qin Fei showing off his hands, and the third part is about discussion and exchange.

Everyone is waiting for the second party.

Qin Fei didn't wear a jacket today, but a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts. After entering the second agenda, he walked off the venue very briskly.

The whole five-on-five friendly match lasted for 10 minutes.

Hu Weidong looked itchy and wanted to end.

Then Qin Fei was assigned to a certain team, and the opponent was Liu Wei + Hu Weidong + Yao Ming's old and new big three combination.Everyone sat in the stands. Unfortunately, some reporters did not bring cameras, but only cameras.

The friendly match will not be a real fight, Hu Weidong takes the initiative to face Qin Fei.

He wanted to see how much Qin Fei had improved this year.

From the perspective of court performance, he knew that Qin Fei must have grown a lot, but basketball players are like this, especially the higher the level of competition, the more they want to fight with each other in order to be recognized.

The kids from the Sharks didn't want to steal the show either, so they passed the ball to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei faced Hu Weidong and held the ball outside the three-point line.

Without double-teaming, the friendly match would not be double-teaming, and this cannot be done.

Hu Weidong stretched out one hand in front of Qin Fei, and took half a step back to defend as usual.

He knew that Qin Fei's shooting was mediocre, but his breakthrough was very good. Taking half a step back could give him better defensive space and time.

Qin Fei took a tentative step, holding the ball by his side with one hand.

As soon as this arm stretched out, the onlookers were amazed.

"So long"

Yao Ming opened his eyes wide, asked his teammates to get out of the way, and guarded the inside lane. From his perspective, he saw Qin Fei one-on-one with Hu Weidong.

Hu Weidong is currently the strongest shooting guard in the country, and Qin Fei is the first Chinese shooting guard to enter the NBA. The topic of who is better between the two has never been broken.

Yao Ming is also very interested, these are all his seniors!

Qin Fei closed the ball until he was injured and touched the floor. After his body became tense, he bounced off the ground in an instant, jumped into the air, and started to push upwards like a drawn bow. Finally, he reached his forehead, straightened his arms, and flicked his right wrist. The basketball was spinning and rolling at high speed, and began to be thrown into the sky.

"so high"

This was the second exclamation from the onlookers. Qin Fei's sudden jump shot was too high, as if it was higher than other people's entire upper body.

Hu Weidong didn't really defend seriously on the one hand, and the other was frightened by Qin Fei's jump shot.

Before reaching out his hand in time, Qin Fei was almost unguarded.


The three-pointer missed.

Fortunately, the goal was missed, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Hey, why are we so relieved?

I feel that this state is not right, this is just a friendly match.

A friendly match should naturally have the attitude of a friendly match. When Hu Weidong attacked, Qin Fei didn't defend much. He released Hu Weidong a jumper, and Lao Hu hit it like an anti-aircraft gun.

Turning around, Qin Fei had already rushed forward.

At this time, Yao Ming ran fast, chasing Qin Fei for half the time.

The players of the Sharks team passed the ball too big, but Qin Fei just caught it and caught the ball after crossing the three-point line.

Yao Ming chased after him and stopped Qin Fei.

Facing Yao Ming, Qin Fei stepped down and dribbled twice in a row.

The rhythm of the dribble is very fast, a feint to the right, and then a sharp change to the left to break through, a very Marbury-style dribble.

Yao Ming was too serious, and his center of gravity was too high. Qin Fei swayed him twice, and he staggered and fell backwards.

He sat down on the cold floor.

And Qin Fei stepped over his side in one step, stepped on the floor and flew high.

The basketball made a big circle in his hand, and it slammed into the frame with a bang!

Jumping high and dunking fiercely, the players of the Sharks had never seen a dunk of this level in reality, and they were all stunned for a moment.

Yao Ming stood up shyly.

Qin Fei ran over and patted his ass.

"Come on, boy, I know you can do it, I'm still waiting to play in the NBA with you!"

Qin Fei said so, but what he thought in his heart was that it is better to be swayed now than to suffer in the NBA. In the future, when facing this trick, he can do whatever he wants, and he will never change his focus.

I hope the chairman can understand this precious life experience lesson

Oops, the old man really broke his heart

He thought of Marbury. Facing Yao Ming in the future, he would play singles with misplaced positions and shouted frantically in his heart: "I'll shake, I'll shake, I will shake again."

"Why the hell can't it fall over?"

(End of this chapter)

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