Chapter 897 The Truth (210)

The devil is gone, and what is also gone is the temperature in the wooden house in the dark night, and the remaining hope.

The wooden house was in a mess, and the tables, chairs and benches were dismantled and thrown into the stove to extract the remaining heat.

"So the devil is real."

"It's not a devil, it's a person who is manipulating all of this."

"Who would do such a thing?"

"People like me."

The huntress stood in front of the big hole blasted by Makarov's pistol, and asked the mysterious lieutenant colonel beside her, "Can you tell us what your secret mission is now?"

The lieutenant colonel shook his head slowly, and the huntress was not discouraged, "We are now grasshoppers on a rope."

"The less you know, the easier it is to live," said the lieutenant colonel. "You have the possibility to live, so ask as few questions as possible that you shouldn't know."

The huntress was silent for a few seconds, lowered her voice and turned her back to the heated kang: "I still have a few questions I want to ask you."

"I won't necessarily answer."

"You will answer. The group of devils came after the siblings."


"They are special?" said the huntress. "About your classified mission and the 'delta' plan you mentioned earlier?"

The lieutenant colonel did not answer.

"The pair of siblings, if those monsters don't get them, will we always be in this... vicious circle?"

"This is a non-negotiable matter," said the lieutenant colonel. "The siblings will follow me all the way to Moscow."

"But we have to find a way to get out of here first. As you can see, we have run out of ammunition and food. If there is such a thing, morale should be negative by now, right?" The huntress turned her head to look at the stove Dusha and Adam, who were sitting on the top, were almost exhausted now.

The arrival and departure of the devil did not affect the poisoning phenomenon of the two people. The continuous vomiting and diarrhea filled the whole room with a sour smell. After drinking a lot of water to speed up the metabolism, the two people did not go into shock at least, and their symptoms also disappeared. A little bit better.

"You poisoned it?" The lieutenant colonel looked at the huntress and asked calmly.

When this question was asked, Vika, who was sitting silently beside Dusha not far away, suddenly raised his head and stared at the huntress, but neither the lieutenant colonel nor the huntress paid any attention to him, because the man The only possible threat - the double-barreled shotgun has been captured by the huntress and is carried behind her back.


The huntress shook her head, "I haven't even figured out how the poisoner did it. You said that their poisoning phenomenon is the snake venom of the polar viper, but isn't snake venom poisonous only when it is injected into the wound?" Is it? Even if the high temperature of the stew didn’t destroy the snake venom protein, if you eat it in your stomach, unless you get a stomach ulcer, you shouldn’t have symptoms of poisoning.”

"Have you ever studied medicine?"

"Anyone who has been a hunter will understand these simple experiments." The huntress paused and asked, "Before, were you negotiating with something outside?"


"what's the result."

"Negotiations have broken down."

"It can be seen." The huntress looked at the huge hole beside her, and then took another look at the plain Makarov pistol on the lieutenant colonel's waist. "Those things... want those children, right?"

"You want those kids too. If I'm guessing right, they're what you call the 'delta' project, the...miracle of the motherland's recovery?"

The lieutenant colonel was silent for a long time, then nodded heavily, "Yes."

"I see," said the Huntress. "What shall we do next?"

"Wait until dawn and escape from here."

"How to escape? Now there are two more wounded, carrying three patients, we can't move an inch in the forest."

"Give up the wounded." The lieutenant colonel glanced at the old hunter on the bed and the two poisoned patients by the fire.

"The current situation is indeed not optimistic." Even the huntress did not offer any rebuttal to this opinion this time.

"Not only that, the negotiation last night was already an ultimatum." The lieutenant colonel said, "I used those two children as a threat, so they didn't break into the door."

"You mean that as long as these two children are with us, we will never be attacked by that group of demons?"

"Yes." The lieutenant colonel nodded slowly.

"So...they are our...hostages in disguise?" The huntress used an appropriate but weird word to describe the current situation.

The lieutenant colonel nodded after being speechless for a few seconds.

"What will happen to those two children if they fall into the hands of those demons?" the huntress asked, "Don't lie to me by eating them alive. good to eat."

"I don't know." The lieutenant colonel looked sideways at the siblings on the kang, "I just know that I need to take them back to Moscow."

"Your eyes were golden before, and that boy's eyes were also golden, including those monsters outside before. Can I understand that the motherland is doing human experiments? It's like the German head of state mentioned by the old people during World War II. The human evolution experiment?" The huntress lowered her eyes slightly, "The siblings... are they the fruit of the motherland?"

The lieutenant colonel didn't answer the question, because it was just speculation, and the Huntress' thinking was very close to the truth.

"What will happen to them when you take them back to Moscow?"

"I do not know."

The huntress wiped the frost on the corner of her eyebrows with her hand, and she probably understood, "I thought you like children, that's why you treat them so well."

The lieutenant colonel glanced at the huntress, but said nothing, probably because the huntress said something stupid.

"What if we can't find a way to get out of this forest?" asked the huntress again. "Will you then surrender the children to your enemies?"

"No." The lieutenant colonel said slowly.

"I'll kill them both first, then kill myself."

The huntress was stunned for a few seconds, "So extreme?"

"This is the heritage of the motherland. If it cannot be returned to the motherland, it must be buried forever in the frozen soil of the ice sheet and cannot fall into the hands of the enemy." The lieutenant colonel's eyes were burning with fire.

"It's really an indestructible will." The huntress sighed, "But isn't that unfair to the siblings? They didn't have the chance to decide their own destiny from the beginning to the end."

"The motherland will thank them," said the lieutenant colonel. "They were also born for the motherland."

Vika by the fire stood up without saying a word, the huntress and the lieutenant colonel all looked at him, he just went to pick up the overturned water bottle, and took it from the ice bucket Bring a pot of water to a boil by the fire.

Dusha was too weak to speak, and Vika could only hear her calling her brother in a low voice, but he couldn't do anything. Originally, hunger was already about to destroy people's will, but now with the influence of snake venom, if there is no Sufficient food and medicine, then the remaining time of Dusha may not exceed 24 hours.

Vika waited blankly for the water in the kettle to boil, and when he returned to Dusha with the kettle in hand, he suddenly smelled a rotten smell by the light of the fire. He looked down and saw Dusha hanging by his side. Right hand covered with gauze.

He removed the gauze on Dusha's right hand little by little, and he saw that the arrow wound inside was infected, festered and festered. Just looking at the wound made people feel sick and nauseous. He didn't know if it was due to complications caused by snake venom. Touch Dusha's forehead, it's hot like a kettle.
Desperately, Vika wrapped the gauze back, as if it would no longer exist if it was tightly wrapped. He took a deep breath, but no matter how much he breathed, he felt as if a piece was missing in his heart.

"Shui Shui." Du Sha was still whispering, her lips were chapped and bleeding.

Vika quickly lowered his head to pour water for his sister. He picked up a water glass from the ground, and subconsciously began to distinguish whether the water glass belonged to him or Dusha. froze.

Water glass?

He reached out and touched his lips, because of the low temperature, the lips had already been chapped with countless bloodstains, and he could feel the sting just by touching.

Snake venom, blood, water glass.

Suddenly, as if he had figured something out, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the heated kang with bloodshot eyes.

"That's right." The huntress looked out the window and said, "I suddenly have a question, are people like you with golden eyes resistant to freezing?"

The lieutenant colonel looked at the huntress a few more times, and she seemed to be sure that people with shining eyes were "very human", but this guess was not wrong. He replied, "The physique will be better than ordinary people, but not completely. Ignore the temperature difference."

"Then you said it's so cold outside, isn't the 'man' you're talking about driving the monster freezing?" The huntress said with her head down in thought.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's been almost three days, right? It's impossible for him to hide in the coniferous forest for three days, right?" Man', if he is really a 'man', he must eat and drink to keep warm?"

"... Is there a possibility that he has been hiding in a warm place and watching us quietly all this time?"

"There are no other houses in this taiga."

"Yeah, for example, he might be this wooden house?" The huntress suddenly raised her head, her eyes sparkling.

But when she looked up, she saw the calm expression of the lieutenant colonel in front of her, and she was stunned for a moment—the other's expression seemed to be answering her, and he seemed to have known about it a long time ago.

"Wait, have you been looking for it since you entered the house?"

The huntress subconsciously pulled the shotgun on her back in a daze. Just as she was about to say another word, she suddenly caught a shadow jumping up from the ground out of the corner of her eyes, and headed straight for the kang not far away!
That was Vika, this man rushed towards the kang like crazy, and rushed towards the pair of siblings.

"It's you! It's you! It's you!" he yelled frantically, "You poisoned me! You wanted to kill everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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