Chapter 749
"Are you ready? Group C and Group D will cooperate in this dive. You have also experienced such cooperation during training. You must be vigilant and take care of each other at any time, and don't be careless."

On the side of the ship, Manstein looked at Chu Zihang and Caesar who had put on nano-diving suits, "The torch on the coffin, as she said, will not go out even after entering the water. The problem should be the tarpaulin. In terms of materials, after the torch burns out, the corpse guard may riot and attack the coffin, so no matter whether you have completed the task or not, you should evacuate from the coffin as soon as possible before the torch is about to go out."

"How long can the torch last? We've already wasted a lot of time." Caesar tidied up the zipper and compressed gas cylinders on the back of the diving suit for Ling, and looked at the coffin of the group of corpse guards outside the ship's side.

"I don't know. She only gave such a vague sentence, and she doesn't want to say anything else. So, play it by ear, don't be aggressive or aggressive." Manstein looked at the lifeboat hanging from the side of the ship and said, "We Iron chains will be hung on the coffin, and once the Dragon King is really drawn out by the contents of the coffin, we will pull the coffin out of the water to lead him out."

"It's like fishing," Caesar said suddenly.

"Yes, it's like fishing. It's just that both the bait and the fish are too 'bloated'." Manstein paused and nodded slowly, "But be careful not to be dragged into the water by the fish, this is The most shameful and unwilling way for fishermen to die."


Chu Zihang and Susie jumped into the lifeboat first, followed by Caesar and Zero. After the four of them got on the rubber boat, Manstein made a gesture and the lifeboat was slowly lowered to the surface.

"Men first." Caesar picked up one of the oars on the lifeboat and threw it to Chu Zihang. The two men picked up the oars and began to slide on the bloody water, gradually approaching the bronze coffin that was stagnant in the distance.

The closer they got, the more clearly the four people on the lifeboat could see the white faces under the water surface, those pale faces with no expression, and the dim golden pupils were all facing the inside of the bronze coffin, all of which were incomprehensible fanaticism.

Chu Zihang and Caesar couldn’t help but relax a lot in their rowing movements. They are basically floating over the heads of a group of undead people, and all they see are pale dead faces and python-like bodies. No matter how old people are, they will hold their breath before this scene.

However, there are always people who are so courageous that they are far beyond common sense, such as Susie. When Chu Zihang was rowing, she gently pulled out the village rain from Chu Zihang's waist with her right hand, and submerged the blade into the water with both hands. The corpse guard who approached as the lifeboat advanced, the corpse guard turned its back to them, as if it was unconscious and unaware of the impending death.

Caesar and Chu Zihang both noticed Susie's action, but they didn't make a sound to stop it. Even Ling silently watched this senior sister's rash action that might anger the entire corpse guard group.The point of Muramaro's knife approached the back of the corpse guard's head inch by inch, as long as Susie moved her hand forward quickly, the corpse guard would die.

At the last moment, Susie suddenly raised the tip of Murasame's knife, and the sword slashed across the corpse guard's head, leaving a white mark but no blood was seen.

"It seems that as long as they don't hurt them, they will indeed completely ignore us." Susie said as she sent Cun Yu back to the scabbard around Chu Zihang's waist.

"The things in the coffin are very attractive. We are suddenly downgraded to a buffet-level frozen food in the eyes of these monsters." Caesar turned his head to look at the one that was targeted by Susie's killing intent, and is still devout today. Tell the corpse guard in the coffin.

"The question we should think about now is how to get the coffin underwater." Susie said, looking at the bronze coffin that was close at hand.

"The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge." Caesar stopped paddling, and the lifeboat slowly approached the bronze coffin, and finally both oars were gently stuck to the side of the coffin just before the collision.

The bronze coffin had a small displacement due to the force, and the center of gravity of the torch standing on the coffin was unstable and was about to fall, but a hand grabbed him first. It was Chu Zihang, who took a nimble step after losing the oar. Jumped on the coffin lid, half knelt down and grabbed the torch.

Keeping his kneeling posture, he also used the light of the torch in his hand to illuminate the dense patterns on the coffin like branches of rattan trees. Countless engraved grooves twisted together like a group of snakes, and the runes and lines formed layer by layer. One after another 'circles' of different sizes, this is the trace of alchemy, but I don't know what the effect is when it is activated.

"What should we do now? Four people stand up together and sink the coffin under the water?" Susie leaned out and hung the iron chain connected to the Beichuan on the lifeboat to the red chain of the coffin.

"The coffin is lifted out of the water by the corpse guards. If the balance is broken, it will fall into the water." Ling said, she watched the corpse guards who looked like carp clumping in the bloody water below the bronze coffin.

"I have an idea." Chu Zihang on the coffin suddenly said, he threw the torch to Caesar in the lifeboat, stood on the coffin and began to untie the spare safety rope behind him, and tied one end of the baby on the coffin On the red chain with thick arms, the other end was tied around his waist.

Seeing Chu Zihang's movements, Su Qian subconsciously frowned.

"We've run out of time." After tying the rope, Chu Zihang said with a glance at Su Qian.

He nodded to Caesar, then put on the oxygen mask and turned the valve of the compressed gas cylinder.

How can Caesar look at Chu Zihang's actions and not understand what he wants to do? Although this is what a madman does, there is no other way to make this guy crazy now.

He handed the torch to Ling, and untied the spare safety rope on his back, tied one end to his waist, and threw the other end to Chu Zihang.

"Me first." After doing all this, Caesar took the torch again, then sat on the side of the lifeboat, stretched out his feet and entered the water bit by bit.

From the perspective of Manstein and others watching on the deck, Caesar can be said to have slipped into the water surrounded by corpse guards, surrounded by monsters with snake bodies and human faces. The swimming pool was as creepy as the boas were terribly slow.

But they couldn't see a trace of fear on Caesar who entered the water. The right hand holding the torch was as steady as a rock. Without a trace of stagnation or stiffness, it slipped into the bloody water smoothly like a snake.

Caesar was the first to go into the water, and the torch in his hand was also submerged in the water with him. From the surface of the water, the flame did not go out, but instead lit a ball of red light in the bright red river like a lamp. It is worth mentioning that in The corpse guards around Caesar also took the initiative to avoid the red light, which seemed to be the natural rejection of high temperature by cold-blooded animals.

On the bronze coffin, Chu Zihang watched the red light gradually dive, and the safety rope connected to it around his waist gradually stretched, and he immediately followed behind into the water, also without the slightest fear or hesitation.

Zero and Susie on the lifeboat quietly looked at the safety rope tied to the red chain of the coffin. The rope floating on the water gradually stretched, and then a burst of force broke the balance of the bronze coffin. Tilted and then fell into the water under the influence of weight, making a splash!
"Here we go," Susie said.

The coffin began to sink, the chains on the lifeboat were also pulled into the water, and the white souls under the river suddenly started to move. They all turned around and swam deeper underwater, like a school of migrating fish.

Susie and Zero immediately followed behind, tied each other's safety ropes and jumped into the water, following behind this 'big troop'.

On the deck, Manstein saw that there was only one empty lifeboat left on the blood-red water, and he couldn't help clenching his fists and knocked on the steel side of the ship, and everything that followed had to be resigned to fate.

After entering the water, their eyes were bright red, but there was a flash of fire in the red that illuminated the road ahead. Even though the visibility was almost zero, Susie and Zero could rely on the blurred light to determine the dive route of Caesar at the bottom.

"This is Beichuan, and I'm Captain Manstein. Is everything going well?" The signal of 'Snake' is still stable, and Manstein's voice can be heard on the public channel listened to by the headset.

Zero replied, "Crossing the 'Red Sea', the field of vision is almost zero, but there is no sign of the torch being extinguished for the time being, and there is no sign of the corpse guard attacking. So far, it is going well."

"Your diving suits are equipped with cameras, and after passing through the 'Red Sea' area, you must activate them together with the diving lights to send back underwater images." Manstein said.

"Got it." Susie replied.

According to the previous diving experience of Team A, the vertical diving distance of the 'Red Sea' is about 50 meters. In this blood red, everyone can feel the uneasiness to varying degrees. But perhaps it is because the line of sight is blocked, follow The fear of diving with a large number of corpse guards was greatly weakened, which is a kind of luck.

But luck is often only for a short moment. The 50-meter "Red Sea" area passed through quickly. Susie's vision returned to clarity. lights and cameras.

At the same time, a clear picture came back from the big screen in the captain's room, accompanied by the sound of everyone gasping for breath.

In the picture, in the [-]-meter-deep water, the first torch that can be seen emits an eye-catching light in the dark depths of the river. It is Caesar who is leading the lead with the torch in his hand. He is wandering under the empty and silent deep water.

And behind him is a truly horrifying scene that is suffocating.

Following Caesar on the faint light of the torches, there was a huge black whirlpool composed of hundreds of corpse guards with snake bodies and human faces. They seemed to be a silent army, slowly lurking In the open and silent waters, the flames followed the lead and continued to dive.

At first glance, the swirling black shadow formed by the snakes is like a falling mountain collapsing towards the bottom of the water, and Caesar in the front seems to be trying to dive down to avoid the disaster that is slowly collapsing above his head.

Dragons enter the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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