Hulala~~ They all ran to complete the task, and there were 6 of them left (I won’t say more about which 6 people are, everyone knows?).

"Let's go too?" Xueyi smiled, she didn't look like someone who was going to kill someone at all, innocent, lively and cute, if it wasn't for jealousy, maybe Xueyi wouldn't be like this?

"En." Chen replied lightly, and the six of them walked into the forest together.

There is almost no light in the forest, I can only rely on my own flashlight for lighting, surrounded by huge flowers and trees (nonsense), and there are many ferocious beasts, scary insects (not very scary), gloomy...

"My God! This ghost forest! Can the school come up with such a detrimental trick?" Yayin was shaking from the cold, and she kept complaining.

"Put on your clothes when it's cold, don't be shy!" Shi glanced at Yayin and complained.

Yayin had no choice but took out a windbreaker from her big bag and put it on. The rich are the rich, and even the windbreaker was inlaid with so many bright gemstones... Wow, the gemstones also play a little bit of lighting la~~~

"Xun, isn't it cold?" Chen still wanted to make up for something, he endured it, Xun was the first girl he cared about, but it wasn't the first time, I forgot that there was that time when I was a child~~

"It's not cold! I don't need you to worry about me!" Xun said coldly, without even looking at Chen. Although he is a strong killer, he has been poisoned a lot, and he has been weak and sick since he was a child. Remember The last time I cried because of Chen, I had a fever after crying, and my forehead is still a little hot.

"Xun, you're going to get sick again like this!" Yun was angry, Xun was always like this, never knew how to take care of herself, even if she made herself sick, she would just let it get sick, and act like a normal person.

"It's okay!" Kaoru waved his hand and continued to move forward. After all, it was still early in the morning, around 7 o'clock, and it would gradually warm up by noon.

"Does Xun often get sick?" Chen continued to care about Xun, but unexpectedly...

"I've said it before! Don't worry about it!" Xun was angry, meow, Xun's angry look was terrible, the beauty was showing off, but if Xun didn't show off, Xiaoqin really treats you like a sick cat...

"Leng Yichen, don't ask any more!" Yun rolled his eyes at Chen angrily, why does Leng Yichen always make us angry...

The weather is getting warmer. In this ghost forest, there are no trees 3 meters away. I always feel that the exit is close at hand. In fact, no one knows how far it is to get there. The 6 people walked through it in an embarrassing situation. It is the most difficult to get lost in the entire forest. The 500-meter journey without a fork seems simple, but the rest of the journey is very difficult...

"Whose idea came up with this?! Let's walk through this forest like a maze. There are forks everywhere. Where are we going?!" Shi couldn't help complaining, walking out of this distance, there were 3 forks in front of him. , I don’t know how many forks there are in each fork, how do people go?

"Either the 6 of us walk together, and if we find that the road is wrong, we can return, and we can mark it as we go; or everyone first determines a fork, and every time we go to a fork, one person will be left behind. Generally, there will be no danger. "Xun thought for a while, and suggested that although the two methods are very reluctant, after all, there are certain dangers.

"Well... I am more in favor of the first method, so that everyone will not be in danger when they are together!" Xueyi tried her best to think about the bright side. If she chooses the second method, then she can take advantage of the opportunity to eliminate Xun and Yun. But in this situation, it's too easy to get lost, and you don't have to wait for Xun and Yun to die, and you will die in a hurry.

"I agree with the second option!" Chen deliberately opposed Xueyi, but then again, he did agree with the second option, "If we choose the first option, what should we use to mark it? If we get lost like this, there are four people If you get lost together, if you choose the second option, if a few people get lost, the rest of you can go back along the road just now to ask for help!"

"If you choose the first one, Chen, I have thought of everything you think of, but we can use stones or jam in the bag to mark, or, who brought a pen?" Shi shrugged, in a dilemma.

"But if you use stones, you may be blown away by the wind or pulled away by animals, and if you use jam, you will be eaten by some creatures!" Yun thought, why is Shi such an idiot?

"Well, that's right, then why don't you choose the second option~" Yayin smiled slightly and made the final decision.

"Then who will stay at this intersection?" Yun tilted her head, looked at the other five people, and asked.

"It's good that Xun and I stay here!" Chen said immediately, he would not give up any chance to make Xun forgive himself.

"No need! Xueyi and I will stay here! Xueyi, okay?" Xun still didn't look at Chen, turned his head to look at Xueyi, and made an ok gesture.

"Ah? Oh, good!" Xueyi was very embarrassed and suspicious. Xia Lingxun actually wanted to stay here with her to guard these two forks. It shouldn't be. Others were also suspicious. They were clearly two rivals... …

Chen looked back anxiously, and walked into the first fork with the other three people.

"Xia Lingxun, why did you choose me to stay and look at the entrance of the cave?" After the four of them left, Xueyi immediately raised her own question.

"Perhaps, we should talk about it? 'Sister'?" Xun Xie smiled charmingly (Xun is more and more fond of laughing), and it was very difficult to say that ironic title.

"Xia Lingxun, you really are the Xia Lingxun who was kicked out by your father that year! Okay, what are you talking about?" Xueyi's mouth turned up slightly, maybe it's time to talk.

"Aren't you surprised? It is indeed me, your sister, Xia Lingxun, I am not dead yet, and I live a better life than you!" Xun leaned on the big tree beside her, she really didn't want to do this, if Xue Lingxun Perhaps Yi can "correct evil and return to righteousness", and Kaoru will also change the mission of revenge buried deepest in her heart.

"I'm very surprised! Back then you took away all the love and affection my parents gave me, so I'm jealous of you, you know that a woman's jealousy is terrible... Also, I'm not your sister, Xia's 10 I have never admitted to having you as a daughter in the past few years, so you have nothing to do with Xia, me, or Daddy, and don't call me sister!" Xueyi said helplessly.

"Since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful! From the beginning to the end, I have never acknowledged your sister or the so-called 'father', and I have never wanted to have anything to do with the Xia family. You don't need to worry about that. An opponent is an opponent after all, and we two will never become sisters!" At this moment, Shi, Chen, Yayin and Yun appeared, and it seemed that the path was wrong...

This is just the first day of field survival training, half of this day is not over yet...

------------------------------------------ Message from Xiaoqin ----- -----------------------------------------

Wow, Xiaoqin actually wrote more than 2200 words in this chapter~~Xiaoqin ran all the way from grandma’s house to update the article, so everyone must give Xiaoqin a ticket~~~~

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