[Promise you for the rest of your life, if this life separates us, then in the next life, I will find you, no matter what you become, I will find you. 】

That is an eternal promise for a lifetime.

Qianyexue saw a man and a woman in her dream. The man had long black hair, while the woman's platinum-blonde hair was brighter than the sun, and even the most beautiful light would be overshadowed by her.

They sat in a garden full of roses, the woman sat on the wooden swing, and the black-haired man behind him gently pushed forward, and the swing swayed, and cheerful and happy laughter rang out in the garden.

Then she saw them embracing and kissing each other under the sunset, and making a lifetime promise to each other under the moon.

The breeze was blowing quietly, and she witnessed the most beautiful and happiest moment in that painting.

【I curse you】

【I curse you that you will not be able to be together forever, whether it is you or your next generation, you will struggle in pain all your life, and you will be reincarnated in darkness all your life, so that you and the person you love will suffer and be separated forever--】

It was a vicious curse. Suddenly, a blue-white flame ignited in the open space and burned the man and woman into ashes. When the flame ignited her body, Qianyexue struggled and resisted in the fire, and finally her mind was in a mess. Dramatic white space.

The voice that finally rang in my ear, that is. . . .

. . . .

The silvery moonlight poured through the window on the bed sheets, the curtains moved slightly, and with the sound of fabric rubbing, the black-haired girl suddenly opened her eyes and sat up immediately.

She took a few breaths violently, and the violently constricted pupils slowly calmed down after she regained consciousness.

She raised her head and looked at Wuqing and Sima who were already asleep on the table beside her. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, got out of bed, picked up the two blankets beside the bed, and gently covered them.

The sleepy Wuqing felt a little movement, and immediately opened his eyes. When he saw that Qianyexue had woken up, he immediately pulled off the blanket on his body and stood up.

"Miss, why are you awake?" Seeing Qianyexue's pale complexion, she couldn't help asking worriedly.

Qianyexue smiled lightly, and whispered: "Sleep, Wuqing, you have been tired all day too." Turning to look at Sima next to him, seeing him sound asleep, his expression eased unknowingly down.

Shaking his head mercilessly, his eyes resolutely said: "Miss does not sleep, and neither do I. I will accompany Miss."

Qian Yexue was taken aback for a moment, then nodded helplessly, then turned around and walked slowly to the balcony, looking up at the stars and moon in the night sky, Wuqing came from behind with her coat and put it on for her.

"Miss, it's very cold at night, don't catch a cold." He cared.

After Qian Yexue said thank you, she pulled her coat and looked at the starry sky. The bright moonlight made her blue eyes extremely bright.

After a long while, she couldn't help sighing, and said apologetically, "Wuqing, I'm sorry, I have troubled you."

Reggie and Fire Snake who came back were telling her that there was no breath of water god or other elemental bodies found there. Although this news was a bit disappointing, it was also what they expected.

Now they are under house arrest by Box, but to Qian Yexue's surprise, Box actually used high-level magic props to set up a layered barrier around her room. not going.

This was her only negligence, and it also implicated Wuqing and Sima. They could leave, but because of her, they stayed here and were discovered.

"Miss, please don't say that, we are willing to sacrifice our lives for you!" Wuqing said seriously.

When Qian Yexue heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and when she turned around, she saw a familiar face full of determination. She remembered that since she knew Wu Qing, the expression that appeared on his face the most was this determination that remained unchanged. expression.

She smiled without saying anything, turned her head, looked at the sky, and couldn't help sighing again.Thinking of the dream she just had, the last words seemed to linger in her ears like the vicious curse in that dream.

——I curse you, Qianyexue, I curse you to be separated from the one you love forever, forever.

At last it was Turaka's voice. . .Perhaps, she was thinking too much.

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