What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in?

Chapter 94 Intelligence Information Warfare

Chapter 94 Intelligence Information Warfare

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

The lobby of Zhu Tao's villa.

"Master, give me the plastic gloves." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

Li Er quickly took out a pair of gloves and helped Bai Anni put them on.

"Be careful!"

In order to solve the pain point of the low power of the wiretapping device, Bo Anni used the method of wiring AC power supply. What she is now prying open is a socket on the wall, and then carefully cut off a piece of rubber of the wire, and bridged the wiretapping device.

"Hey, test, test, please reply!" Bai Anni said in a low voice.

"I heard it!" Chen Jiaju, who was squatting outside the villa, said excitedly. He never expected that Li Er's subordinates really have all kinds of talents.

After Bo Anni connected the wires, she carefully inserted the bug into the open space of the socket box, then put it back, and tightened the screws.

"Master, the No. [-] bug is installed, and two more bugs need to be installed to fully monitor the sound of the entire hall." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

"Well! Do it according to your own ideas!" Li Er looked around vigilantly while stealing the teacher.

If the police don't play their cards according to the rules, it will be really difficult to crack.

It didn't take Chen Jiaju much time to find out how many security guards there were in Zhu Tao's villa, how many rooms there were, where the master bedroom was, where the study room was, and the architectural drawings of the whole villa. Diving is very easy.

Bai Anni looked up at the wiring layout in the living room, determined the location of the other two socket boxes for bugs, and continued to install them.

"Master, let's go to the study!" Bai Anni whispered with her mouth next to Li Er's ear after installing the bug in the living room.

Li Er had already memorized the construction plan of Zhu Tao's villa, and led Bai Anni to the second floor.

"Jia Kui, we are now going up to the second floor, ready to support at any time." Standing at the stairs, Li Er reminded Chen Jia Kui in a low voice.

"Got it!" Chen Jiaju replied seriously.

Of course, they have prepared a second plan to deal with the situation after the wiretapping device is discovered.

Li Er gently twisted the doorknob of the study room, but the door was not locked, Li Er pushed the door and Bo Anni slipped in.

When Li Eryi entered the room, the first step was to check the opening and closing of the windows and find a way to escape. Zhu Tao's villa building was not high-floor, and there was a grassy field downstairs. Li Er felt that he could easily jump off. Then catch Bai Anni.

Bai Anni still removed the socket to install the bug, and soon installed one.

"Hey! Test test, please reply!"

Chen Jiaju did not respond.

"What's going on?" Li Er asked in a low voice.

Bai Anni shook her head: "Test test, please reply if you receive it!"

Chen Jiaju still did not reply.

Bai Anni whispered: "It's okay! It should be that this room is too far away from the receiver. I will add a signal transmitter and it will be fine."

Li Er nodded. He specialized in technology. With these old-fashioned eavesdropping techniques, Li Er really couldn't keep up with Bai Anni. According to Li Er's estimation, the distance from here to Chen Jiaju's position was only 100 meters at most, and he couldn't receive the signal.

"Master, hug me!" Bai Anni chose the position of the signal transmitter, above the air conditioner in the room, of course Bai Anni could not get it.

This height would not be reachable even if Li Er hugged Bai Anni, unless Bai Anni was riding on Li Er's head.

Li Er: "."

Bai Anni blushed and said softly, "Master!"

Forget it, because you are a beautiful woman, Li Er bowed his head.

Bo Anni quickly installed the signal transmitter.

"Master, can I touch my thigh!" Bai Anni said with a smile.

"Itchy skin, right?" Li Er snorted coldly.

"Test the signal!"

Bai Anni put away her smile and said in a low voice: "Hey, test, test, please reply!"

Chen Jiaju quickly replied: "Got it!"

"Okay! A total of five bugs have been installed, and we are going to retreat now!" Bai Anni began to pack up the tools. She and Li Er had never touched anything in the room, so there was no need to restore it.

"Master, it's done!"

Li Er and Bo Anni withdrew, and retreated into the car after 5 minutes.

"Okay, we've finished the most dangerous work in the early stage, and I'll leave it to you guys to spend time getting the information later." Li Er smiled.

Chen Jiaju nodded, there was no other way, he had no skills here, so he could only work harder.

Li Wenbin looked at Bai Anni behind Li Er with fiery eyes. He felt that the future would definitely be a war of intelligence and information technology. If the entire city was covered with surveillance, it would be linked by a system, and the information would be aggregated and then distributed to every police officer. In his body, the strength of the police force will reach unprecedented levels, and Li Wenbin's blood boils just imagining it.

Li Er and Bai Anni left.

"Master, then I'm going upstairs, drive carefully." Bai Anni reached out to wipe off the lipstick on Li Er's mouth.

"Well! Go back and rest quickly! It's already very late." Bai Anni's car was used by Li Er most of the time, and the motorcycle Li Er bought had been reduced to delivering food to Li Shan.

Huang Bingyao asked Li Er to set up a serious crime team. Li Er has not figured out the clue yet, so he simply changed the name of the original special case team to become a serious crime team, and did not recruit people to join, so as not to be troubled by the time. I am the leader of this group.

"Chen sir, who is Li sir's apprentice? The police force has never taught her the things she learned!" Li Wenbin asked Chen Jiaju curiously.

Chen Jiaju said nonchalantly: "I seem to have heard from Li Er that Bai Anni used to be in the women's special police team of 'Bawanghua', and she studied the ALEVEL training course of the British SAS special forces. It is not surprising that she can sneak and monitor these things."

Li Wenbin's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "'Bawanghua'? Is it the disbanded women's special police team?"

"It seems to be! I'm not very clear. I only cooperated with them once in the Sands Jewelry Exhibition case. You can ask Uncle Biao, he knows better." Chen Jiaju yawned and said.

Li Wenbin said excitedly: "That's it, Chen sir, after the 'Bawanghua' women's special police team was disbanded, there should be quite a few members assigned to our central area, right?"

Chen Jiaju gave Li Wenbin the same stare: "What are you thinking about with your four eyes?"

"Chen sir, you have misunderstood!" Li Wenbin shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I mean, we can also recruit one or two 'Bawanghua' female special police officers in Team A of our serious crime team. Li sir."

Chen Jiaju looked at Li Wenbin in surprise, and then withered again.

"Do you think I'm Li Er? I don't have the right to decide who to recruit." Chen Jiaju said dejectedly. Li Er is not only the title of inspector, but also the supervisor of a department with real power. Li Er has the final say on who to recruit for the CID department. of.

Li Wenbin reminded: "Look for Uncle Biao."

Everyone in the Central Crime Squad knew that Uncle Biao was very fond of Chen Jiaju, and even that Uncle Biao had dug Chen Jiaju here from the Wanchai Police Station.

Chen Jiaju immediately gave Li Wenbin a thumbs up.

In his sleep, Wu Feifei rubbed his nose, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

"I'll take a nap. You can't bear to wake me up after staring at you for the rest of the night." Chen Jiaju picked up a U-shaped pillow and stuck it around his neck, adjusted the car seat and lay down.

Li Wenbin: "Understood!"

Li Wenbin still admires Chen Jiaju very much. Chen Jiaju will not mess around in arranging work. He usually participates in it himself, and only when he thinks it is feasible will he let his subordinates work together.

(End of this chapter)

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