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Chapter 916 Li 2 vs Black Knight

Chapter 916 Li Er vs Black Knight
Matilda followed the white killer all the way, and the other party was very vigilant.

Unfortunately, the person he met was Matilda. Matilda had a strong ability to disguise herself. She changed into several different faces to track him, and the white killer didn't notice anything unusual at all.

"Professor, Prada is back. He seems to be injured, and he is alone. Kano is not seen." Ruolan said while staring at the monitor.

The professor quickly turned to look at the monitor.

"Hey! You're quite brave! Prada is being followed."

The white killer failed to notice Matilda's tracking, but the professor and Ruolan, who were watching the surveillance camera from a bird's eye view, discovered Matilda.

"Notify Prada and ask him to lure the other party into our trap. I want to capture him alive." The professor sneered.

Ruolan immediately called Prada's cell phone.

Matilda noticed that the white killer in front of her received a phone call and quickly turned left.

"Discovered?" Matilda was startled.

People who are good at installing miniature cameras are usually also good at detecting miniature cameras.

Matilda soon found a miniature camera in the corner of the wall.


Matilda acted decisively, quickly pulled out her gun, and shot the white killer in the back of the head several times.

After the white killer fell to the ground, Matilda turned and ran without hesitation.


The professor roared and shouted, "Chase him and kill him."

Ruolan dropped the mouse and chased after him immediately.

There were two other killers in the room, and they followed Ruolan out of the room.

"Master, the enemy's anti-reconnaissance capability is very strong. I have been discovered by their organization." Matilda contacted her master while running away.

"They are chasing me now." Matilda saw that there were three people chasing her, so she ran faster.

"I'll lead them over to where you parked your car."

Li Er thought about it and made a quick decision.


Knowing that her master was not far away, Matilda immediately felt relieved.

Now that she had support, she even deliberately slowed down her pace to avoid being lost by Ruolan and the other two behind her.

Ruolan and the other two were all experienced masters. They soon noticed that Matilda had slowed down. Ruolan felt something was wrong, but the two members of the 701 team behind her overtook her, so she had to speed up to catch up.

On a wall beside the road.

Li Er had already set up a sniper rifle and was waiting.

Soon, Matilda came into view, followed by the three killers behind her.

Li Er’s long-range shooting skills were not very good, so he continued to wait for the opponent to get closer.

"Matilda, shoot them and make them stop."


As soon as Li Er finished speaking, Matilda fired a shot behind her without even turning her head.

Ruolan and the other two subconsciously paused and dodged.

Good opportunity,
Li Er quickly locked onto a big, slow-moving killer.


The big killer was shot in the head.

Sir Li is being modest. As long as the target person is standing still, this guy can almost always hit the target.

"Oh no, there's an ambush. It's a sniper. He deliberately lured us here." Ruolan quickly found a cover and squatted down.

Both sides were experts with guns. Although Li Er only fired one shot, his position had been exposed.

However, Li Er, the sixth man, did not move as usual. He continued to lie there looking for an opportunity.

Ruolan and the surviving 701 killers never expected that Li Er was so perverted. They took advantage of the sniper's relocation and wanted to change to a more suitable position to kill the opponent.

Li Er had no mercy on women. He could not even take care of his own woman. When he saw Ruolan popping up, he wanted to shoot her head off. However, Ruolan somehow retracted her head.

Another 701 killer is about to move to another location.

Li Er quickly turned the gun around.

The opponent ran too fast and it was difficult to lock his head, so Li Er changed his aim to the opponent's chest.

"Bang!" The first sniper shot rang out.

The 701 killer was shot by a sniper, and the bullet went through his chest and flew out from his back. He did not die immediately, but still insisted on running behind the second bunker. Li Er knew that this man would not live long, so he turned the gun to look for Ruolan's location.

Ruolan naturally understood at this time that they had encountered a master.

Li Er took out a grenade and was about to blow Ruolan out when suddenly a CD came towards him in an arc.

'boom--! '

Li Er raised the butt of the sniper rifle and shot the CD away.

A guy wearing black clothes, black pants, black hat and black eye mask appeared not far from Li Er.

Black Knight?

Li Er was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised his gun and aimed.

Xu Xi did not run away, but instead rushed towards Li Er.

He is sick.

When Li Er questioned whether Xu Xi had a problem with his brain.

Suddenly I found that the opponent's pendulum-like running was difficult to lock on, and as the distance was quickly shortened, he had passed the comfortable aiming area of ​​the sniper rifle.

Li Er decisively dropped his gun and took out his own pistol.

Xu Xi didn't expect Li Er to be able to do such a cool thing. He quickly threw out two CDs, which affected Li Er's vision and did not give Li Er enough time to aim.

The CD shot by Xu Xifei could not actually hurt Li Er who was protected by the mustard seed space gate.

But Li Er always subconsciously glanced at the flying CD.

Xu Xi had already attacked in front of him, leaped into the air during a run-up, and kicked straight at Li Er's chest.

"Damn it, die!"

Xu Xi attacked with momentum, and Li Er intended to dodge his kick.

But Xu Xi's speed was too fast, and Li Er found that he could not avoid it. He had to confront the opponent head-on and kicked towards Xu Xi's flying kick with his leg raised high.


Xu Xifei retreated ten meters, and Li Er took two or three steps back.

It's just that Xu Xi lost the force in the air, while Li Er was standing on the ground, and the soles of his feet were numb from kicking against Xu Xi.

"Damn it." Li Er was furious and quickly raised the pistol in his hand.

Xu Xi hurriedly took out the CD in his hand. This guy was really pretentious. A frisbee or something like that couldn't be as powerful as a pistol.

"Bang, bang! "

Two bullets attacked Li Er, and Li Er quickly set up a mustard seed space door to block them.

It was Ruolan, she shot and attacked Li Er.


Li Er immediately shot Ruolan back.

Ruolan was really lucky today. She tilted her head for no reason and the bullet went through her cheek, taking away only half of her ear.

Ruolan felt no pain and had not yet noticed that a piece of her ear was missing.

Xu Xi quickly closed the distance and kicked the gun in Li Er's hand.

Li Er had no choice but to pull the pistol back, trying to leave room to shoot.

Xu Xi's second combo followed closely, not giving Li Er a chance to shoot comfortably.

Li Er suddenly got angry, as if he was competing in a contest of skills. He put away his pistol and fought with Xu Xi in close combat.

Matilda discovered that her distraction had caused her master to be attacked, so she quickly took on Ruolan's attack.

Ruolan's skills may be better than Matilda's, but her marksmanship is far inferior to Matilda's.

'Bang bang bang bang.'

Matilda held a pistol in each hand and suppressed Ruolan the whole time, without Ruolan even having a chance to show her head to observe.

While Matilda was shooting, she took out a grenade and threw it behind the bunker where Ruolan was hiding.


Xu Xi's face tightened when he heard the explosion.

The person in front of him was the strongest master he had ever met.

Hehe, Sir Li is firing on all cylinders, even the karate master can't stand it.

Xu Xi is in big trouble.

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