What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in?.

Chapter 877 This is very passionate

Chapter 877 This is very passionate
"Matilda, why are you in Tainan?"

When Haitang saw Matilda, she hurried after her.

"You don't have to follow me." Haitang waved her hand and told her men to go away. She now controlled the entire gangland in southern Taiwan. She was extremely powerful and was followed by a large group of men wherever she went in and out.

Of course Matilda let Haitang find her on purpose. Otherwise, with Haitang's little strength, even if Matilda disguised herself and stood in front of Haitang, Haitang might not recognize her.

"Hehe! I came to Tainan to do something."

Matilda led Haitang into an alley. Haitang was 100% sure that Matilda would not harm her, so she followed her in without hesitation.

Uh! In fact, Haitang knew that if Matilda really wanted to harm her, she would not need to use these means at all. This foreign kid was very strong.

"Your master is also in Tainan?" Haitang's eyes lit up.

Ding Yao is now in an all-out war with Lei Fuhong, and Haitang also wants to go north to see if she can gain some advantage.

Of course, this cannot be done openly, otherwise Ding Yao and Lei Fuhong will turn their guns against the outside world and eliminate this outsider first, which will be troublesome.

But if he has Yoshimura Notaro's support, Haitang is confident that he can take on the entire Sanlian Gang alone.

"I don't know!" Matilda said with a smile, her hands behind her back.

"Speak honestly, you and I are on the same team." Haitang poked Matilda's forehead unhappily.

"My master doesn't allow me to tell you." Matilda said with a smile.

She took out two small boxes and handed them to Haitang: "I brought them back from abroad. The big box is for you, and the small box is for Sister Xiaomeng."

Intellectually speaking, Zhang Xiaomeng is the one who can least help Matilda, but this little girl lacks love. Zhang Xiaomeng is gentle and kind, and especially good at taking care of people. During the time they were together, she really touched upon Matilda's lack of maternal love.

Haitang opened the box and took a look. It turned out to be a dazzling jewel necklace.

She was about to praise Matilda for being sensible and opened the box that Matilda gave to Zhang Xiaomeng.

It's a more dazzling gemstone necklace, I'm not in the mood.

Haitang glared at Matilda in annoyance: "I am not even as good as Zhang Xiaomeng! I gave you so many things."

"Hehe, you don't lack these things." Matilda smiled contentedly.

Haitang was nice to her with a purpose, but Zhang Xiaomeng was nice to her differently. Matilda could naturally tell the difference.

"That depends on who gave it to you." Haitang domineeringly took Zhang Xiaomeng's jewel necklace for herself and gave her own necklace to Zhang Xiaomeng. Zhang Xiaomeng didn't dare to say a word.

"By the way, how long will you stay in Tainan? Please help me with something, so that you won't help for nothing." Haitang asked.

"No, I'm going to Taipei early tomorrow morning. You have so many people under you, don't always ask me for help!"

Matilda had just made a fortune following her master, and she had no motivation to work for the time being.

"Going to Taipei?" Haitang's eyes lit up.

"The job I want you to help with is in Taipei. Don't be too quick to refuse. This job will be easy for you, and you may not be needed."

Haitang stretched out her hand and asked Matilda to write down her phone number. She knew that Matilda and her apprentice often exchanged numbers.

"Okay!" Matilda finally left Haitang a new number.

"Miss, Chai Jiu brought a gang member from another province here. His name seems to be Gray Wolf. He said this guy can help us." An old man with half-white hair walked up to Haitang and whispered.

"Let Chai Jiu handle it himself! I'm going to disappear now." Haitang's status is different now, and she seldom cares about fighting for territory or other such matters.

As long as the money is paid, there are plenty of desperate people below. "I understand. Also, that Mrs. Zhou has sent another invitation. Are we really not going to meet her?"

"You charge people a lot of money?" Haitang glanced at the old guy with half-white hair.

"More than five million. Cui Miaoxiang is a difficult woman. Besides, she is from Tainan. Helping her husband is also helping the people of Tainan."

The old guy relied on his seniority. When Haitang and Qiu Xiaochi were fighting, he was the first to stand on Haitang's side and confront Qiu Xiaochi. Two of his sons had died, but Haitang did give the old guy some face.

Cui Miaoxiang made the right move.

"Okay! Let's do it tomorrow afternoon! You are responsible for the arrangements! Uncle Qun, this won't happen again." Haitang nodded and did not forget to warn Hou Qunshan.

Cui Miaoxiang soon received Haitang's response that she agreed to meet her.

"Ah! Husband, Haitang from Tainan finally agreed to see me." Cui Miaoxiang excitedly hugged Zhou Chaoxian and kissed him hard.

When Zhou Chaoxian heard Cui Miaoxiang's words, he stood up excitedly. The couple used to look down on the gangs in Tainan. After all, Taipei is the center of Taiwan Island.

But now that Zhou Chaoxian wants to run for a seat in the Legislative Yuan, Tainan, a large voting base, is extremely important. With the influence of the Donghu Gang in Tainan, whoever the Haitang Gang supports will be able to get Tainan's votes.

"Do you want me to accompany you? This will show my sincerity." Zhou Chaoxian suggested.

"No! You are not from Tainan. People over there are quite xenophobic. I can go back by myself. As long as the conditions are met, I am very confident." Cui Miaoxiang patted her big chest confidently.

"Okay, I can give a maximum of 30 million. Also, as long as they agree to fully support me, I can let them get a hand in the arcade business after I'm successfully elected." Zhou Chaoxian thought for a while and gave his bottom line.

"The Donghu Gang is very wealthy, so 30 million may not be enough. However, Haitang has always been interested in our video game arcade business." Cui Miaoxiang has obviously studied Haitang.

The couple was in the study room thinking about how to convince Haitang to win over the big voting base of Tainan.

When Li Er went downstairs.

All the cars that Liu You sent for maintenance have been returned.

However, Li Er still chose to ride his newly bought big scooter, mainly because it was not very convenient to drive and park in the old city where Xiaowen lived.

"Master, a helmet!" Liu You was quite sensible and bought two half helmets, one for a man and one for a woman.

Uh! Actually, the helmet was given to me for free by the manager of the motorcycle shop. After all, it is really hard to sell a motorcycle worth hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Safety first.

You should wear a helmet when fishing, let alone riding a bike. Li Er rode his beloved little motorcycle, enjoying the cool evening breeze, on the country road to pick up his classmate Xiaowen from school.

"Damn it! Look who that guy is?" Xu Boxun shouted loudly.

The others turned their heads and said, "I don't know who this is!"

"Oh! Yes, you don't know him, this is the bastard who slept with Shen Jiayi, fuck him." Xu Boxun was so angry that the pimples on his face were about to explode.

He felt very embarrassed in the morning, but now he had five people on his side, so he would beat any of the opponents without any discussion.

"Chase!" Cao Guosheng was the first to pedal his bicycle and chase after him.

"Add me in!" How could Ko Ching-teng be missing to watch the fun? Besides, this guy found it very exciting.

Li Er glanced at the rearview mirror speechlessly. These middle school boys must be sick!

Chase your motorcycle on a bicycle.

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